30 September 2013: Another mountain town, another priest charged with sexual abuse (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Dominican Republic)
30 September 2013
26 September 2013: “Dolan removes deacon following abuse allegations” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
29 September 2013
26 September 2013: Diocese sued over alleged abuse by priest (RC Scandal.Canada/Media)
28 September 2013
26 September 2013: Emotional victim-impact statements read before Crown seeks prison term (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
27 September 2013
25 September 2013: “Pope Francis names Pittsburgh native to rescue Newark archdiocese” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
26 September 2013
23 September 2013: Argentine priest banned from priestly duties” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Argentina)
26 September 2013: Philadelphia Priest Charged with Rape” & related article & VIDEO (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
25 September 2013: Poland Asks Dominicans for Priest Abuse Details (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Poland)
09 May 2011: Memo from Father Kevin McDonough to Tim Rourke regarding Father Curtis Wehmeyer and disclosure of his “history” with “responsible priest friends” (Documents/Church-related)
23 September 2013: Archdiocese knew of priest’s sexual misbehavior, yet kept him in ministry (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
25 September 2013
22 September 2013: “Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Leo Cushley” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
24 September 2013: Ex-Pope Benedict denies abuse cover-up (RC Scandal/Vatican)
19 September 2013: “Judge’s eyes open to pain – child sex abuse testimony gives commissioner Peter McClellan a sense of victims’ scars ” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
25 September 2013: “Predator priest’s conduct ‘horrific'” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
24 September 2013
17 September 2013: Victim Impact Statement of “Victim C” who was sexually abused by Father Daniel Miller (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
23 September 2013
Nine pictures of and from Beauval Indian Residential School added to Paul Leroux page (Of Interest/Non-Clerical/Leroux: Paul Leroux)
21 September 2013
21 September 2013: “Priest accused of sex with minor moved often, once counseled troubled youths” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
18 September 2013: “Redemptorist Fathers trial: abused by four priests , including a director” & original French text (Accused/Accused A to L/ Langevin: Father Xiste Langevin)
Picture of a young Jean-Claude Bergeron added to the Father Jean-Claude Bergeron CSsR page (Accused/Accused: A to L/ Bergeron: Father Jean-Claude Bergeron))
Picture of a young Raymond-Marie Lavoie added to the Father Raymond-Marie Lavoie CSsR page (Accused/Accused: A to L/ Lavoie: Father Raymond-Marie Lavoie)
17 September 2013: ‘Redemptorist Fathers trial: a testimony of infinite sadness’ & original French text (Accused/Accused M-Z/Plourde: Father Francois Plourde)
20 September 2013: Police: Pennsylvania priest caught with pantless 15-year-old on college campus (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
20 September 2013
27 August 2013: Father Kenneth O’Keefe’s teaching licence revoked (Ruling of OCT Discipline Committee) (Accused/Accused M-Z/O’Keefe: Father Kenneth O’Keefe)
19 September 2013: Pedophile priest has teaching licence revoked (Accused/Accused M-Z/O’Keefe: Father Kenneth O’Keefe)
September 2013: Kenneth John O’Keefe – Ontario College of Teachers (ref to revocation of licence) (Accused/Accused M-Z/O’Keefe: Father Kenneth O’Keefe)
19 September 2013
17 September 2013: Archdiocese Comments on Legal Action Concerning the Late Jean Gravel (text file) (Accused/Accused A to L/Gravel: Jean Gravel)
18 September 2013
17 September 2013: Ottawa Archdiocese Press release re ex-priest Jean Gravel (Accused/Accused A to L/Gravel: Jean Gravel)
17 September 2013: Victim Impact Statement of “Victim B” who was sexually abused by Father Daniel Miller (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
17 September 2013: Victim Impact Statement of “Victim A” who was sexually abused by Father Daniel Miller (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
17 September 2013: Victim Impact Statement from mother whose son was sexually abused by Father Daniel Miller ( (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
18 September 2013: Priest stole their innocence (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
17 September 2013: Outside the courthouse: Pictures from Father Daniel Miller sentencing hearing 17 September 2013 (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
18 September 2013: Crown asks for nine-month sentence for Father Dan Miller in sexual abuse case (pdf file – Eganville Leader pages ) (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
18 September 2013: Crown asks for nine-month sentence for Father Dan Miller in sexual abuse case – text (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
17 September 2013: Ontario victims describe consequences of priest’s abuse (Accused/Accused A to M/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
17 September 2013
17 September 2013: Victim of sexual abuse files lawsuit against Archdiocese of Ottawa in hopes of gaining closure (Accused/Accused A-L/Gravel: Father Jean Gravel)
16 September 2013
