Nathan Labatt
Nathan Michael Labatt
Former youth volunteer with Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan Youth Ministry. Also volunteered with the Ukrainian Catholic Church and assisted at camps. Former Boy Scout leader. Has attended various youth camps and retreats throughout Saskatchewan.
On 31 July 2014 Labatt was one of 42 people from the Archdiocese of Regina who headed headed off on a 18 day mission trip to the Diocese of Daet in the Philippines. According to the archdiocesan website, the group comprised ” 20 teens, 8 more ‘experienced’ adults (including Father Dan Rafael and Father Rey Asis) and 14 young adults in their 20’s.”
Nathan Labatt was one of a group from the archdiocese who attended World Youth Day 2011 in Spain.
Arrested in Regina January 13 2015, charged January 14 2015 with 1) Sexual exploitation, Section 153(1) CC, 2) Invitation to sexual touching, Section 152 CC, and 3) Possession of child pornography, Section 163.1 (Note 10 July 2016: The sexual exploitation charge Section 153(1) CC, 2 is being handled in Humboldt. The other two charges – Invitation to sexual touching, Section 152 CC, and Possession of child pornography, Section 163.1 are being handled in Kamsack/Yorkton, Sask.)
July 2016: there are new charges in Regina, Sask. These are section 163.1 (3) Distribution, etc.of child pornography, and 163.1 (4) Possession of child pornography
31 March 2017: ACQUITTED on Kamsack charges of invitation to sexual touching and possession of child pornography originating out of Kamsack ( “Judge Patrick Koskie ruled that the Crown had not definitively proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim was under the age of 16. Although Koskie said he had a reasonable suspicion that was the case, the statement of the accused to that effect fell short of the criminal standard for the establishment of age.” (Yorkton This Week, 31 March 2017)
07 April 2017: Humboldt charges STAYED by the Crown
22 June 2017: Regina Charges STAYED (by the Crown?)
The Most Reverend Daniel J. Bohan has been the Archbishop of Regina, Sask, since March 2005.
Nathan Labatt performing/’Pledge Performance’ at Rock n’ Roll Fundraiser 3
22 June 2017: Charges stayed against youth leader
31 March 2017: BLOG “Reasonable doubt” about age
31 March 2017: Labatt acquitted on sex and child porn charges
01 May 2017: BLOG Charges stayed by Crown
Upcoming court dates
May 2017: There are/were three sets of charges and three separate trials – one set in Kamsack, another set in Humboldt and another in Regina. Labatt was acquitted on the Kamsack charges. The Humboldt charges were stayed at request of the Crown.
Next court dates:
Regina, Saskatchewan: 22 June 2017: 09:30 am, continuation of preliminary hearing, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.); 27-29 March 2017: 09:30 am, preliminary hearing, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.); 08 December 2016: 2 pm, courtroom #1, 163.1 (3) and 163.1 (4) “adjourned by case management,” Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.); 10 November 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.); 06 October 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.); 15 September 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.); 23 August 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.) ; 26 July 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.)
Kamsack, ( Invitation to sexual touching, Section 152 CC, and Possession of child pornography, Section 163.1 ): ACQUITTED 31 March 2017: 31 March 2017: 09:30 am, DECISION (verdict), Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E) ;12 January 2017: 10 am, “to be spoken to,” Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E); 12 December 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to” (quite possibly verdict) Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E) ; 20-24 November 2016: TRIAL, 09:30 am, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. |E) ; 18 July 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (12o Smith St. E) ;12 July 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” Kamsack, Saskatchewan, courthouse, ; 12-14 July 2016: 09:30 am, TRIAL, Kamsack, Saskatchewan, courthouse, Kamsack, Saskatchewan (booked for three days),
Humboldt, Sask. (Sexual exploitation charge Section 153(1) CC, 2 ) Charges STAYED at Crown’s request 07 April 2017. 07 April 2017: Pre-trial hearing (NOT open to the public), Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench courthouse (520 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK); 03 March 2017: Pre-trial hearing (NOT open to the public), Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench courthouse (520 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK); Committed to stand trial in Court of Queen’s Bench, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: 19 December 2016: Preliminary hearing, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ;08 August 2016: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
07 December 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ; 16 November 2015: 10 am “for election,” Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ; 19 October 2015: 10 am Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ; 05 October 2015: 10 am Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ;14 September 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ; 24 August 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ; 19 August 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ; 15 June 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ; 25 May 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue);04 May 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) ; 13 April 2015: Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue); 23 March 2015: 10:00 am, first appearance, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask.
