The plaintiffs were all sexually abused by James Vallely, a longtime priest in the Bangor, Portland and South Berwick areas who is now deceased.
Portland Press Herald
15 August 2016
Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, left, with victim Lawrence Gray who was abused beginning in 1958. Gray spoke during the press conference and showed a picture of himself around the ages of 11 or 12. Photo by Dina Rudick/Globe Staff
BOSTON — For Lawrence Gray, the abuse began slowly – a hand that lingered on a hip, an embrace that lasted too long. Then it became their secret together.
Until he was 12 years old, Gray was groomed and sexually abused by his family priest, the Rev. James Vallely, at Saint Dominic’s Parish in Portland’s West End. And for years, even after it stopped, he told nobody.
On Monday, after half a lifetime of silence followed by decades more looking for acknowledgment from the church, Gray and his attorney announced a $1.2 million settlement with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland for the abuse he and five others endured.
“This was the kind of thing that just never saw the light of day no matter what,” the 68-year-old Scarborough resident said during a news conference. “So you learned to handle it yourself, whatever that might mean.”
The six plaintiffs are all victims of Vallely, a longtime priest in the Bangor area in the 1950s who went on to work in Portland and South Berwick. He is now deceased. The plaintiffs say they were abused between 1958 and 1977.
Although Gray came forward publicly in 1993, the statute of limitations on criminal charges had run out. Already in therapy and making an attempt to move forward in his life, Gray contacted Boston lawyer Mitchell Garabedian about a decade ago to add his story of abuse to the hundreds that Garabedian has heard while representing victims of pedophile priests. Gray was not sure that anything would come of it, until his case picked up speed last year.
Through another case Garabedian was litigating, the Portland diocese turned over a trove of documents related to Vallely. In it was a letter that would prove pivotal.
The two-page handwritten note, dated 2005, was sent by a former priest, Richard P. Rice, to the then-monsignor of the Portland diocese, Marc Caron. Rice wrote that he was aware of allegations against Vallely and that those allegations were brought to then-Bishop Daniel Feeney in the late 1950s, and that there were up to five boys who had said they were abused by Vallely when he was assigned to Saint John’s Parish in Bangor.
Instead of investigating, Feeney transferred Vallely, potentially putting more children at risk.
The six plaintiffs technically could not sue because the statute of limitations had run out. Garabedian, however, said last year that the letter demonstrates “fraudulent concealment,” which under law can reset that statute and allow lawsuits to proceed. He filed a suit in January on behalf of Gray, James Baker of Berwick, Shaun Baker of Eliot, James Tremble of Windham, Paul Battis of Rochester, New Hampshire, and John Battis of Brooklyn, New York. None of the other victims attended the news conference Monday.
Garabedian is perhaps the most well-known lawyer representing victims of clergy abuse. Stanley Tucci portrayed him in last year’s Academy Award-winning movie “Spotlight,” which detailed the Boston Globe’s efforts to uncover widespread abuse within the Catholic Church and attempts to keep it hidden. The newspaper won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage.
Diocese spokesman Dave Guthro issued a statement in response to Monday’s announcement.
“The diocese hopes that this settlement brings a measure of peace to the people involved,” he said. “The diocese respects the privacy and confidentiality of the victims/survivors involved in cases of sexual abuse of minors by clerics. We maintain that privacy and confidentiality even if an individual or their legal representation chooses to discuss their situation publicly.”
Garabedian said the Portland diocese, which oversees all Catholic parishes in Maine, had knowledge of multiple accusations of abuse against Vallely but did not remove him from the ministry. He said Gray’s case illustrates how the Portland diocese has taken steps to obscure the truth or lie to the public to protect its interests.
Prior to Garabedian obtaining the letter showing the diocese knew of Vallely’s abuse in the 1950s, Portland church officials had said the earliest they knew of any allegations of abuse was 1978.
