Viatorians (Clerics of St. Viateur)

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Cornwall Classical College & Viatorian priests

09 January 2001:  Law suit filed by Dick Nadeau et al against the Viatorians and Diocese of Alexandria Cornwall re physical and sexual abuse at the Cornwall Classical College

17 February 2016:  “Historic $30M settlement reached in Montreal deaf school sex abuse suit” & related article and video

Click here for video on Youtube (in French)


Father Edouard Berube csv (allegations of severe physical abuse)

Father Jean Primeau csv (allegations of sexual abuse)

Father Hector Cote csv (allegations of sexual abuse)

Father Henri Legault csv (allegations of sexual abuse)


Father Jean-Marc Pépin csv (sex-abuse-related-charges in 1970s – outcome unknown, but he claims he was acquitted in 1973.  There were five complainants.)


Father Ronald Leger csv

Father Paul Desilets csv

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