26 February 2016: Family Letter Re: Nathan Labatt Media Release Feb 26 2015 (Archdiocese of Regina SEARCH Family News)
Media coverage & BLOGS
(scroll down for further text articles)
31 March 2017: Labatt acquitted on sex and child porn charges
08 August 2016: Labatt Enters Plea
08 July 2016: BLOG How convoluted is this?
07 July 2016: BLOG Latest news
04 July 2016: Labatt Adjourns Matters Again in HPC
08 December 2015: BLOG Really????
16 November 2015: Court Adjournments for Two Local Cases
29 October 2015: BLOG Picking up boys for hockey games
07 October 2015: BLOG Connections…
05 October 2015: Two Local Court Cases Adjourned Once Again
14 September 2015: Labatt’s Matter Adjourned Once Again
24 August 2015: Labatt Case Adjourned for Two More Weeks
10 August 2015: Labatt Adjourns Matters Again
15 June 2015: Youth Charged in Punnichy Homicide
14 June 2015: BLOG Mark calendars
27 May 2015: BLOG …and even less about “George”
26 May 2015: Hayter, Labatt Appear in Court
24 May 2015: BLOG Trial Tuesday
05 May 2015: BLOG Redactions
04 May 2015: Labatt Makes Another Court Appearance
14 April 2015: BLOG 75 charges and 40 + complainants!
13 April 2015: BLOG Courtdate in Humboldt
13 April 2015: Second Adjournment in Labatt Case
23 March 2015: Nathan Labatt Makes 1st Appearance in HPC
23 March 2015: BLOG Addendum
03 March 2015: BLOG “Good” court news
01 March 2015: BLOG Embarrassingly busy in court
27 February 2015: BLOG None of the above?
25 February 2015: Scouts Canada response to charges against Nathan Labatt
Undated, probably 25 or 26 Feb. ’15: Statement by Ukrainian Catholic Church Camps of Saskatchewan Inc. (UCCCS)
25 & update 27 February 2015: Regina Archdiocese Statement re charges against Nathan Labatt
25 February 2015: BLOG Youth minister charged
25 February 2015: RCMP Request for Public Assistance with Investigation into Sexual Exploitation
26, 25 February 2015: “Youth Group Volunteer Faces Number of Charges” & related articles
25 February 2015: Regina volunteer charged with youth sex crimes
25 February 2015: BLOG Youth minister charged
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Saskatchewan RCMP General Investigation Section at 306-780-7127 Individuals who wish to remain anonymous are asked to call Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), through SaskTel at *8477, or submit a tip online at
31 March 2017: ACQUITTED ( “Judge Patrick Koskie ruled that the Crown had not definitively proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim was under the age of 16. Although Koskie said he had a reasonable suspicion that was the case, the statement of the accused to that effect fell short of the criminal standard for the establishment of age.” ( Labatt acquitted on sex and child porn charges)
March 2009 – January 2015: “Youth Volunteer” with the Archdiocese of Regina (Archdiocesan press release re charges – scroll down)
25 March 2015: Archdiocese of Regina attempting to purge name of Nathan Labatt from it’s website files? ( Pages from Labatt CFI Youth Rally Rosary purged Archdiocese of Regina website?)
Read the two documents in the above link. Identical? Not quite, the article “updated” 25 February 2015 – the day Labatt’s charges were publicized – is missing parts of the following text which reference Nathan Labatt:
Braden said the youth leaders put everything together. “They have done the music, they have done the skits, they have put together the break-out sessions and some are cooking the food.” The music was an ad hoc band put together by Youth Leader Nathan Labatt. “We don’t have a name,” he said, “it’s just a bunch of people that I’ve played together with and I asked them to play for this.” Besides a couple of guitars, percussion and a keyboardist the group included three singers including Labatt. They performed throughout the day including the mass presided over by Archbishop Daniel Bohan.
Here is the para as it reads in the “updated” post:
Braden said the youth leaders put everything together. “They have done the music, they have done the skits, they have put together the break-out sessions and some are cooking the food.” The music was an ad hoc band put together by Youth Leaders, besides a couple of guitars, percussion and a keyboardist the group included three singers. They performed throughout the day including the mass presided over by Archbishop Daniel Bohan.
Here. for those who want to see the balloon picture in the 2012 article is the 02 April 2012 cached version with picture of the “rosary balloon” ( Youth Rally Rosary Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan cached 04 Apr 2012) Same “rosary balloon,” identical picture, same just about everything, but devoid of reference to and participation by Nathan Labatt.
Also, click here to link to the Spring 2012 edition of The Arch: Archdiocese of Regina Catholic Herald. Scroll to last page. There it is – the same article which includes reference to Nathan Labatt.
14 January 2015: Charged (sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching and possession of child pornography)
It’s difficult to know exactly when Labatt was removed as a “Youth Volunteer” with the Regina Archdiocese. The statement from the archdiocese says both of the following:
“…,he was removed in January 2015.”
“Upon receiving notification that Nathan was being investigated he … was removed as a volunteer from all activities.”