Name of Father Jean Gravel and link to page with further information added to Accused A to L page (Accused/Accused A-L/Gravel: Father Jean Gravel)
16 September 2013: Beckett Personal Injury Lawyers Press Statement re lawsuit related to sex abuse by Father Jean Gravel (Accused/Accused A-L/Gravel: Father Jean Gravel)
08 July 2013: JDB and the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Ottawa (Statement of Claim related to allegations of sex abuse by Father Jean Gravel) (Accused/Accused A-L/Gravel: Father Jean Gravel)
26 August 2013: Antigonish Diocese appeal to all Canadian priests for funds to pay off $7M loan (Settlements/Antigonish Diocese)
13 September 2013
Name of Father Lucien de Blois CSsR a link to page with further inforation added to Accused A to L page (Accused/Accused A-M/de Blois: Father Lucien de Blois)
13 September 2013: Trial date set for Priest Francis Paul Cullen sex abuse case (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
13 September 2013: “Vatican will hand over former nuncio accused of abuse” & related articles (RC Scandal/Vatican)
Name of Father Alexis Trepanier CSsR and link to page with further information added to Accused M to Z page (Accused/Accused M-Z/Trepanier: Father Alexis Trepanier)
13 September 2013: “Father Shawn Ratigan sentenced to 50 years in federal prison” & related articles (Child porn)
12 September 2013
Name of Father Leon Roy CSsR and link to page with further information added to Accused M to Z page (Accused/Accused M-Z/Roy; Father Leon Roy)
12 September 2013: “US prosecutors seek 50-year sentence for priest who pleaded guilty to child porn charges” & related articles (Child porn)
Name of Father Francois Plourde CSsR and link to page with further information added to Accused M-Z page (Accused/Accused M-Z/Plourde: Father Francois Plourde)
11 September 2013
Name of Father Xiste Langevin CSsR and link to page with further information added to Accused A-L page (Accused/Accused A-L/Langevin: Father Xiste Langevin)
Name of Father Herve Blanchet CSsR and link to page with further information added to Accused A-L page (Accused/Accused A-L/Blanchet: Father Herve Blanchet)
Name of Father Guy Pilote CSsR and link to page with further information added to Accused M-Z page (Accused/Accused M-Z/ Piolote: Father Guy Pilote)
Name of Father Jean-Claude Bergeron CSsR and link to page with further information added to Accused A to L page (Accused/Accused: A to L/ Bergeron: Father Jean-Claude Bergeron))
10 September 2013
25 February 2009: “$ 100 000 French songs” & original French text – Is this Father Levi Noel?
10 September 2013: Catholic Church Files From Archdiocese Of Los Angeles Reveal Priests’ Child, Sex Abuse, Vehicular Manslaughter (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
09 September 2013: Quebec priests face class-action lawsuit for sex abuse (Accused/Lavoie: Father Raymond-Marie Lavoie CSsR)
09 September 2013
08 September 2013: “Landmark priest sexual abuse trial opens in Quebec City” & related article (Accused/Lavoie: Father Raymond-Marie Lavoie CSsR)
09 September 2013: “Brian Lucas and John Usher’s pedophile priest evidence conflicts” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia)
06 September 2013
06 September 2013: Retired Catholic priest on child porn charges (Child porn)
04 September 2013: Bishop Gagnon Statement regarding Father Phil Jacobs conditional sentence (Accused/Jacobs: Father Philip Jacobs)
05 September 2013
Fairly current picture of Father Patrick Slaney added to Father Patrick Slaney page (Accused/Slaney: Father Patrick Slaney)
04 September 2013: “Saanich priest given conditional sentence for sexually touching teenage boy” & related article (Accused/Jacobs: Father Philip Jacobs)
04 November 1981: Priest jailed four years on 34 counts of fraud (Accused/Finnin: Father Pius Finnin)
14 September 1981 & 19 Oct. ’80: “Catholic priest convicted in $100,000-fraud case” & “Priest is charged in fraud case” (Accused/Finnin: Father Pius Finnin)
04 September 2013
04 September 2013: Saanich priest given conditional sentence for sexually touching teenage boy (Accused/Jacobs: Father Philip Jacobs)
04 September 2013: Vatican Abruptly Ousts Dominican Republic Envoy (RC Scandal/Vatican)
02 September 2013
30 September 2013: Leaders of the Catholic Church in Australia submission: ” Truth Justice Healing Council” (Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse: Issues Paper No. 2 – Towards Healing) (Documents/Church-related Documents/Australia)
02 October 2013: “‘Paedophile priest’ staying with parents in southern Poland” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Poland)
01 September 2013
01 October 2013: “Pope accepts bishop resignation over pedophilia cover-up” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/ Ireland)
01 October 2013: Evangelical Sex Abuse Record ‘Worse’ Than Catholic, Says Billy Graham’s Grandson Boz Tchividijian (Of Interest/Abroad)
17 September 2013: “Priest charged with sexual abuse acquitted” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
30 September 2013: More sex assault charges against Scarborough priest (Of Interest/Canada)
31 August 2013
31 August 2013: Priest Francis Paul Cullen in court over sex abuse cases (RC Scandal/Other countries/UK)
30 August 2013
30 August 2013: “Former Vic priest guilty of sex abuse” & and related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
29 August 2013
20 August 2013: Ex-local priest faces sentencing for abuse (Accused: Father Philip Jacobs)
