Emails between self and the Chancellor of the Peterborough Diocese regarding Monsignor Martin Wain

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The following emails were exchanged between myself and Father Joseph Devereaux, Chancellor of the Diocese of Peterborough, Ontario, regarding convicted molester Monsignor Martin Wain.  I was initially trying to get clarification regarding some contradictory information regarding regarding Msgr. Wain’s ordination and whereabouts in the first few years after ordination. (In one email I erroneously refer to Lakeview, Ontario – it should be Lakefield.) Note that Father Devereaux failed to answer several of my questions and has also failed to respond to my emails since his to me of 15 September 2011.


From: Sylvia []
Sent: September-20- 11:49 AM
To: ‘Chancery, Peterborough’
Subject: RE: Attention Father Joseph Devereaux

Dear Father Deveraux,

To date I have had no response from my email questions of Friday 16 September 2011.

I now have more information regarding Monsignor Wain’s assignments and must say that this gets more confusing by the day. As I understand it, from 1982 to at least 1990 Monsignor Wain was listed in the American Official Catholic Directory as incardinated in the Diocese of Manchester and serving at a monastery, with the address being that of the New Hampshire Monastery in New Boston. In some instances his year of ordination is given as 1980. At the same time he is listed in the Canadian Catholic Church Directories as incardinated in the Peterborough Diocese and ordained 1981. I realize that errors can be made, but when the same information regarding his locale is presented year after year in the American directories it is hard to fathom that this is all error. It is equally difficult to understand how, from 1981 to 1990 he was presumably serving both in the Diocese of Peterborough and at the monastery.

The 1982 American directory has Father Martinr Wain at the monastery with Fathers FitzGerald and Ginder . You said the information regarding his time at the monastery in 1982 was correct. However, the 1982-83 Ontario Catholic Yearbook shows him as Vice-Chancellor of the Peterborough Diocese and Director of the Regional Marriage Tribunal. How could he be Vice-Chancellor and Director of the tribunal while he was serving at the Monastery? Is the information in the OCY wrong? Or, was he somehow able to fulfill his duties as Vice Chancellor and Director from the monastery?

The 1985 American Directory index gives Monsignor Wain’s address as the New Hampshire Monastery. Under Retreat Houses in the Manchester Diocese section he is shown at the New Hampshire Monastery thus: “Martin Wain (Peterborough,Ontario)”

I am trying to clarify this contradictory and confusing information Father. You have the information which would allow me to do so. I would appreciate your assistance.

My questions are as follows:

(1) Which seminaries did Martin Wain attend, both in the States, and here inCanada, and what years was he in attendance at each?

(2) Where did Monsignor Wain serve his diaconate year? Was it in a church in the Peterbourough Diocese? If not, where was it served?

(3) Would you please give me a list of Father Martin Wain’s assignments and the positions he held within the diocese from the time of his ordination?

(4) Was Father Martin Wain assigned to serve at the New Hampshire Monastery in New Boston by Bishop Doyle?

(5) Were there any allegations of sexual impropriety of any nature against then Father Martin Wain prior to 1983?

Thank you so much for your assistance Father,



From: Sylvia []
Sent: September-16-11 9:44 AM
To: ‘Chancery, Peterborough’
Subject: RE: Attention Father Joseph Devereaux

Dear Father Deveraux,

Thank you again Father. Would you please assist me by telling me which seminaries Monsignor Wain attended, both in the States, and here in  Canada?

You say he had a number of assignments in the Diocese of Peterborough and that his last was at  St. Paul’s in Lakefield. What, where and which years were those assignments Father?

Thank you so much for your assistance,



From: [] On Behalf Of Chancery, Peterborough
Sent: September-15-11 5:03 PM
To: Sylvia
Subject: Re: Attention Father Joseph Devereaux

Dear Ms. MacEachern,

Monsignor Wain was ordained and incardinated in the Diocese of Peterborough on the dates provided. As an American, he began his vocational discernment at home. His file indicates that he spent some time at the community in  New Hampshire  that you reference.

Therefore, the information in the directories is correct.

Fr. Wain had a number of assignments in the Diocese of Peterborough. His final parish assignment was at  St. Paul’s Parish in Lakefield.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Devereaux


On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Sylvia <> wrote:

Thank you Father. Now I am thoroughly confused.

