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- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
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- bc on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
- bc on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
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- Phil Johnson on Judge OKs another class action lawsuit alleging sexual abuse by priests at Clercs de St-Viateur
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- “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world…”
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- It’s nearly ‘over’
- Court reserves decision in Father MacKenzie extradition review
- “Unravelling church secrets – The Fifth Estate” & “Prey” a TVO documentary
- Prey (the documentary)
- Extraditions
- Basilian Fathers lose appeal
- Chaldeon priest who made a “mistake” off to prison
Links of Interest
- Abuse of Minors: The Church's response
- Australian Royal Commission
- Bishop Accountability
- Cornwall and the Cornwall Public Inquiry
- IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales
- International Clergy Sexual Abuse Monitor
- Ken Hills Blogspot
- Monsignor Bernard Prince website
- N.Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry
- Special Commission of Inquiry into matters relating to the Police investigation of certain child sexual abuse allegations in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
- Vicoria Australia Parliamentray Inquiry
Tag Archives: Benedict Greoschel
Father Groeschel Goes
The American Conservative September 6, 2012, 9:25 AM By Rod Dreher Catholic cable giant EWTN has retired Father Benedict Groeschel in the wake of his controversial comments about the sex abuse scandal, which included the following: “Suppose you have a … Continue reading
Tagged Benedict Greoschel, homosexual, Southdown
“To Do” list
Well, yesterday was a different kind of day. I had great plans: my yesterday’s “To Do” list will get carried over to today and more probably will get bumped over to next week :(. A gentle reminder for me yet … Continue reading
“Fr. Groeschel under fire” (William Donohue – Catholic League)
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights website FR. GROESCHEL UNDER FIRE August 30, 2012 by admin Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on remarks made by Father Benedict Groeschel in the National Catholic Register regarding the sexual abuse of … Continue reading
Apologies re Father Benedict Groeschel interview
For Immediate Release: August 30, 2012 Franciscan Friars of the Renewal website The Community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal sincerely apologizes for the comments made by Fr. Benedict Groeschel in an interview released August 27 by the National Catholic … Continue reading
Father Benedict Groeschel Reflects on 25 Years of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
Friar discusses his experience, ‘accomplishments’ in wide-ranging interview. The National Catholic Register 27 August 2012 by JOHN BURGER 08/27/2012 It’s been 25 years since Father Benedict Groeschel and seven other friars broke away from their Capuchin communities and formed what … Continue reading