29 August 2013: Prime Minister Stephen Harper unveils plan to toughen sentences for child predators (Of Interest/Canada)
28 August 2013: Ensley man pleads guilty to assault of Catholic priest who had ‘improper relationship’ with wife (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
28 August 2013: City years of priest at centre of extradition bid from Tenerife (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
28 August 2013
27 August 2013: Ancaster sisters to pay $125K for alleging sexual abuse (Of Interest/Canada)
August 2013: Vanderkooy v Vanderkooy et al 2013 Reasons for Judgment (Ontario Superior court orders two Ancaster, Ontario sisters to pay libel damages and costs to Uncle they alleged had sexually abused them as children) (Documents/Secular/ False Allegations?)
28 August 2013: “Secret files detail alleged priest abuse” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
28 August 2013: “Irish priest faces sex abuse charges in Chilean court” & related articles (RC Scandal/Legionaries)
27 August 2013
Name of Father Wayne Dohey and link to page with further information added to Accused list (Accused/Dohey: Father Wayne Dohey)
Name of Father Gerard Lambert and link to page with further information added to Accused list (Accused/Lambert: Father Gerard Lambert)
27 August 2013: “Allegations too old to find priest guilty of sexual abuse, court told ” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
24 August 2013
24 August 2013: “British priest arrested in Tenerife for sexual abuse of altar boys” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
23 August 2013
23 August 2013: Cardinal blocked clerical sex abuse inquiry in Scotland (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
08 August 2013: Notice of Application (to Lawrence Cooper a.k.a. Father Damian Lawrence Cooper, and to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, and to their Solicitors) (this is a request for documents) (this is a request for documents, including those in the Secret Archives of the Archdiocese of Vancouver)
22 August 2013
The name of former Oblate Brother Paul Baynham and a link to a page with further information has been added to the Accused list. (Accused/Baynham: Paul Baynham)
22 August 2013: Ex-Priest Gets Prison For Sexually Assaulting Altar Boy (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
21 August 2013
24 April 2014: Bishop Fred Henry defends Fr. Newton Rodrigues after he is cleared of abuse charges (Accused/Rodrigues: Father Newton Rodrigues)
21 August 2013: Uriel Ojeda to join few Catholic clergy in California prisons for child sex abuse (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
16 August 2013: Boy punched priest in head, court hears (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
19 August 2013: New delay in Queensland court hearing over priest abuse allegations (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
21 August 2013: Priest charged with sexual assault (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Norway)
20 August 2013: LEGISLATURE: Bill would exempt statue of limitations on some sexual abuse suits (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
21 August 2013: “Chile priest Rogel Pinuer faces jail in Temuco sex case” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Chile)
21 August 2013: “Retired priest charged with two counts of possession of child abuse material” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
20 August 2013
20 August 2013: Sexual assault: the former priest Yvon Arsenault denies all (with original French text) (Accused/Arsenault: Father Yvon Arsenault)
20 August 2013: “Archbishop Myers, in letter to priests, denounces media coverage of abuse settlement” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
17 August 2013
09 July 2013: Father John and Me (Accused/Ensey: Father Eric Ensey)
14 August 2013
14 August 2013: “Archbishop Myers again puts children at risk: Moran” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
09 August 2013
09 August 2013: Date set for appeal of priest’s conviction (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
Name of Father James Roche (now ex-priest) and link to page with further information added to Accused page (Accused/Roche: Father James Roche omi)
07 August 2013
29 November 2011: R v Borne Reasons for Decision ( Judge denies Crown motion to admit evidence of other discreditable conduct by Father Robert Borne at the priest’s trial) (Accused/Borne: Father Robert Borne)
07 August 2013: Former Chicago-area priest who admitted child sex abuse deported to Bolivia (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
06 August 2013
05 August 2013: VIDEOS and articles re Father Uriel Ojeda sentenced to eight years (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
05 August 2013
Name of Father Paul Pinard sse and link to page with further information added to Accused list (Accused/Pinard: Father Paul Pinard)
06 August 2013: “DA: Lowell priest paid for sex with prostitute” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
01 August 2013
01 August 2013: “New files reveal decades of abuse in Los Angeles Catholic churches” & related articles
13 September 1984: Father Camille Leger and Pope John Paul II (Accused: Leger: Father Camille Leger)
Pembroke Diocese Protocol for Sexual Abuse Cases Involving Minors (on website July 2013) (Documents/Church related documents)
31 July 2013
Picture of Father Howard Chabot (from Eganville Leader) added to Father Howard Chabot page (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