The RCMP stared to investigate around the end of July 2014. At what point in the investigation was the archdiocese informed that Labatt was under investigation?
13 January 2015: arrested
01 September 2014: Video promo of kick-off of annual appeal campaign for Camp Lemieux in Swift Current Sask. no longer available? (Reference Nathan Labatt and video – video not available)
Camp Lemieux seems to be operated by the Archdiocese of Regina? ( Page from Archdiocese of Regina website advertising for Camp Director Camp at Camp Lemieux)
32 July/August 2014: 18 day “mission” trip to Philippines with contingent from the Archdiocese of Regina.
Note that on a google search the results under “A Journey to the Philippines: COUNTDOWN” displays Labatt’s name along with names of a few others: google result for A Journey to the Philippines… with Labatts name Those are names which at one point were included somewhere in that page once it was opened.
However, click on the link now and the following page appears: A Journey to the Philippines archdiocese blogspot There is no mention of Nathan Labatt: The other names seen on the google result are there.
29 July 2014: Lanigan RCMP received complaint from a parent regarding inappropriate text message from Labatt to her son. An investigation was commenced.
20-28 May 2014: “Who am I?’ and “What is the Plan?’) youth retreats in Moose Jaw and Swift Current Saskatchewan. The retreats, for students in Grades 7 & 8, were conducted by the Archdiocese of Regina’s Youth Minister Michelle Braden “and her team of four young adults.” (article with picture here: Part of Regina Archdiocese team conducting retreats in Swift Current and Moose Jaw)
That’s Nathan Labatt sitting on top of the dumpster. (Picture on Archdiocese of Regina’s wesbite with article June 2014 article entitled “Swift Current Youth Retreat.”
16 April 2014: Stopped work in order to prepare for mission trip to the Philippines ( Path to the Philippines Chronicling of a Mission)
2009-August 2013: Venturer Advisor with Scouts Canada
– Labatt participated in Scouting from 2002 to August 2013. He did not, for reasons unknown, renew his membership after the 2012/2013 Scouting year. According to CBC, ” it was a Scout member who received the text messages and a parent, after seeing the texts, followed up.”
15 October 2012: Picture from CTY Morning Live, Regina captioned “Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Regina Young Adult Leadership Team Nathan Labatt: (Labatt October 15 2012 – CTV Morning Live – Regina )
21 April 2012: attended “Creating Youth Friendly Parishes” workshop in the Regina Chancery Boardroom. The workshop, conducted by the Archdiocesan youth Coordinator, discussed how young people “can become engaged in their faith and parish.” Presentations were given by diocesan youth coordinators from Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Regina and the Saskatoon Eparchy. (Creating Youth Friendly Parishes)
That’s Labatt at workshop with glasses, paper in hand, white shoes and blue plaid shirt over black T-shirt with white lettering .
18 January 2012: in Calgary attending a conference hosted by WCACYM (Western Canadian Association of Catholic Youth Ministers) – was part of contingent from Archdiocese of Regina, Sask. The conference was hosted by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary , and, according to a posting on the archdiocese’s website, people from the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy
[It looks like the Archdiocesan purgers may have been busy here too. Scroll way down this page to “Bridging the Gap,.” That is the cached18 January 2012 version of the posting. It includes these words ” Thank you to the young people I work with from our diocese, 2 of whom accompanied me. (Nathan Labatt and Melanie Giambattista) “
[On 25 March 2015 the post on the archdiocesan website was marked as “last updated February 25, 2015.” Click the link here: Labatt ‘Be Encouraged! Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan’ – 25 February 2015 update of 18 January 2012 post Note that Labatt’s name is nowhere to be seen. It’s gone]
More info here from on WCACYM, whose Summer Seminars are run in cooperation with the Redemptorists: ( ‘Youth Training/ Youth Ministry Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan’)
31 August 2011: Listed as trustee for Boy Scouts of Canada Provincial Council ( 2011 Charity Focus – BOY SCOUTS OF CANADA, SASKATCHEWAN PROVINCIAL COUNCIL )
02 (?)-26 August 2011: Madrid Spain for World Youth Day. Nathan Labatt was one of 40 “young pilgrims” from the Archdiocese of Regina who attended the event. That’s him with the tie in the front row. ( Page from Arch– Nathan Labatt one of Archdiocese of Regina’s 40 “pilgrims” to World Youth Day in Madrid Spain)
Article on Archdiocese of Regina’s website re WYD: Archdiocese of Regina World Youth Day Pilgrims
25 July 2011: Posting on Club smart car website:
Posted 25 July 2011 – 10:21 AM
Hey there everyone!I’m glad to be on here, it will be nice to meet some more Smart Car owners in the area!My name is Nathan Labatt, I have been a proud Smart Car owner since October of 2010. I drive a 2010 Smart Fortwo Passion Greystyle. If you live in Regina, you’ve probably seen me cruising around in it. I’ve been away on a camping trip for the last month with the car, and i haven’t had time to get some pictures on here and all that, but I will within the next week! Can’t wait to meet and chat with all you wonderful people!
