We got home shortly after 10 pm last night. This one of those rare times that I have difficulty saying it’s good to be home 🙁 Our hearts are back in Cincinnati.
Anyway, the trip went well. Weather was beautiful, and, with rare exceptions, traffic was light.
There is no significant change with our grandson’s condition. His sister – the donor – started a series of tests yesterday. Nine vials of blood! All went well .
Please keep the prayers going. They will be needed for at least the next few weeks. I will keep you posted
Hopefully I will be free to post a few articles as catch up next week.
God be with you all. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy.
Think of you and your family everyday, Sylvia. I just know that your grandson is going to be well. He has the best care possible, a family who loves him, especially one particular special sister, and all of us who are sending him love and positivity. And prayers.
As I said, I’m not a prayer person anymore but I a, a fairly positive person with good morals and better intentions and so I offer them up to whatever and will keep you all in my thoughts daily, all the best for your family and especially that grandson of yours, xo a
Continue to be awesome Sylvia. Sent You a rather long email!!! Sonny.+.