31 July 2013: Priest faces sexual assault charge (Eganville Leader – pdf file) (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
31 July 2013: “Pembroke priest charged in alleged 1985 sex assault” & related articles (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
2009: Father Chabot honoured by Pembroke Police Service for more than 20 years of service as Chaplain to the force. At this time he was also resigning as Chaplain. ( 2009 Annual Report: Pembroke Police Service) (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
07 May 1973: Father Howard Chabot guest speaker for World Day of Prayer service at St. Michael’s, Douglas (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
2013: Father Chabot: First Communion at St. Andrew’s School, Killaloe (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
07 June 2006: Father Chabot leads a one-day retreat session with the theme “Naming God” Adult (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
30 July 2013
22 June 2013: Father Howard Chabot says Mass for Dr. Wilbert Keon School grads at St Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church Chapeau Quebec (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
30 July 2013: Sex assault victim sues teacher, board for $3M (Accused/O’Keefe: Father Kenneth O’Keefe csb)
July 2005: Howard Chabot enters another stage of priesthood: Lourdes parish priest looks forward to retirement (Pembroke Observer, July 2005) (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
30 July 2013: “Pembroke priest charged in alleged 1985 sex assault” & related articles (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
30 July 2013: “Catholic priest charged over child pornography after raid on presbytery” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
30 July 2013: “Principal not told about Catholic abuse” & related articles (NSW Hunter Valley abuse inquiry) (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
28 July 2013: “New sex abuse crisis in Scottish Catholic church” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
Name of Father Howard Chabot and link to page with further information added to Accused list (Accused/Chabot: Father Howard Chabot)
29 July 2913
Name of Father Thomas C. O’Flaherty and link to page with further information added to Accused list (Accused/O’Flaherty: Father Thomas O’Flaherty)
24 July 2014
Name of Father Joseph Mullany omi and link to page with further information added to Accused page (Accused/Mullany: Father Joseph Mullany)
24 July 2013: “NSW abuse inquiry hears Catholic Church official was willing to risk breaking the law by not reporting child sexual abuse allegations” with VIDEO & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
23 July 2013
21 July 2013: Ex-priest seeks $450,000 from Wis. archdiocese (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
23 July 2013: “Victim gives evidence at child abuse inquiry in Newcastle” with VIDEO and related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
22 July 2013
21 July 2013: “Priest who allowed accused molester to live in parish says he may have made a mistake” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
19 July 2013: Victoria priest Philip Jacobs to be sentenced Sept. 4 for sexual touching conviction (Accused/Jacobs: Father Philip Jacobs)
29 December 2010: Évêque Catholique Romain de Bathurst v New Brunswick (Attorney General) – (ENGLISH document – Bathurst Diocese receive permission from the courts to, amongst other things and as I tend to say ” raid the seminary funds”) (Accused/Noel: Father Levi Noel)
R v Lavoie – 23 November 2012 (Quebec Court of Appeal – three-year sentence increased to five years) FRENCH pdf file Accused/Lavoie: Father Raymond-Marie Lavoie)
21 July 2013: No clergy to be prosecuted after three-year probe (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Ireland)
20 July 2013
20 July 2013: “Abuse at St Francis Boys Home kept secret for 60 years” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
19 July 2013
19 July 2013: UPDATE: Former Saanich priest convicted of sex offense to be sentenced in September (Accused/Jacobs: Father Philip Jacobs)
Name of Brother Olivain Leblanc and link to page with further information added to Accused list (Accused: Leblanc: Brother Georges Leblanc)
Name of Brother Georges Sarrazin and link to page with further information added to Accused list (Accused: Sarrazin: Brother Georges Sarrazin)
January 2010: Unsettled (Settlements/Antigonish Diocese, Nova Scotia)
19 July 2013: “Priest pedophilia complaint ‘bishop’s responsibility, inquiry told’ ” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
18 July 2013
17 July 2013: Phil Jacobs scheduled for sentencing Friday (Accused/Jacobs: Father Philip Jacobs)
18 July 2013: `Priest’s memory fails at abuse inquiry` & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
11 July 2013: `Pedophilia : Lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Moncton and a former priest` & original French text (Accused/Arsenault: Father Yvon Arsenault)
17 July 2013
17 July 2013: Bishop’s assistant didn’t read files (VIDEO) (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
17 July 2013: Catholic Church Lobbies Against Abuse Bill (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
16 July 2013
15 July 2013: “School principal disputes Malone’s evidence” & VIDEO (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
15 July 2013
15 July 2013: Moncton priest faces new sexual abuse allegations (Accused/Arsenault: Father Yvon Arsenault)
