One for a good laugh or a good cry

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I’ve added two more names and corresponding information to the list of Accused.  Both merit a read.  They are short.

(1)  Father Douglas Stamp 

Father Douglas Stamp, who was molesting in the Diocese of Peterborough Ontario, moved from Peterborough to the Archdiocese of St. John’s Newfoundland where he rose to the rank of Chancellor of the scandal plagued Archdiocese.  It looks as though he arrived in St. John’s around 1994, when James H MacDonald was Archbishop.  And it looks as though MacDonald may have put Stamp right intothe post of Chancellor?  If not instant, it was rather quick 

Convicted in 1997 Stamp was recycled into the pastoral care department of a Hamilton Ontario hospital.  Exactly when he arrived there I am not yet certain.  When I come across that interesting bit of info, or if someone has it, I will post.  (Bishop James MacDonald was an Auxilairy Bishop in Hamilton from 1978 to 1982.  Is there perchance a connection ther to Stamp’s hire as at a Hamilton hospital)

In 2002 Stamp’s past caught up with him and he was obliged to relinquish his pastoral duties at the hospital.  

When oh when will Church officials understand that, as much as they may be willing to tolerate and put children at risk,  the general populace does not take kindly to clerical sexual predators? 

Note the tender tap for sentencing.  Three months- on weekends!!!  Would “they” had been so thoughtful when “they” threw the book at Perry.

(2)  Father James Conrad

All I can say here is that, depending on the mood and the time of day, this one is really one for a good laugh or a good cry.  Do take a moment to read it.  Conrad’s conviction was overturned.   Somewhere I am sure I have more articles on this which detailed the length of his arm and the space from one men’s biffy to the other. 

But intersting too. Note that a small contingent of supportive OPP officers were in the courtroom.  Ditto an RC probation officer.

Why of why when I read the likes of this does my mind invariably take flight to Cornwall?


I took a wee break from the Father Lorne Whalen/Roger Bazin  materials.  There is a lot of re-reading to be done to get it all the details straight in my mind again.  Sometimes I just get tired of it and feel the need for a change 🙂  I will get back at it later today..

Enough for now,



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