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- IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales
- International Clergy Sexual Abuse Monitor
- Ken Hills Blogspot
- Monsignor Bernard Prince website
- N.Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry
- Special Commission of Inquiry into matters relating to the Police investigation of certain child sexual abuse allegations in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
- Vicoria Australia Parliamentray Inquiry
Tag Archives: Bishop
Policy & Procedures for Cases of Alleged Abuse and Misconduct
JESUITS OF CANADA POLICY & PROCEDURES FOR CASES OF ALLEGED ABUSE AND MISCONDUCT The Jesuits of Canada are committed to the protection of all who are within their spiritual and physical care, especially Minors and Vulnerable Abuse of another is … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Jesuits, Scandal
Tagged Allegations, Bishop, Canon Law, Catholic, child porn, Clerical sexual predator, Clerical sexual predators, Jesuits, Jesuits of Canada, Legal, Pembroke Diocese, priest, sexual abuse, victim
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But, the bishop is rejoicing.
There are some things that the average person truly could not make up. I beleive the following falls into that category. You recall that Father Javier De Los Angeles Cortazar ‘walked’ from his sexual assault charges against a follow priest. … Continue reading
Posted in Bishops, Clerical sexual predators
Tagged Bishop, priest trial, Prince Albert Diocese, Saskatechewan
Sudbury victim has harsh words for church
The Sudbury Star Tuesday, April 5, 2016 12:38:19 EDT AM By Harold Carmichael, The Sudbury Star Supplied photo Father John Edward Sullivan celebrates mass in this undated photo. The victim of a now-dead priest he calls a “serial molester” had … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Scandal, Trials
Tagged Bishop, Clerical sexual predator, lawsuit, Ontario, priest died, Sault Ste Marie Diocese, victim
Priest accused of stealing told bishop he was playing ‘hardball’ with unauthorized fees
The Windsor Star Published on: November 30, 2015 | Last Updated: November 30, 2015 9:29 PM EST Trevor Wilhelm, Windsor Star The bishop of the London diocese testified Monday that a priest charged with stealing claimed he was charging unauthorized … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Scandal, Trials
Tagged Bishop, Bishop Fabbro, London Diocese, Ontario, priest trial, theft, wedding, Windsor
Charges shocking, says bishop
The Thunder-Bay Chronicle Herald Posted: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 12:00 am Bishop Fred Colli says he “was shocked and surprised” when he found out that a veteran Catholic priest who served in the Thunder Bay Diocese is facing sexual assault … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Scandal
Tagged Bishop, Diocese of Thunder Bay, Ontario, priest charged
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Another Pembroke priest added to ‘the list’
Well, sad to say on one hand, but happy to do so ont he other, there is yet another name to add to the list of those “Accused.” In the Spring of this year the Diocese of Pembroke, Ontario settled … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Scandal
Tagged Bishop, lawsuit, Ontario, Pembroke Diocese, victim
‘In the one moment, I lost everything’
London Free Press Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:42:48 EDT AM By Morris Dalla Costa, The London Free Press Rev. Anthony Onyenagada, Nigerian Catholic priest. She was a Southwestern Ontario church secretary. He was a visiting priest from Nigeria. She … Continue reading
Nun says MP sensationalised abuse claims at Neerkol Orphanage” & related articles April 21, 2015 11:27AM Bishop ‘forever sorry’ over orphanage abuse A SENIOR Catholic nun has attacked a former Queensland MP who revealed former residents at Neerkol Orphanage were being abused for “sensationalising” the issue. Sister Berneice Loch, leader of … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged
Tagged Australian Royal Commission, Bishop, Neerkol orphanage, nun, Sisters of Mercy, testimony
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Bishop of Kamloops to be examined
Sorry, but no call back yet from the Pembroke court house re Father Dan Miller’s next court date. I know it’s frustrating for those who are waiting for the news. To be very honest, I get frustrated too 🙁 I … Continue reading
Another Hawaii suit alleges priest sex abuse
Seattle pi Updated 7:03 am, Tuesday, April 8, 2014 HONOLULU (AP) — Another lawsuit against the Catholic Church in Hawaii claims that a former Bishop sexually abused a boy who went to him to report he had been abused by another priest. … Continue reading