July 2011: Camp Councillor at St. Michael’s Camp, a Ukrainian Catholic Camp in Duck Mountain Provincial Park. Labatt assisted during two weeks of the youth camp which was geared to children aged 8 to 12. (Labatt Pages from eparchial-news-christmas-2011-2_Redacted
11 May 2010: Blogged on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! ” that, witness the following first two paras, he had recently been kicked out of school (sounds as though he was taking computer studies of some sort in Saskatoon, Sask):
So as you all know, the blog is Titled “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student” Well, that’s not so true anymore. This is my official notice of amendment to the title. It shall simply be: “Nathan Labatt. Inside and Out!”.
To expand on the title change, I was not to [sic] recently kicked out of school. Along with, to my knowledge, half a dozen other people! I’m slowly turning to the notion that CST is more of a money grab then an educational program
I met someone recently. And I’ve spent an absolutely amazing time with this kid. I have huge respect for him and I love him more then anything in the world. Even more than singing. And for those of you who know me, know that means something! 😛 But I just don’t know what to do anymore. Indecision and floofy-ness is driving me CRAZY!
17 April 2010: Part of group who travelled to Swift Current, Saskatchewan for the Archdiocesan Youth Rally at Christ the Redeemer Roman Catholic Church. The rally’s theme was “The Fire of the Holy Spirit is in us GET FIRED UP.” Jesse Manibusin, a “Catholic lay evangelist” from Texas, was a presenter at the rally. The event was attended by ” 60 plus Grade 7-12 teens and about a dozen adults from 13 different communities across the Archdiocese.” Archbishop Daniel Bohan was in attendance for at least part of the rally.
The following pictures are a few of those posted on the Little Flower Parish, Regina. I have opted to redact the faces of the young people in the pictures.
- Nathan Labatt – lime green runners
- Nathan Labatt – lime green runners
- Nathan Labbat – lime green runners
- Nathan Labatt at front in white T-shirt and pinkish vest
- Bishop Bohan at Celebrate Youth Rally April 1010
07 April 2010: Blogged the following on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! “
Easter Long Weekend. YAY!
So this past weekend was the annual Easter weekend 😛 Most people around the world observe the crucifixion of Jesus. And I was one of them. I had the privilige of helping out at St. Pete’s back home in Regina. They had a FastAThon and after it, they acted out The Passion of the Christ, for the congregation at the Good Friday mass. IT was fun, we hung out all night played some pool, Twister, Quelf. Played some crazy scavenger hunt thing(Not trying to brag, but my team won!)! Then the next morning we went on down to downtown Regina to follow teh stations of the cross through the city. A fun event with lots of people, singing, cross carrying, and crazy old men in the park calling us all Nazi’s! I LOL’ed when I heard it :P!
Sunday rolled around, I headed off to church in the morning to sing and work the soundboard. We rocked This Little Light Of Mine at the end of mass and had everybody in the church dancing and singing, and clapping along with the beat. It was a good time.
30 March 2010: Blogged the following on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! ” blog:
AND ON TOP OF THAT, the vening followed with a get together at my house in support of Earth Hour! I invited people to come over to my house and hang out in the dark for a while. We lit candles and had glowsticks glowing. The drinks were pouring, the fire was crackling, and the fun was never ending……We had soo much fun, but alas that night had to come to an end. Sunday followed. I took my bass with me on down to the Cathedral for a World Youth Day Meeting. I’ll be travelling to Spain in August 2011, to participate in World Youth Day. It’s bound to be a good time.
23 March 2010: Blogged the following on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! ” blog:
So I had a crazy fun weekend this past one! Friday I went with [deleted] and [deleted], to a drag show, and I got to meet a couple people I’d been talking to online. I was driving so I didn’t drink, but I still went and had a blast dancing and singing along with the Queens 😛 They had a couple new people up there this weekend as well. I think everyone did a superb job!
11 March 2010: Blogged the following on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! ” blog:
So the jerks outside at SIAST. I’m not sure what it is about people in today’s society, you’d think they would grow up and get over stupid fucking stereotypes. I’m a boy. I wear skinny jeans. Actually, my clothes are almost all very tight fitting. THAT DOESN’T MAKE ME A ‘FAG‘. There are tons of guys that dress the same way I do, some even more so flamboyantly. Doesn’t make them gay either. Okay, I’ll give them a break because I AM gay, so they are on the right track, but they don’t know me.
15 March 2010: Blogged the following on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! ” blog
We went into Divine. They sell Converse.