12 July 2013
11 July 2013: A former principal and priest, 77, convicted of child porn offence (Accused/LeBlanc: Father Rheal LeBlanc)
11 July 2013: “Benjamin Levin granted $100,000 bail, charged with two more child porn offences” & related articles (Child Porn)
11 July 2013
11 July 2013: “Diocese knew of possible concealment charges: inquiry ” & related files (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
09 July 2013
09 July 2013: Celebrated U of T prof arrested on child porn charges (Child Porn)
08 July 2013: “KC diocese reaches settlement in abuse case” & related article (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
09 July 2013: “Commission to hear final evidence from police whistleblower Peter Fox” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
07 July 2013
05 July 2013: Woodland priest charged with molestation reaches plea deal (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
06 July 2013
05 July 2013: City man working on documentary on clergy sex abuse (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
05 July 2013: “Green Bay diocese officially removes former priest accused of abuse” & related article (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
05 July 2013: “Paedophile priest’s parish expanded despite abuse accusations” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
04 July 2013
03 July 2013: “Landmark settlement between church and sex-abuse victims approved in Quebec” & related articles (RC Scandal/Canada/Media)
02 July 2013: Articles re the Milwaukee Archdiocese disclosure of documents (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
03 July 2013
03 July 2013: “Church sorry for ‘legal abuse'” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
03 July 2013: “Catholic Church abuse processes ‘deeply flawed'” new inquiry submission” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
02 July 2013
01 July 2013: “Documents show Milwaukee archdiocese shielded pedophile priests” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
28 June 2013
28 June 2013: Vatican Official Arrested in Fraud Plot (RC Scandal/Vatican)
28 June 2013: Prison officials deny early release for abusive Texas priest (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
27 June 2013
27 June 2013: Vatican Rentboy and Satanism Claims Revealed by Paedophile Priest (RC Scandal/Vatican)
26 June 2013
26 June 2013: Italian prosecutors investigating reports of clerical pedophile ring in Rome (RC Scandal/Vatican)
25 June 2013: “Whistleblower cop a zealot: NSW inquiry” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other countries/Australia and New Zealand)
26 June 2013: “Vic priest to stand trial for 1970s abuse” & related article (RC Scandal/Other countries/Australia and New Zealand)
25 June 2013
25 June 2013: NJ Archbishop Wary of Pacts on Priest Oversight (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
25 June 2013: Church official says he wasn’t Ojeda’s ‘confessor’ (RC Scandal/Other countries/USA)
24 June 2013
23 June 2013: “Vatican to launch Cardinal Keith O’Brien probe ” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
21 June 2013
07 April 1990: Former parishioners visit jail to see disgraced R.C. priest (Accused/Dejeager: Father Eric Dejaeger)
20 June 2013
30 December 2001: Child abuse priest is safe from extradition (Accused/Carragher: Father Arthur Carraghar)
23 December 2001: Tracked Down: Sex Abuse Priest Who is Hiding Out in Canada Says: I’m Not Coming Back (Accused/Carragher: Father Arthur Carraghar)
19 June 2013
19 June 2013: Accused priest too sick for trial, lawyer says (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
18 June 2013: “Audit Finds Sexual Abuse Was Topic Decades Ago” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
June 2013: Report of the Audit and Review of the Files of the Capuchin Province of St Joseph June 2013 (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
18 June 2013: Priest who served in area accused of sex abuse (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
Name of Monsignor Fernand Boucher and link to page with further information added to Accused page (Accused/Boucher: Monsignor Fernand Boucher)
18 June 2013
Name of Father Charles Emmanuel Tonna and link to page with further information added to Accused page (Accused/Tonna: Father Charles Emmanuel Tonna)
Name of Father Robert Papi and link to page with further information added to Accused page (Accused/Papi: Father Robert Papi)
Name of Father Luis Lima-Esteves and link to page with further information added to Accused page (Accused/Lima: Father Luis Lima-Estevez)
13 June 2013: “2 priests sentenced to long prison terms in abuse case” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
15 June 2013: “Green Bay Diocese’s investigation clears priest of abuse” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
17 June 2013: Joliet Diocese Priest ‘Brutally Raped’ Teen in ’70s: Lawsuit (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
17 June 2013: Catholic priest remains behind bars on criminal sex charge (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
13 June 2013
19 October 1989: 200 recall Melissa at emotional funeral (Accused/Hoskins: Gary Hoskins)
03 June 2013: Former Stephenville Priest Pleads Not Guilty to Sexual Assault Charges (Accused/Hoskins: Gary Hoskins)
21 July 2008: Church abuse victims still seeking payment (Accused/Hoskins: Gary Hoskins)
27 February 2013: Convicted sex offender has new charges from priesthood days (Accused/Hoskins: Gary Hoskins)
