Class action against the Redemptorists: Father Lavoie denies the alleged damages

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[This is a google translation of the article which appeared in French in leSoleil, 04 May 2012]

leSoleil (Quebec)

04 May 2012

Richard Henault

Bien qu'il admette avoir commis les agressions sexuelles... (Photothèque Le Soleil, Pascal Ratthé)

Although he admits having committed sexual assault against Frank Smith, the Redemptorist Raymond-Marie Lavoie believes that the damage alleged by the latter are mainly due to factors other than his actions.

leSoliel library, Pascal Ratthé

(Quebec) The Redemptorist Raymond-Marie Lavoie believes that the class action initiated by the victims against his community and himself are prescribed. He further contends that the applicant, Frank Tremblay, has not suffered the damage alleged by him and his troubles have nothing to do with the sexual assaults he committed against him.

This is the conclusion of the defense of Redemptorist 72 year filed the class action in Superior Court exercised. The Congregation of the Redemptorists, also covered by the class action implemented by Frank Smith, also filed a defense and the judge of the Superior Court handling the case, Claude Bouchard, issued an order banning publication and non- disclosure because of passages referring to the privacy of persons concerned in the proceedings. Its contents will therefore remain unknown, at least until the trial, if the case reaches this stage.

Although he admits having committed sexual assault against Frank Tremblay while a student at St. Alphonsus Seminary and cons “some other students,” Father Lavoie, who is currently serving a sentence of three years in prison for these crimes, says that the damages alleged by Mr. Tremblay are mainly due to factors other than his actions.

Moreover, the respondent in the class action denies conspiring with other Redemptorists for sexually assaulting students, as alleged in the plaintiffs’ request. The septuagenarian said he never knew that such acts were occurring during the period when he worked at the seminary.

Limitation period expired

Regarding the prescription, it can be bypassed if the applicant proves that he was incapable of bringing his action until 2010, denies that Raymond-Marie Lavoie. He said the limitation period is also long overdue for each victim of his actions between 1960 and 1987.

Moreover, respondent points to the passage, “he exerted no threat, violence or physical or moral coercion with regard to one or other of the victims of his actions.” This is perhaps partly why it considers that Frank Tremblay has not suffered the damage alleged.

It seems that the examination for discovery of the latter confirms that grades have from the beginning of secondary school and before the charges against Raymond-Marie Lavoie, was below expectations and academic achievement in primary school . Its difficulties are then persisted throughout his schooling.

Moreover, adding Lavoie, interrogation of Frank Smith did not demonstrate difficulty adjusting to the work. Except for his last job in Quebec that would have caused problems and led to changes of career, Mr. Tremblay has always kept his job for long periods. According to the Redemptorist, these recent problems have nothing to do with him or his actions.

“Grossly exaggerated”

The many troubles of Mr. Tremblay, the respondent added without specifying further, are in any case unrelated to him. Its difficulties have other sources, would he related in his interrogation.

Despite the sympathy that the Redemptorist have said for all of his victims, he considers that the damage they claim are “grossly exaggerated” and, moreover, they are prescribed.


Recours collectif contre les Rédemptoristes: le père Lavoie nie les dommages allégués


Richard Hénault

Publié le 04 mai 2012 à 05h00 | Mis à jour le 04 mai 2012 à 09h58

Le Soleil

(Québec) Le rédemptoriste Raymond-Marie Lavoie considère que le recours collectif entrepris par ses victimes contre sa communauté et lui-même sont prescrits. Il soutient en outre que le requérant, Frank Tremblay, n’a pas subi les dommages qu’il allègue et que ses ennuis n’ont rien à voir avec les agressions sexuelles qu’il a commises contre lui.

C’est ce qui ressort de la défense du rédemptoriste de 72 ans déposée au dossier du recours collectif exercé en Cour supérieure. La congrégation des Rédemptoristes, aussi visée par le recours collectif mis en oeuvre par Frank Tremblay, a également déposé sa défense, mais le juge de la Cour supérieure chargé du dossier, Claude Bouchard, a prononcé une ordonnance de non-publication et de non-divulgation en raison de passages évoquant la vie privée de personnes concernées par la procédure. Son contenu demeurera donc inconnu, du moins jusqu’à la tenue du procès, si la cause atteint ce stade.

Bien qu’il admette avoir commis les agressions sexuelles contre Frank Tremblay lorsqu’il était élève au Séminaire Saint-Alphonse et contre «certains autres étudiants», le père Lavoie, qui purge actuellement une peine de trois ans de pénitencier pour ces délits, affirme que les dommages allégués par M. Tremblay sont principalement dus à des facteurs autres que ses agissements.