So I bought some. A pair of lime green high tops. LOVE THEM! Not to mention the guy working there was kind of cute.
(Check the following picture. Celebrate Youth Rally 17 April 2010 Swift Current
That’s Nathan Labatt at the 17 April 2010 Youth Rally in Swift Current – wearing his lime green runners)
03 March 2010: Blogged the following on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! ” blog:
Being involved with Scouts for soo long I have acquired friends from all over Southern Saskatchewan! It’s pretty awesome. I like hanging out with them. Through out college I’ve made more friends that I fricken LOVE hanging out with! I’m currently in ASSINIBOIA partying with [deleted] [deleted] and [deleted] ! It’s pretty cool. I met a couple new peeps … that are fucking epic. Such a good time.
22 February 2010: Blogged the following on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! ” blog:
And then later I went to church … Not going to lie, I love going to sing at church. The group that sings at the 7PM Mass at Holy Spirit is quite an exceptional group of singers and musicians. All in all it was a pretty good weekend.
18 February 2010: Blogged the following on his “Life of a Computer Systems Technology Student! ” blog:
CST has a new policy regarding tardiness in class. If your late for class you can’t go into the classroom until the break, so as not to disturb the class in progress. Okay I understand that, but after paying $5000 to take this course, I expect to be allowed into my classes. So I’ve been sitting in the hallway, chilling with a bunch of people because I’m not the only one refusing to go into class. YAY! I’m pretty proud of my rebelliousness!!
2010: Listed as Council Youth Commissioner for Boy Scouts of Canada, Saskatchewan Provincial Council ( Labatt Youth Commissioner with Boy Scouts Of Canada, Saskatchewan Provincial Council)
2009-2010: Listed in Scouts Canada 2009-2010 Saskatchewan Council Annual Report as Council Youth Commissioner. (Pages from Scouts Canada Saskatchewan 2009-2010_Annual_Report) – with the following message from Labatt:
Message from the Council Youth Commissioner
My job in the Council is to make sure that the youth in Saskatchewan are having fun, and that their voices are heard at a National Level. Over the last year I have been fortunate enough to attend two National Youth Network meetings. We’ve been working on some great programs and projects to offer in the 2010/11 year, and I CAN’T WAIT for them to get to you!
2009/10 was a great year for Scouts Canada, and it’s all thanks to YOU! As a special note I would like to greatly thank Gillian Roberts who has made a huge impact on Scouting in Canada as Assistant National Youth Commissioner. This is Gillian’s last year as ANYC-West and before her term ended Gillian was awarded the Medal of the Maple at a special World Scout Foundation event in Ottawa in October. Gillian,Elizabeth Smith-Windsor and I were also welcomed as members of the World Baden-Powell Fellowship under the patronage of His Majesty The King of Sweden!
I am so excited to see all of you in the next Scouting year! Look out, cause Scouting in Saskatchewan is coming back, and it’s about time!
Yours in Scouting
Nathan Labatt
January 2003: took St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid training as member of Boy Scouts ( Regina 87th Scouting , Issue 6 Newsletter, January 2003)
DOB: 01 November 1990
Regina Scout, church volunteer Nathan Labatt facing sex charges
Labatt charged with sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching, possession of child pornography
CBC News Posted: Feb 25, 2015 11:56 AM CT
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2015 11:56 AM CT
RCMP have charged Regina’s Nathan Michael Labatt with sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching, and possession of child pornography after months of investigating.
On July 29, 2014, Lanigan RCMP received a complaint from a parent who said their son received inappropriate text messages from a man. RCMP in Regina joined the investigation and determined there may be additional victims.
On Jan. 13, police arrested Labatt and he was charged the following day.
The 25-year-old will make his first court appearance in Humboldt on March 23, 2015.
RCMP said Labatt has been a volunteer with a number of youth groups, including Scouts Canada. Between 2009 and 2014, police say the accused attended various youth camps and retreats in Saskatchewan where he would have been working with kids between 14 and 17 years old.
Investigators believe there may be more victims. RCMP are now asking anyone with information to contact the Saskatchewan RCMP General Investigation Section at 306-780-7127 or Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Nathan Michael Labatt, 24, of Regina is charged with sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching and possession of child pornography following an RCMP investigation. Photo provided by RCMP.
REGINA — A 24-year-old Regina man is facing three charges related to alleged youth sexual abuse.
Nathan Michael Labatt is charged with sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching and possession of child pornography following an RCMP investigation.
RCMP believes there may be additional victims and is asking anyone with information to come forward.
Labatt was an active volunteer with a number of youth groups and worked with males aged 14 to 17.
Through Scouts Canada and the Roman Catholic and Ukrainian Catholic Churches, he attended various youth camps, retreats and other events in Saskatchewan between 2009 and 2014.