11 June 2013
06 June 2013: Pedophile Priest Released On Parole (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
07 June 2013: “Irish woman apologizes in court for false allegations of sexual abuse against Catholic priest” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Ireland)
11 June 2013: Victims outraged clergy can give evidence in private (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
10 June 2013
01 May 2013: “The Day Primeaux Died” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
09 June 2013: The ordination of Atataatsiavaluk Tony (Of Interest/Canada)
10 June 2013: The bishops’ big guns in Trenton: Editorial (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
10 June 2013: Alexandria-based priest found dead in hotel room was subject of investigation (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
09 June 2013
09 June 2013: “Catholics in Dominica rally in support of parish priest accused of molesting girl 20 years ago” & links to related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Dominican Republic)
08 June 2013
A Mother’s Apology (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
Statement by Robert Lipari regarding sex abuse by a previously convicted molester at Christian Brothers school in Australia (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
22 May 2013: “Prosecution not in ‘public interest’” with VIDEO (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
07 June 2013
03 June 2013: Priest pleads guilty to molesting five boys (pdf file – Eganville Leader) (Accused/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
06 June 2013
06 June 2013: “Father Miller pleads guilty” & related article (Accused/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
05 June 2013: Email exchange regarding absence of reporters for Father Daniel Miller “Guilty” pleas (Accused/Miller: Father Daniel Miller)
05 June 2013
06 June 2013: Why these two men are still part of the problem (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
04 June 2013
28 March 2012: Father Hod Marshall – Notice Of Hearing, Ontario College of Teachers, Discipline Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers (Accused/Marshall: Father William Hodgson Marshall csb)
Hod Marshall current status with Ontario College of Teachers (screen shot 04 June 2013) (Accused/Marshall: Father William Hodgson Marshall csb)
Name of ex-priest Richard Parenteau and link to page with further information added to Accused page (Accused/Parenteau: Richard Parenteau)
02 June 2013
02 June 2013: “Retired priest denies role in 1960 slaying ” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
31 May 2013: “Nunavut’s Father Tony now Bishop Tony” & related articles (Of Interest/Canada)
02 June 2013: Archbishop Denis Hart begs forgiveness for church mishandling child abuse (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
28 May 2013: Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry Statement by His Eminence Cardinal George Pell (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
30 May 2013
29 May 2013: Gonzaga Priest Accused Of Possessing Child Pornography & VIDEO (Child porn)
29 May 2013
29 May 2013: Former Saanich priest to be sentenced in July (Accused/Jacobs: Father Philip Jacobs)
27 May 2013
27 May 2013: “Cardinal George Pell says sorry for abuse by clergy and admits celibacy is a factor” (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
27 May 2013: “Pell makes admissions” & related articles and VIDEO (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
26 May 2013
On his deathbed, Elie Theriault talks about the childhood sex abuse he endured at the hands of Father Leon Gagnon (VIDEO) (Accused/Gagnon: Father Leon Gagnon)
25 May 2013
24 May 2013: Archdiocese clears priest of ’70s child abuse charges (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
25 May 2013: “Priest, woman charged with open lewdness” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
25 May 2013: ” Doing All We Can to Safeguard Children” (Op-Ed, Newark Star Ledger, by Archbishop John J.Myers, Archbishop of the Newark Archdiocese) (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
25 May 2013: “Co-chair of victims’ committee urges archdiocese to settle” & related article (RC Scandal/Mount Cashel)
May 2013: Former Pastor From Archbishop Myer’s Time In Peoria Recalls Similar Abuse Allegations (VIDEO) (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
17 May 2013: Father Fugee – Criminal Complaint (warrant) (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
24 May 2013: “Archbishop John J. Myers addresses Fugee scandal, demotes his second-in-command” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
23 May 2013
23 May 2013: Catholic church interfered in investigation – VIDEO (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
20 May 2013
21 May 2013: UK Anglican priest jailed for sex abuse (If Interest/Abroad)
20 May 2013: “Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart appears before Facing the Truth sex abuse inquiry ” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
20 May 2013: Pa. priest removed in 2009 faces new porn charge (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
17 May 2013
17 May 2013: “Priest ‘refused to be questioned’ over abuse” & related articles & VIDEO (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
16 May 2013
16 May 2013: “Polish Church ‘sex abuse’ exposé ends in violence” with VIDEO(RC Scandal/Other Countries/Poland)