First, I am not currently writing an article. I operate a blogsite Msgr. Wain’s name has been on the list of Accused for over a year. Recently I was contacted by an individual who told me that when Father Wain first arrived at Lakeview he said he had come from  Boston and was the new priest in Lakeview. I checked with a contact in the States who told me that Father Wain was listed in the 1982 American Catholic Directory at Hundred Acres Monastery in New Boston, NH which is in the Diocese of Manchester. He is also, strangely enough, also listed in the 1988 American directory as Chancellor for the Diocese of Peterborough, Ontario. His date of ordination in the 1982 American Directory was listed as 1980. I was quite certain that was not accurate, but was puzzled.

I assumed he must have been ordained for the diocese of  Manchester. I contacted the Diocese of Manchester and was told that he had not been incardinated in that diocese.

Would you tell me then Father what seminary Monsignor Wain attended, and what his assignments were immediately after ordination and until his assignment in Lakeview in 1985?

How long was he at the monastery? and, why was he at the monastery? Father Richard Ginder, a convicted molester fromPittsburgh, was there at the same time. I of course now wonder and must ask if there had there been any allegations of sexual impropriety of any nature against then Father Wain which might have prompted his departure for the monastery?

Thank you for your assistance in clarifying this confusing matter Father,



From: [] On Behalf Of Chancery, Peterborough
Sent: September-15-11 3:08 PM
To: Sylvia
Subject: Re: Attention Father Joseph Devereaux

Dear Ms. MacEachern,

I am happy to provide you the information requested regarding Monsignor Wain. He was ordained to the diaconate on December 20, 1980 (at which point he would have been incardinated into the diocese of  Peterborough). Ordination to the order of presbyterate (priesthood) was on June 5, 1981.

If you are so disposed, I would like to know what article you are working on and how the Diocese of Peterborough figures in it. As you will know, Fr. Wain is no longer in active ministry.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Fr. Joseph Devereaux



On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Sylvia <> wrote:

Dear Father Devereaux

I am a freelance journalist. I am seeking clarification regarding Monsignor Martin Wain’s ordination. Would you please tell me where Msgr. Wain was ordained and on what date he became incardinated in the Diocese of Peterborough?

Thank you in advance for your assistance,

Sylvia MacEachern


5 Responses to Emails between self and the Chancellor of the Peterborough Diocese regarding Monsignor Martin Wain

  1. John Roberts says:

    I must remain totally confidential, but what I am about to tell you is the truth before God. This Monsignor Wain never had any theological training at any seminary. He arrived one day in Peterborough and Bishop Doyle was enamored with him. He ordained him deacon and priest within a year and the two moved in together. This relationship alienated many priests of that diocese as Wain took power and positions including “chaplain” at the local Catholic high school, where he did so to meet his fascination with young men. When warned about Wain’s behavior, the bishop ignored the warnings, and eventually had him named a monsignor. When Wain was caught and convicted for his perversions, the bishop visited him regularly in jail, and at his release he moved in again with the bishop where he remained in the diocesan offices until the bishop’s sickness and retirement. They then moved into an apartment “together” in Ottawa until the death of the bishop. Wain had been a notorious visitor to the gay haunts in Ottawa when he was supposed to be studying canon law in his earlier days after ordination in Peterborough. This whole scandal was no secret among the priests and informed laity such as myself.

  2. Sylvia says:

    Are you absolutely sure he never had any training? I was actually trying to find out where he studied and was getting nowhere.

    Would you be willing to talk to me? If yes, please send my your phone number. I guarantee your anonymity. Send to:

  3. @ says:

    Hi Sylvia…Not sure if this helps at all …or if you are even still pursuing this …I went to school at StPaul’s in Lakefield in the 80’s and Monsignor Wain was the leader of our parish for several years…I believe Father Kennedy followed him…father kennedy was very kind and had a beard…Wain performed my first communion in grade 1 …1988 +/- I don’t remember much except I refused to interact with that man – he insisted on washing the feet of the children for first communion- and there was much chatter from the adults and he suddenly disappeared.

  4. Maureen says:

    I heard wain fathered a child during his time at St Pauls Lake field.

    Which doesn’t sound right if he was in fact gay.

  5. Chris Lewis says:

    He very well may have fathered a child. (Edited). Something that is very very possible and lends itself to making sense of a completely absurd circumstances.

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