On July 29, a male youth’s parent alleged that the youth had received inappropriate text messages from Labatt. The complaint, made to the Lanigan RCMP, resulted in an investigation assisted by Regina RCMP General Investigation Section.
As investigators were looking into the initial complaint, they determined there may be additional victims. Further interviews and gathering of evidence identified a second victim.
Labatt was arrested Jan. 13 and will make his first court appearance at Humboldt Provincial Court on March 23.
Investigators are asking parents of children who had contact with Labatt to ask their children about any private text or social media conversations they had with him. If parents are uncomfortable with the nature of these conversations, they should report it to the Saskatchewan RCMP General Investigation Section at 306-780-7127.
Individuals who wish to remain anonymous are asked to call Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), through SaskTel at *8477, or submit a tip online at
Former Sask. youth volunteer charged with sexual exploitation
Global News
25 March 2015
Police believe there may be more victims after a Regina man was charged with child exploitation last month. An investigation into Nathan Michael Labatt began after a parent of a Lanigan, Sask. youth complained to RCMP in July 2014 that their son had received inappropriate text messages from a man.
Labatt, 24, has also been charged with invitation to sexual touching and possession of child pornography. None of the allegations have been proven in court.
Labatt was an active volunteer in several youth groups including Scouts Canada and the Roman Catholic and Ukrainian Catholic Churches. He attended camps, retreats and other events with the organizations between 2009 and 2014, working with male youth between the ages of 14 and 17.
During their investigation, Mounties identified one additional victim. Although any potential victims may be male, police say there could also be female victims.
Investigators are now asking parents of children who had contact with Labatt to ask them if they had any private texts or social media conversations with him and if so, to discuss the nature of those conversations.
Mounties say parents should contact them at 306-780-7127 if they are uncomfortable with those conversations. Individuals who wish to remain anonymous can contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Labatt is scheduled to make his first court appearance on March 23 in Humboldt.
Former Regina youth volunteer faces sexual exploitation, child pornography charges
CTV News Regina
Published Wednesday, February 25, 2015 11:46AM CST
A Regina man who police say actively volunteered with local youth groups is facing charges that include sexual exploitation and possession of child pornography.
RCMP in Lanigan began investigating last July after receiving a complaint from a parent who said their son had received inappropriate text messages from an adult. Police later identified a second alleged victim.
On Jan. 13, police arrested 24-year-old Nathan Michael Labatt of Regina. Labatt faces charges of sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching and possession of child pornography. He is scheduled to make his first court appearance in Humboldt provincial court March 23.
Investigators have learned that Labatt was an active volunteer with several youth groups, including Scouts Canada and the Roman Catholic and Ukrainian Catholic churches. Mounties say Labatt attended various youth camps, retreats and other events in Saskatchewan with those groups between 2009 and 2014.
At this point, investigators believe there may be more alleged victims, likely boys between the ages of 14 to 17, though police say they could also be female.
RCMP are asking anyone with information that could help in the investigation to come forward. They are also asking parents whose children had contact with Labatt to ask their kids if they had any conversations with him through text messages or social media. Parents are asked to report anything suspicious to police.
Regina Man Facing Child Porn Related Charges
- 620 CKRM
A Regina man faces three charges connected to alleged sexual abuse of teenage boys.
An RCMP investigation has led to charges of sexual exploitation, invitation to sexual touching possession of child pornography being laid against 24 year old Nathan Michael Labatt.
RCMP believes there may be additional victims and is asking anyone with information to come forward.
Labatt was an active volunteer with a number of youth groups and worked with boys ages 14-17 through things like Scouts Canada and the Roman Catholic Church through youth camps, retreats and other events in the province during a five year period from 2009 to last year.
Be Encouraged!
[Archdiocese of Regina. Sask. website – cached version ]
- faith of young people
This past weekend, I was part of a conference in Calgary open to all those in Western Canada who are interested in working with young people! It was hosted by WCACYM (Western Canadian Association of Catholic Youth Ministers) It was an amazing, grace filled weekend! I have never been so encouraged (and tired!!). It was so encouraging to see people of all ages and backgrounds coming together to see how the “new evangelization” can be lived out with our young people. We had professional youth ministers, volunteer youth workers, diocesan directors, camp directors, priests, representatives of NET, all in attendance. We prayed and learned, discerned and networked. AND we laughed until we could hardly catch our breath! Thank you to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary and those from the Ukranian Catholic Eparchy for hosting us so well! A special thak you to Mike Verdonk and St. Stephen’s Parish for the wonderful “Malnka” (Ukranian New Year’s) celebration! Such hospitality! Thank you to Miles Myers for the wonderful professional devlopment! Thank you to the young people I work with from our diocese, 2 of whom accompanied me. (Nathan Labatt and Melanie Giambattista) You ALL give me great hope for the future! And thank you to the amazing young men and women who serve on the “core” executive of this organization. They have been a lifeline to me! On Sept. 14-16, the Archdiocese of Regina will host the fall retreat for this wonderful group. Y’all come!