“We have another instance of the diocese hiding the truth for the sake of its appearance and monetary concerns,” Garabedian said.
After Gray came forward in 1993, he said the church offered him a $10,000 settlement that also came with a gag order, but he turned them down.
Now a chiropractor in Massachusetts, Gray said it took him years to confront the pain of what had happened to him as a child, and that he is glad to have a public acknowledgment from the church of Vallely’s misconduct.
“I’m actually very grateful for my life, as silly as it sounds,” Gray said. “Maybe we didn’t slay the dragon, but we knocked a couple of scales off.”
Garabedian said he knows of eight victims of Vallely who have come forward – seven men and one woman.
Vallely, a Sanford native, was ordained in Massachusetts in 1949 and served in parishes in many Maine communities starting in 1952. He died on Dec. 12, 1997, at the age of 75 at his winter home in Sun City, Florida.
Guthro said Bishop Robert Deeley encourages anyone who may have information about any case of sexual abuse of a minor by any church representative to contact civil authorities as well as Michael Magalski, director of the Office of Professional Responsibility for the Diocese of Portland, at 321-7836 or by email at:
Matt Byrne can be contacted at 791-6303 or at:
Twitter: MattByrnePPH
3 Say Ex-Priest Abused Them
Orlando Sentinel (BishopAccuntability website)
05 March 1993
A retired Roman Catholic priest now living in the Orlando area has been suspended amid allegations he sexually abused as many as three children more than 30 years ago in Maine, officials said Thursday.
The Rev. James P. Vallely, 71, was suspended from duties Wednesday after being interviewed by a top official from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland.
The sexual abuse allegations against Vallely, a former priest from St. Dominic’s parish in Portland, recently were reported by a Maine television station. Two men, one of them a former altar boy, told the station that the priest abused them 30 years ago. A third came forward Wednesday.
Marc Mutty, spokesman for the Portland diocese, said that although Vallely is retired, he still presided over one Mass a week at St. Stephen Catholic Church in Winter Springs and has filled in at other parishes in the Orlando area.
Bishop Joseph Gerry of Portland and Bishop Norbert Dorsey of Orlando suspended the priest after he was interviewed by the Rev. Michael Henchal, the Maine diocese’s chancellor, Mutty said. Until an investigation can be completed, suspension is required when a priest is accused of sexual abuse.
“He has been asked not to perform any public ministry in the diocese, which would be standard prodedure for any situation like this,” said Sister Lucy Vazquez, chancellor of the Orlando diocese. “It’s not any kind of admission of guilt. It’s just saying we need time. Time is needed to look into all this.”
One of the alleged victims, Lawrence Gray, 45, is now a chiropractor living in Yarmouth, Maine. Gray said he was abused weekly for two to four years by Vallely in St. Dominic’s and in the church rectory during the late 1950s, beginning when he was about 9.
Gray, who wanted his name made public, said he told diocesan officials about the abuse as part of a “healing process” and so other sexual abuse victims would know that they can seek help.
The second alleged victim had mentioned the abuse in passing after contacting diocesan officials on Jan. 20 to discuss another matter, Mutty said. The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, told officials that Vallely repeatedly abused him at the same church about 30 years ago, Mutty said.
A third man called the diocese on Wednesday to say he had been sexually abused by Vallely at about the same time, Mutty said. Diocesan officials were making arrangements to hear his story, he said.
Mutty said Thursday that a decision concerning Vallely’s case may be made within two months. During that time, he is urged to seek a psychological evaluation.
Good for Lawrence Gray! When he first came forward in 1993 the diocese offered him $10,000 accompanied by a gag order. Gray declined.
Then, about ten years ago, he contacted a lawyer. Because of the statute of limitations, nothing could be done.
And then , well, thanks to disclosure of documents in an unrelated case, along came that letter showing that the diocese had known that Father Vallee was a molester since the 50s, and that in turn opened the door for “fraudulent concealment.”
A reminder to all, never lose hope!