15 May 2013
Name of Father John O’Donnell and link to page with further info added to Accused page (Accused/O’Donnell: Father John O’Donnell)
Name of Father Joseph Murphy and link to page with further info added to Accused page (Accused/Murphy: Father Joseph Murphy)
14 May 2013
14 May 2013: “St. Vincent parishioners, school parents told of accusation against priest at Monday meeting” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
13 May 2013: LA Catholic archdiocese wants key clergy abuse suit tossed (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
13 May 2013: “Police ‘not concerned’ about clergy’s reputation” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
14 May 2013: Priest’s Case Starts Court Proceedings (Accused/Couture: Father Robert Couture)
13 May 2013
12 May 2013: Accused priest ‘said he’d beat charges’ (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
13 May 2013: Police investigate former Parramatta priest for alleged assaults on alter boys (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
13 May 2013: Priest child-sex case delayed due to ‘continuing health’ reasons (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
13 May 2013: Sex crimes investigation hampered by resources: inquiry (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
13 May 2013: “Sex abuse whistleblower’s misleading tweet” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
11 May 2013
10 May 2013: Rabinowitz: The Trials of Father MacRae (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
10 May 2013: Long road toward priest’s removal traces church’s abuse journey (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
11 May 2013: “Priest to pay back fraud cash” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Ireland)
04 May 2013: Priest ostracized after breaking code of silence on sex abuse (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Africa)
10 May 2013: INQUIRY: Officer agrees investigator was ‘shut down’ (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
10 May 2013
29 April 2013: Brother avoids charges (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
10 May 2013: NSW police warned of a possible Catholic Church paedophile network as early as 2004 (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
10 May 2013: Abuse scandal’s total cost: $2.62 billion since 2004 (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
10 May 2013: Accused priest ‘said he’d beat charges’ (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
09 May 2013
09 May 2013: Naming ban to remain (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
09 May 2013: “St. Louis Archdiocese removes priest from ministry over allegation” & Archbishop Carlson’s statement (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
09 May 2013: One-time altar boy claims 3 priests in Alamogordo molested him (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
09 May 2013: “Priest resigns from clergy treatment center amid allegations” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
09 May 2013: Pell to appear before Vic abuse inquiry (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
09 May 2013: “INQUIRY: Church delivers warning” & “Whistleblower cop axed, abuse probe told” (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
08 May 2013
08 May 2013: Catholic nun ‘tipped off priest’ under investigation for pedophile crimes (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
09 May 2013: “Grant denies reference to ‘Catholic mafia'” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
07 May 2013: Worcester bishop McManus arraigned on drunken driving, leaving the scene of accident charges in R.I. court (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
07 May 2013
May 2013: Bishop O’Connell to parishioners of St Marys, Colt’s Neck NJ re Father Triggs resignation (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
May 2013: Father Triggs resignation announcement to parish St Marys Colt’s Neck, NJ (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
21 October 2009: “Archdiocese removes priest from hospital in Newark after learning of molestation history” & related Monsignor Paul L. Bochicchio Letter to the Editor (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
07 May 2013: Priest who confessed to groping child also worked with youth in a Nutley parish (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
05 May 2013: New revelations in priest scandal highlight lax supervision by Newark Archdiocese (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
Information re Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday Club and Quebec pilgrimages (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
03 May 2013: Archdiocese of Newark Press Release re Father Michael Fugee resignation (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
06 May 2013
06 May 2013: Three more resign after priest was allowed to work with kids despite lifetime ban(RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
07 May 2013: “Police colluded with priests, says detective” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
06 May 2013: New Roman Catholic bishop to be ordained in Rankin Inlet (Of Interest/Canada and Accused/Dejaeger: Father Eric Dejaeger omi)
04 May 2013
04 May 2013: Former Irish priest to be extradited from the UK to face sexual charges (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Ireland)
03 May 2013
02 May 2013: Moncton Catholic diocese sells assets, cuts staff for abuse compensation (Settlements/Bastarache ‘Conciliation’ deals)