Great reporting of the quick changes done by the Archdiocese to remove Labatt’s name, Sylvia. Did you happen to get a screenshot of the original page? That’s the Archdiocesan damage control in full readiness.
What truly worries me about this case, is that it clearly shows that the Archdiocese doesn’t seem to understand how they enable predators. Criminal Record Checks by themselves do not recuse an organization from being aware of the signs that put children at risk. The singling out and praising of Labbatt on the Archdiocesan webpage “Bridging the Gap” article, only enables Labbatt and gives him more credibility and trust among the youth. I don’t know what the answer is, but the signs of enabling and lack of understanding are clearly there.
Yes, Leona. I agree. Criminal record checks screen out those who have been caught. That’s it. Any molester who hasn’t been caught would pass a criminal record check. Yes, it’s good to run the checks to screen out those who have been charged and are out and about foot-loose-and-fancy-free, but running the check is no guarantee that those who pass are not going to lay a wayward hand on a child. I think in fact that nowadays the checks provide a false sense of security.
I couldn’t agree more. Criminal Record Checks only add another layer of bureaucracy. While they should weed out the most obvious (sure didn’t work in the case of McCann), they are a minimal attempt to keep children safe.
Nathan Labatt’s courtdate of yesterday was adjourned: his lawyer ‘appeared’ by phone Labatt’s next court date is:
04 May 2015: Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
Here’s an article reporting yesterday’s courtdate:
13 April 2015: Second Adjournment in Labatt Case
The next courtdate for Nathan Labatt is:
25 May 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
Nathan Labatt’s courtdate of yesterday (25 May) was adjourned. His next courtdate is:
15 June 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
(Labatt was charged 23 March 2015)
Nathan Labatt’s next court date is:
10 August 2015: 10 am Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
There is a short article with update here:
15 June 2015: Youth Charged in Punnichy Homicide
Nathan Labatt’s next courtdate is:
14 September 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
The next courtdate for Nathan Labatt is:
05 October 2015: 10 am Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers
Once again Nathan Labatt’s court case has been set over. This time till October 19. It seems his lawyer appeared via phone once again.
Thank you ‘just another victim’ for keeping on top of it for us. I have posted the article:
05 October 2015: Two Local Court Cases Adjourned Once Again
How long I wonder will this merry-go-round keeping going? He was charged 14 January of this year.
I must also thank Discover Humboldt for keeping tabs on this case. As those who follow Sylvia’s Site know, many times these revolving door court appearances are not covered by newspapers.
So, Nathan Labatt’s next court date is:
19 October 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
Please, as always, keep the complainants in your prayers.
I left a message and was expecting a call back yesterday and today with the next courtdate. No call. I will have to try again on Monday.
The next court date for Nathan Labatt is:
16 November 2015: 10 am, “for election,” Humboldt Saskatchewan courthouse
The next courtdate for Nathan Labatt is:
07 December 2015: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
I have posted above the following link to a 26 February 2016 letter which is posted on the Archdiocese of Regina’s website:
26 February 2015: Family Letter Re: Nathan Labatt Media Release Feb 26 2015 (Archdiocese of Regina SEARCH Family News)
SEARCH is described elsewhere on the website as: “a Christian community formed through retreat experiences that help youth on their journey to discover God, themselves, and Christian community. “Searchers’ are individuals who have attended a weekend retreat and are now members of our ‘Search Family.’ Search family who have demonstrated their gift of faith are welcome back to serve on Back Up or Kitchen Crew behind the scenes or on team as they walk with “‘New Searchers’ providing support through encouragement, leadership in discussions, and the ministry of presence. This will be our space to share celebrations and challenges within our SEARCH family.”
Do you have any idea what the charges are in Kamsack and Regina? Has something changed in Humboldt as he originally had three charges there, but only one complainant. Even though the to be spoken to part will be quick I will not be surprised if there was some people there to support the victim or victims.
I THINK that what may have happened here is that there is the same complainant but it was discovered at some point that the three ‘offences’ transpired in two different jurisdictions I did try to get the specific charges in each jurisdiction but was unable to do so. I will continue trying to sort this out.
