The Republic
06 July 2012
Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA — Two Roman Catholic priests will be permanently barred from ministry after the Philadelphia archdiocese substantiated allegations of inappropriate conduct.
Archbishop Charles Chaput (SHAP’-yoo) said the two substantiated cases involved undisclosed “boundary” or “behavioral” problems, not sexual assaults.
Chaput also said Friday that four other suspended priests will return to ministry after allegations against them were found to be unsubstantiated. Another 12 cases remain under review.
Priests removed from ministry can agree to serve a life of prayer and penance in a church-run facility. Some might agree to leave the priesthood, while others may be laicized after a church trial. The priests can also appeal
The announcement comes exactly two weeks after a former church official in Philadelphia was convicted on child-endangerment charges for his handling of abuse complaints.
Philly archdiocese restores 4 accused priests, removes 2 others
By David O’Reilly
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has announced it is restoring to ministry four priests who were accused of sexual abuse or inappropriate conduct with a minor, and removing two.
The two priests who will not be returned to ministry are the Rev. John Bowe, 64 and the Rev. David Givey, 68.
Restored to ministry will be the Rev. Paul Castellani, 53, Msgr. John Close, 68, Rev. Steven Harris, 57, and Rev. Leonard Peterson, 70.
In an announcement issued Friday, the archdiocese said the allegations against the four had not been substantiated despite lengthy investigations.
Bowe and Givey were found to have violated the archdiocese’s Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries, which is considered a lesser allegation than sexual assault.
These can include such misconduct as “grooming” a child for a possible sexual encounter with behavior such as serving them alcohol or showing them pornography. The archdiocese’s announcement did not divulge the specifics of the allegations against any of the four priests.
The archdiocese suspended the six along with 26 other priests in February and March of 2011 following a Philadelphia grand jury report that said they were serving in ministries despite allegations of misconduct.
The archdiocese undertook its own investigation of the charges.
Contact staff writer David O’Reilly at 610-313-8111 or
Wayne priest found suitable for ministry
Mainline Media News (
Published: Friday, July 06, 2012
By Pete Bannan
Msgr. Hans Brouwers, the Parochial Administrator at St. Katharine of Siena in Wayne, confirmed that Msgr. John Close has been found suitable for ministry.
“It’s a great relief. It’s been a real cloud over the parish,” Msgr. Brouwers said during a phone interview Friday.
Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput issued a statement Friday saying Msgr. Close and three other suspended priests will return to ministry after allegations against them were found to be unsubstantiated.
It is unclear at this time if Msgr. Close will return to St. Katharine. Msgr. Brouwers said the priests that were cleared have to decide what will be the appropriate role for them in consultation with the archdiocese.
Msgr. Close was put on administrative leave in March 2011 while officials in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia investigated allegations of sexual abuse of minors.
Chaput also permanently barred two priests from ministry after the Philadelphia archdiocese substantiated allegations of inappropriate conduct. They were not named.