Par ailleurs, l’intimé dans le recours collectif nie avoir comploté avec d’autres rédemptoristes pour agresser sexuellement des élèves, tel qu’allégué dans la requête des demandeurs. Le septuagénaire dit avoir toujours ignoré que de tels agissements avaient cours durant la période où il a travaillé au séminaire.

Délai de prescription échu

En ce qui concerne la prescription, elle peut être contournée si le requérant fait la preuve qu’il a été incapable d’intenter son recours jusqu’à 2010, ce que nie Raymond-Marie Lavoie. Selon lui, le délai de prescription est aussi échu depuis longtemps pour chacune des victimes de ses agissements, entre 1960 et 1987.

D’ailleurs, souligne l’intimé au passage, «il n’a exercé aucune menace, violence ou contrainte physique ou morale à l’égard de l’une ou l’autre des victimes de ses agissements». C’est peut-être en partie pourquoi il considère que Frank Tremblay n’a pas subi les dommages qu’il allègue.

Il semblerait que l’interrogatoire au préalable de ce dernier confirme que ses résultats scolaires ont, dès le début du secondaire et avant les faits reprochés à Raymond-Marie Lavoie, été en deçà de ses attentes et de ses résultats scolaires à l’école primaire. Ses difficultés auraient ensuite persisté tout au long de sa formation scolaire.

De plus, d’ajouter Lavoie, l’interrogatoire de Frank Tremblay n’a pas démontré de difficulté d’adaptation au travail. Exception faite de son dernier emploi à Québec qui lui aurait causé des difficultés et amené des changements de carrière, M. Tremblay aurait toujours conservé ses emplois durant de longues périodes. Selon le rédemptoriste, ces récentes difficultés n’ont aucun lien avec lui ou avec ses agissements.

«Grossièrement exagérés»

Les nombreux ennuis de M. Tremblay, ajoute l’intimé sans préciser davantage, sont de toute façon sans lien avec lui. Ses difficultés ont d’autres sources, aurait-il relaté dans son interrogatoire.

Malgré la sympathie que le rédemptoriste dit avoir pour l’ensemble de ses victimes, il considère que les dommages qu’ils réclament sont «grossièrement exagérés» et, au surplus, ils sont prescrits.

6 Responses to Class action against the Redemptorists: Father Lavoie denies the alleged damages

  1. Sylvia says:

    * A publication ban on a lawsuit?  And the defendant has already been found guilty in a court of law?!

    Is the google translation of this correct?

  2. deeplybetrayed says:

    *Imagine the “superior intelligence and insight” of this priest stating that the damages to the victims are grossly overexaggerated. 

  3. Mike Mc says:

    Although he admits having committed sexual assault against Frank Tremblay while a student at St. Alphonsus Seminary and cons “some other students,” Father Lavoie, who is currently serving a sentence of three years in prison for these crimes, says that the damages alleged by Mr. Tremblay are mainly due to factors other than his actions.

    What?!! The excuses the Church uses is incredible. Like the Cardinal Brady fiasco……..excuses excuses excuses!

  4. milly says:

    *I refuse to refer to Lavoie as Father or Priest.
    He has admitted to Crimes against young Boys,  the offending Man is first and foremost  a Sinner. I do not understand how or why he is spending his time trying to worm his way out of his Punishment, and also that of the Monetary penalties heaped on his  Confreres.
    Instead he should be asking how he can make the Sins he committed less painful for the Boys whose lives he disrupted and damaged.

    As a Sinner he must find a way to repent instead of digging his way to be exonerated (which in fact is what he is doing ) Shame and more Shame.  

  5. Sylvia says:

    I always refer to them as Father milly.  For me it is a constant and scandalous reminder of what has not been done that should and must be done. 

  6. Lina says:

    *Sylvia, I do get what your are saying about referring to these clergy as Father.

    Awhile ago I was speaking to a Catholic Deacon in the Pembroke Diocese. 

    I mentioned the name of Msgr. Robert Borne and this Deacon said: ‘DO NOT call him Msgr. Robert Borne!”

    Silly me…I ask this Deacon what do you think I should call him then?  

    He replied: ‘Just plain Borne.

    Sylvia, I changed the topic quickly, it was obvious this Catholic Deacon was really pissed off at Msgr. Robert Borne.

    So I can see why some people are angry and hurt and want to take away that title of Father or Monsignor away from this Msgr. Robert Borne. 

    These folks are not waiting for the news from the Vatican to do the defrocking in their minds Msgr. Robert Borne is finish as a priest! 

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