Ottawa police hope the release of numbers of registered sex offenders per-postal code doesn’t affect the 97% compliance rate they’ve been enjoying locally.
Ontario’s corrections ministry recently released a 2008-era database of registered sex offenders in response to a Supreme Court ruling that ended a six-year court battle by Global News. The database allows users to search an area code and find out how many registered sex offenders live in that area.
A search of 36 Ottawa area codes turned up 552 registered sex offenders. There were only six area codes which didn’t have a single registered sex offender living within its boundary. The database doesn’t disclose name or addresses.
Deputy Chief Jill Skinner said police will be watching closely to see if the 97% compliance rate stays the same now that the public has access to this kind of information. She hopes sex offenders don’t “go underground” as a result. Skinner said in parts of the U.S. — where sex offenders are identified by their address — police have a 60% compliance rate.
“Christopher’s Law was intended to be confidential, but we think this is broad enough that it won’t infringe on the compliance rate,” Skinner said.
The sex offender registry is managed by the OPP, based in Orillia. When someone from Ottawa Police jurisdiction is added to the list, the local force is notified and action is taken which varies, depending on the person’s risk assessment.
High-risk offenders are often met by police before they even leave the jail.
“High-risk offenders of sex crimes often don’t have much of a support network waiting for them,” Skinner said, adding that’s why police reach out to them and offer support.
She said sexual offences are often an addiction or dependency and she’s found offenders sometimes have other drug and alcohol dependencies. When the offender gives into one, the others will follow.
“They get back into that offending cycle,” she said.
New additions to the registry must come in to police HQ and fill out a form and have their photo taken. Police then follow-up and make sure they’re living at the address which was provided. This procedure is repeated at least every year.
The area of Ottawa with the highest concentration of registered sex offenders — again, based on 2008 data — is K1L and K1K in the Vanier area.
These are broad-based areas and some more specific areas may have no offenders within an area code. For example, K2J lists 8 while K2J 8S7 in Bells Corners has none.
Twitter: @DougHempstead
POSTAL CODEArea of cityNumber of sex offenders
K2K Dunrobin, Kanata area 3
K2W Carp area 1
K2H Kanata/Crystal Beach area 7
K2T Stittsville/Goulbourn area 1
K2M West Nepean 1
K2B Lincoln Fields area 20
K2G Nepean area 11
K2E Nepean area 5
K2J Barrhaven area 8
K1T East Barrhaven 13
K1V Limebank, airport area 22
K1G Belfast Rd. to North of Greely 26
K4P Greely area 1
K1T Lester/Albion area 13
K2A West Westboro
K1Z Westboro area 34
K1Y Tunney’s Pasture area 20
K1R Northwest downtown area 34
K2P Downtown area 22
K1S Rideau Canal, Old Ottawa South 10
K1H North of airport area 5
K2C Baseline, Prince of Wales area 24
K1N Lowertown area 33
K1M Rockcliffe area 2
K1L Vanier, West of Rockcliffe Park area 45
K1K Vanier, Overbrook area 46
K4A Orléans area 7
K1C Orléans, Blackburn area 8
K1E East Orléans 2
K1B Industrial park, Gloucester south 6
K1J Gloucester, Cardinal Heights area 18
K4A Innes Rd./ Trim area 7
K0A Southeast area 65
K4B Navan area 3
K4C Cumberland, Innes Rd. east area 1
K4K Clarence-Rockland area 16
There are only six area codes without any registered sex offenders: K2V, K2R, K4M, K1X, K1P and K1W.
These numbers are based on stats from May 2008.
552 registered sex offenders living in Ottawa in 2008 – and parents are not permitted to know who they are or where they live!
How each province deals with its sex offender data base differs from province to province – this is how it’s handled in Ontario. The Ontario government fought tooth and nail for years against the release of this minimal albeit disturbing data.
Police are concerned that release of this data will cause these predators to go underground and stop reporting. Parents are concerned about their children.
There`s something amiss here. Seriously amiss.
I’m a father of two little girls. I live in Nepean and when I see my postal code and see that there is 8 in my area yet it will not tell me where exactly or who. That’s not safe at all. How is that supposed to make me feel like my kids are safe. I’m sorry but in the states once registered they have to go door to door and you can see where they live on the map. Why can’t we see them? Hey, not knowing who they are or how often they have done this is not something I’m ok with. And pp wounded why children go missing or molested.
So I just found out in my area there are at least 25 sex offenders , honestly I feel the public has a right to in the very least know what these people look like. If one of my neighbours is a sex offender why would I not have a right to know this! #brokensystem
Jennifer i,m right with you. Why is society treated so badly that a “sicko” is able to be released & live right next to you or anyone else without any notice. God forbid but if this ever occured to me or any of my family god help the bast…. cause i wouldn,t put up with it.
I’m absolutely choked by the high level of convicted sex offenders. This does not only mean that the number represents all of the sex offenders, but only the individual convicted. The one who are free could be twice this number and we know the location and area of these ex-con, why can’t we get a picture of them? I know that in the U.S they have a public database that offers their address, name and picture. They are followed for life and informed of all their move.
Brother Paradis now lives in LaPrairie, Quebec in a Brothers of Christian Instruction facility (I believe it is the mother-house?). LaPrairie is a suburb of Montreal, Quebec and also home to College Jean de la Mennais, a private school once operated by the Brothers.
