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- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
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- bc on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
- bc on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
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- Phil Johnson on Judge OKs another class action lawsuit alleging sexual abuse by priests at Clercs de St-Viateur
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- Chaldeon priest who made a “mistake” off to prison
Links of Interest
- Abuse of Minors: The Church's response
- Australian Royal Commission
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- Cornwall and the Cornwall Public Inquiry
- IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales
- International Clergy Sexual Abuse Monitor
- Ken Hills Blogspot
- Monsignor Bernard Prince website
- N.Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry
- Special Commission of Inquiry into matters relating to the Police investigation of certain child sexual abuse allegations in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
- Vicoria Australia Parliamentray Inquiry
Tag Archives: North Bay
Several courtdates
There are several courtdates scheduled for the coming week. Mark your calendars. I encourage those who can do so to attend: Monday, 05 January 2015 (1) Father Charles Picot (Bathurst Diocese, New Brunswick) 05 January 2015: 09:30 am, to enter … Continue reading
Didn’t get off the ground
The preliminary hearing for the Archdiocese of Edmonton’s Father Albert Laisnez is scheduled for tomorrow: 11 December 2014: 09:30 am, Preliminary Hearing, Sherwood Park courthouse, Alberta (190 Chippewa Rd.,) A reminder that there is virtually always a publication ban on … Continue reading
There are two courtdates tomorrow, Tuesday 09 December 2014 (1) Father Yvon Arsenault 09 December 2014: PRELIMINARY hearing, Moncton courthouse, Moncton, New Brunswick This is a preliminary hearing so there will be a publication ban on the names of … Continue reading
Haven’t forgotten
The next court date for Father John E Sullivan is: 13 May 2014: 09:30 am, courtroom #101, “to be spoken to”, North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street) Yes, we’re back to “to be spoken to” again. I don’t … Continue reading
Nearly two full years
Father John E. Sullivan has a court date tomorrow morning (Tuesday 06 May 2014) in North Bay Ontario: 06 May 2014: 09:30 am, courtroom #101 “to set a date for trial,” North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street) Father … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Clerical sexual predators
Tagged Court, North Bay, Ontario, Sault Ste Marie Diocese
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A bit of a challenge
Two courtdate updates: (1) Father John E Sullivan 25 February 2014: 09:30 am, courtroom #101 “to be spoken to,” North Bay, Ontario court house (360 Plouffe Street) The revolving door. Those poor complainants and their families. Keep them in your … Continue reading
The Sin of Scandal
There were two courtdates yesterday and one today. As always I ask you to remember the complainants and their families in your prayers Every court date, no matter how seemingly insignificant to some, is always of great interest and concern … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Administrative, Canada, Scandal, Trials
Tagged Archdiocese of Moncton, Court, New Brunswick, North Bay, Ontario, Sault Ste Marie Diocese
I could be wrong
[This was supposed to have been posted bright and early this morning. I just noticed that, for whatever reason, it didnt make it through] Another court date for Father John Sullivan this morning (Tuesday, 19 February 2013): 09:30 am, courtroom … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Administrative, Canada, Scandal
Tagged Court, North Bay, Ontario
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Another guilty plea
CBC Here and Now Newfoundland reported that Father George Smith entered another guilty plea in the Corner Brook courthouse yesterday. Smith was not present – the plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer. The charge to which Smith … Continue reading
Busy week for court
Another busy week for court dates: (1) Monday A court date for Father Linus Bastien in Chatham, Ontario tomorrow morning. This is on the Chatham charges: 09:00 am, Monday, 04 February 2013, “to be spoken to,” Chatham, Ontario courthouse (425 … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Administrative
Tagged Alberta, Chatham, Court, Edmonton, North Bay, Oblate, Ontario
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