Good news that there will be support in court
For those who keep tabs on Nathan Labatt’s court dates on this thread, he has the following three upcoming court dates:
Regina, Saskatchewan: 26 July 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” Regina courthouse (2425 Victoria Avenue)
Kamsack,: 18 July 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (29 Darlington Street East)
Humboldt, Sask.: 08 August 2016: 10 am, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
A TRIAL date has been set for the Kamsack, Saskatchewan charges:
22 November 2016: TRIAL, 09:30 am, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (29 Darlington Street East)
I learned today that the two charges being heard in Kamsack/Yorkton and going to trial in November are (1) Invitation to sexual touching, Section 152 CC, and (2) Possession of child pornography, Section 163.1 The one charge being handled in Humboldt is that of Sexual exploitation charge Section 153(1) CC, 2
The nature of the Regina charge(s) is/are, at this time, unknown.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
Okay, the charges in Regina are the following:
Section 163.1 (3) of the Criminal Code:
Section 163.1 (4) of the Criminal Code
Labbatt has a courtdate in Regina related to these charges on Tuesday:
26 July 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (2425 Victoria Avenue)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers
Nathan Labatt’s Regina court date is at the Regina Provincial court on Smith St. I inadvertently gave the address for the Court of Queens Bench for Sask. So, here is the correction on the courtdate:
26 July 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.)
Labatt didn’t attend lawyer did so on his behalf. Set over until August 23 930am
Thank you jav 🙂
The next REGINA court-date for Nathan Labatt is:
23 August 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
Here is the latest news on Nathan Labatt:
08 August 2016: Labatt Enters Plea
Note first that Labatt has entered not guilty pleas to the Humboldt charges, and then note that a preliminary hearing on those charges has been set for 19 December 2016.
Unless something has radically changed since one month ago when I spoke to a clerk at the Yorkton courthouse, that means that Labatt is going to trial on charges in Kamsack (YORKTON courthouse) 22 November 2016, and then on to a preliminary hearing in HUMBOLDT 19 December. Further to that, he has a court-date scheduled on the REGINA charges this coming Monday (23 August 2016) at 09:3o am.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
No audible mention of other charges in other jurisdictions. Adjourned to Sept 13 2016 @ 930 am. He was not present. JAV
A belated thank you JAV. I have just updated the legal calendar and page 🙂
There was an error in the date given of Sept. 13, 2016 rather it is Sept 15, 2016. If I hear anything further I will let everyone know.
Adjourned again till October 6 @ 9:30.
The next court date for Nathan Labatt on his Regina, Saskatchewan charges is:
10 November 2016: 2 pm, courtroom #1, 163.1 (3) and 163.1 (4) “adjourned by case management,” Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.)
I don’t know what this means. Can anyone out there help? Those two charges are the ones he is facing in Regina.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
The next court date for Nathan Labatt is:
12 December 2016: 09:30 am, “to be spoken to” Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E)
All the files aren’t back in the office yet so I was unable to find out if this is for rendering the verdict, but, my guess is that probably it is.
We shall see…..
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
There are two new court dates for Nathan Labatt, one in Yorkton on his Kamsack charges, and the other in Regina on the more recent Regina charges:
Regina, Saskatchewan: 27 March 2017: 09:30 am, adjourned to preliminary hearing, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.)
Kamsack, Saskatchewan: 13 January 2017: 10 am, “to be spoken to,” Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E)
Sorry, I still don’t know what exactly is happening in Yorkton. The trial was 20-24 November. There has been no verdict. Perhaps the verdict will be rendered on this “to be spoken to” date?
We shall see.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers
Nathan Labatt has been committed to stand trial on the Humboldt Saskatchewan charges. The trial will be conducted in the Court of Queen’s Bench, Saskatoon. The court is awaiting the files from the preliminary hearing. If those files arrive within the next day or two there will be a pre-trial hearing in Saskatoon on 13 January. The pre-trials are NOT open to the public.
I will try to check on Friday to see what the status is.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
The next court date for Nathan Labatt is:
31 March 2017: 09:30 am, DECISION (verdict), Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E) ;12 January 2017: 10 am, “to be spoken to,” Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E)
Please keep the complainant in your prayers
The next court date for Nathan Labatt is:
03 March 2017: Pre-trial hearing (NOT open to the public), Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench courthouse (520 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK)
Note that this is NOT open to the public.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
The next court date for Nathan Labatt on his Humboldt Saskatchewan charges is:
07 April 2017: Pre-trial hearing (NOT open to the public), Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench courthouse (520 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
Thanks you JAV. I just posted it here:
31 March 2017: Labatt acquitted on sex and child porn charges
What a a terrible terrible shame. He admitted he did it, and he thought the complainant was 14 or 15, but the judge felt the Crown failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the complainant was under the age of 16 at the time.
I wonder if there are any grounds at all for appeal here?
Not a good result given that he admitted to the crime. The question I have, Does this decision have any influence on the other cases?
The other cases will be heard by different judges, a different judge for each. The outcome in this should not have any impact on the others – it’s certainly not supposed to. Let’s just hope and pray that there are no unresolved issues in the other two regarding the age of the complainant and whether or not he/she was or was not a minor at the time.