03 May 2013: NB archbishop wants fair price for property sold to to pay sex abuse compensation (Settlements/Bastarache ‘Conciliation’ deals)
03 May 2013: Moncton diocese’s money woes will worsen, lawyer says (Settlements/Bastarache ‘Conciliation’ deals)
03 May 2013: Four paedophiles in same parish an accident of history, Christian Brothers tell parliamentary inquiry ” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
03 May 2013: “Berlin priest pleads guilty to child porn charges” & related article (Child porn)
03 May 2013: “Priest at center of Newark Archdiocese scandal quits ministry” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
02 May 2013
02 May 2013: “Cardinal Keith O’Brien snubbed the victim at the centre of the Carfin Grotto sex abuse probe ” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
02 May 2013: Victim speaks of his hurt at Church’s psychological report (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Ireland)
02 May 2013: Moncton diocese sells building, cuts staff to pay bills (Settlements/Bastarache ‘Conciliation’ deals)
01 May 2013
08 April 2013: Conciliation Process Ends
01 May 2013: “Paedophile priests advised never to admit guilt to limit payouts, Catholic church insurer says” & other related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
01 May 2013: “Newark archbishop, Monmouth County pastor face new calls for resignation in priest scandal” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
30 April 2013
30 April 2013: “Significant cuts in the Diocese of Moncton” & original French text (Accused/Leger: Father Camille Leger & Settlements/Bastarache ‘Conciliation’ deals)
30 April 2013: “Former Catholic Priest Bill Carney arrested in Britain accused of 32 counts of pedophilia” & related article (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
29 April 2013: Priest calls on Vatican to investigate Newark Archbishop John J. Myers (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
30 April 2013: JOANNE MCCARTHY: ‘Mistakes’ of the past (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
01 May 2013: “Abuse victim won $450,000 payout” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
29 April 2013
29 April 2013: “Catholic orders deny protecting pedophiles” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
29 April 2013: Sex probe after man accuses 2 priests (RC Scandal/Other Countries/UK)
Picture of Levis LaPlante added to The Children page (The Children)
28 April 2013
28 April 2013: “Newark archbishop allows priest who admitted groping boy to continue working with children” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
07 February 2013: Archbishop John J Myers letter to priests in the Newark Archdiocese re Father Fugee (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
18 July 2007: Michael Fugee: “Memorandum of Understanding By and Between the Archdiocese of Newark, the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office and Michael Fugee, in His Individual and Vocational Capacities” (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
19 March 2001: Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office: Statement of Michael C. Fugee] (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
Picture of Conrad added to The Children page (The Children)
27 April 2013
Picture of Lowell added to The Children page (The Children)
26 April 2013
Picture JG added to The Children page (The Children)
25 April 2013
25 April 2013: Wrong then, wrong now: the bishops’ top adviser on sexual abuse (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
24 April 2013: “St. Louis priest indicted on federal child porn charge” & related article (Child Porn)
24 April 2013: Pa. judge defends church aide’s trial, conviction (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
24 April 2013
23 April 2013: Whistle blowing priest (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
23 April 2013: Greenwood County deputies say man won’t pursue 15-year-old abuse charges against priest (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
15 January 2003: Good Priest Hunting (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
23 April 2013: Archbishop Jerome Listecki suggests church erred in Wauwatosa priest case (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
19 April 2013: Province liable in case involving boys’ home (Accused/Bromley: Father Ronald Bromley)
24 April 2013: Clogher Diocese abuse report: Opportunities to intervene “consistently missed” (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Ireland)
December 2012: Review of Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese of Clogher (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Ireland)
23 April 2013
09 April 2013: Rich vs Bromley Estate 2013, Reasons for Judgment (Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal) (Accused/Bromley: Father Ronald Bromley)
23 April 2013: “Victim refuses to pursue charges” & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/USA)
22 April 2013
22 April 2013: “Sex assault accuser reacts to top court case dismissal” & related articles (Of Interest/Canada)
22 April 2013: “Former Catholic principal Julian Fox returns from Rome to face child sex charges“ & related articles (RC Scandal/Other Countries/Australia and New Zealand)
19 April 2013
18 April 2013: New Brunswick Court of Appeal dismissal of Father Charles Picot’s appeal (re Derek LaPointe charges) (Accused/Picot: Father Charles Picot)