If any readers know of families with children attending this school, they may wish to alert them of this potential threat. No sex offender should be living in the grounds of a school, alleged offenders should be removed until the allegation is cleared or proven.
Certainly, I agree that one should know what this person looks like so one can be aware. From what I have gathered they cannot be rehabilitated so therefore a danger at any time to our children. I have two grandaughters and sometimes I feel maybe their parents are not as aware as they should be.
Why has there not been an update since 2008? This is not acceptable in my opinion
Don’t get me wrong I have no kids and it’s creepy living near a sex offender I feel I he the right to know but honestly people find out where they live and then start harassing them and we’ll it goes on from there
One would ask why sexual predator priests are not jailed for more than ten years but we have the case of the ski coach Charest who has received 14 years for sexual assault and exploitation. Who is protecting these sexual predator priests so they get slap on wrist charges and small sentences????
Don’t get it twisted, There’s a known sexual predator that lives a block away from My mom’s. He’s only harassed when he does something creepy.
I will agree that the numbers are high. Yet I do respect the fact that we dont.know who or where they live. As long as authorities have that knowledge, the general public shouldn’t. Many are not responsible enough for this information and its a violation of privacy, even if they are predators. I stand to agree that this particular information not become public. Its not our right to know that, and you shiuld respect it like it would be your own information, regardless of why. Just talk to your kids, and educate them. Thats what I do.
“Its not our right to know that, and you should respect it like it would be your own information” yes, because they deserve the right to keep destroying our babies! If anyone takes the innocence of another by raping or molesting them, THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS! Why do you feel the need to protect these scumbags who literally destroy the very being on a child?..
They deserve no respect and should be punished accordingly, not given protection!
Yes, because education protects people from being raped, get a freaking grip on reality Emilie!
It is a proven fact that the number lie, most offenders DO not report, they do not know what they are up to, and checking in once a year does NOTHING!
omgaawd really!
Seems like you are probably a predator yourself, under a fake name… disgusting.
it was just an opinion, I never accused or called anyone names. Calme toi femme.
wow, I recently moved to K0A What the hell there are 65????? I have 3 kids under 9……I thought moving out here was a great thing now I am terrified…….never letting my kids out of my sight…….
K0a is a really big area. Almost as of Ottawa. Google it and you can see how big it is. So less chances of actually being near a predator then in Ottawa.
Sex offenders are predators and all sexual offences are heinous don’t get me wrong, I have experience with sexual predators on children and he was convicted. What I feel we need to keep in mind is that everyone seems to be under the assumption that everyone on the registry has been convicted of crimes against children. Anyone who has been charged and convicted of any type of sexual offense are on the registry at least for a certain period of time. Depending on the offence their length of time on the registry changes. For example if I were to be convicted of sexual assault for smacking a co-worker on the ass I will be on the registry.
Again I do feel that jail time is not enough “justice” but by keeping their names and addresses unregistered publicly they are saving “us” as the general population from doing something heinous ourselves. Many of us would like to take our own form of justice against these individuals but where would we and our families end up as a consequence of our actions. Statistically it is not the strangers we have to worry about around our children it is those that we have in our home, again this is speaking from experience. Fathers, uncles, brothers, grandfathers, mothers, babysitters etc are statistically more likely to be the offenders on children.
I put two of these sickos on this radar!
And don’t start talking to me about them going
Give them REAL jail time & we would have to worry about them going underground!
When are laws going to change?!
We legalized weed before changing a longer sentence for pedophiles!
The max they get is 2 years and 99% of the time it’s 2 yrs less a day so they are on probation for 5 yes after.
I’ve been told first hand that probation is a joke and the probation officers don’t even monitor them because they have too many caseloads.
My son and I will never be the same! They have taken that away from from
us forever and they get a slap on the wrist! How about life! 75 yr minimum sentence!
That might make these sickos think twice!
End of rant….
I’m forced to live in vanier as rent is affordable. I am looking to move now! Besides the drug addicts, prostitution and crime rates that happen in my area… I do not wish to add sexual deviants to this long list of issues. Can we not locate them to areas that are not high risk? An area with no nearby schools, group homes, day cares, etc. Children free zones are needed for these people as a preventative maintenance.
I see there’s 46 in the vanier erea alone are you kidding me vanier is only one square mile and we are not allowed to know where they live that’s bull shit I personally we do everything I can to find out.
Let’s call it like it is…these “offenders” are PREDATORS, regardless of the severity of the crime, who they committed the crime upon, how much time was served once convicted. The people on this…essentially non-existent list as it’s only a bunch of numbers to everyone that sees it…have at some point preyed, exploited and ruined the lives of someone else. This list is a joke…these predatory beasts have simply been given a number on a growing list, while their victims have been given countless nightmares, a lifetime of psychological, emotional and physical torment, and FEAR! These predators prey in the innocent yet are protected by a number…who’s protecting their victims? Perhaps if names are released…it may be cause to put some much deserved fear into them, and others… and see if the statistics show the “number” in our cities decreasing, because let’s be honest…right now, they are only increasing. My 2 cents!
Sex offenders are not only pedophiles but are also criminals who rape or sexually assault an adult.
So some of these sex offenders might have never hurt any children.
All the more reason for the public to have access to information identifying sexual predators. Every sexual predator, regardless of their victims age, race, gender, should be known to the public.