Times of Malta
Friday, August 26, 2011, 12:56
Ontario provincial police in Canada are anxious to extradite Fr Godwin Scerri, who avoided prosecution there two decades ago when he fled to Malta.
The Windsor Star reported this morning that now that his Malta court case is over, the police in Ontario want Fr Scerri back.
Fr Scerri was recently found guilty by the Maltese courts of abusing boys in his care and was jailed five years. He has filed an appeal. The Attorney General is also appealing the magistrate’s decision to acquit Fr Scerri of rape.
The Windsor Star said Fr Scerri is still wanted in Canada for alleged sex abuse in Emeryville and on Pelee Island.
A Canada-wide warrant for Fr Scerri remains valid. He was charged with sexual assault and gross indecency in June 1993 after a 22-year-old man came forward.
The victim had told police that Fr Scerri abused him between 1983 and 1987, starting when he was 12 years old. It happened on Pelee Island and in Emeryville.
Before the case went to trial, Fr Scerri fled to Malta.
“We are now in the process of trying to get him back here to answer to the allegations here; the serious allegations here,” Sgt Dave Rektor told the newspaper.
He wasn’t sure if Scerri would face additional charges for running from the law.
Mr Victor vella
Today, 17:42
I know this priest when I attended theMSSPCollege. Not only this priest, but even the other three. For sure I never forget the dedication of all the fathers and brothers of the MSSP. when I attended the college. It is very hearth-breaking hearing such news. For sure not all the fathers and brothers are like this. The society needs a lot of prayers and for sure God is not going to castigate the society for the good things the society is doing in the missionaries. Since organizations are made of human beings one could expect everything, but for sure not such an evil behavior by its members. While like everybody I condemn such behavior these people have a lot of responsibility before God and at least before they appear in front of God, if they see the face of God, they take what they deserve from the people`s judgement on this earth. But for sure I am not going to forget the silver lining and the good things the majority of the priests and brothers at the society of St Paul are doing for the sake of evangelistation and humainty expecially those in need.
Reply to Mr Victor vella
Joseph Vassallo
Today, 14:32
Is it possible to extradite a national from his home country to a foreign one while that person is discounting a custodial sentence?
I imagine that extradition would take place after a sentence has run its course, but I’m no boffin.
Can anyone please tell me? And if extradition is not possible, what is the purpose of such a headline especially in the prevalent circumstances? Might this not be interpreted as an attempt to influence the forthcoming appeal hearing? I certainly hope not.
Reply to Joseph Vassallo
Joe Brincat-LL.D
Today, 19:54
Apart from nationality, a convicted person who is wanted in another country has first to serve his term before being extradited. Extradition within the EU is now a simple procedure, as one country respects the judicial system of the other, and a court restricts itself to an examination of formalities, especially important being the identity of the individual. With other countries, including Commonwealth countries, treaties of extradition are applicable.
Ms Louise Vella
Today, 14:16
This link should answer a few questions:
Reply to Ms Louise Vella
Anthony Borg
Today, 14:13
Pack him up and deliver him to the devil.
Christ was more lenient with you Fr Godwin Scerri.
He only stated it would have been better for you to tie a mill-stone around your neck…. Not us – today’s society wants justice done. Nothing more than a life-sentence would be appropriate for such a heinous crime against youths.
< 14:10 > 26/08/2011
Reply to Anthony Borg
Mr Criss Camilleri
Today, 14:10
Why on Earth do people keep calling him ‘father’ ? Is he worth this name after what he did ? What a shame, is the word ‘wanted’ Just refer to this ‘thing’ by his name; godwin scerri, or else as ‘him’
Reply to Mr Criss Camilleri
Mr Michael Camileri
Today, 14:03
Send him toCanada!
We dont want to spend our hard earned taxes on him.
Reply to Mr Michael Camileri
Stephen Mangion
Today, 14:27
Well said. This man does deserve to be called Maltese
Alfred Vassallo
Today, 13:17
This priest certainly was a ”man for all seasons”.
Reply to Alfred Vassallo
Mario Micallef
Today, 13:40
he is a shame to humanity, but the MSSP, should not be burdened with this, we should try not to generilise, not all of them, should pay the price, of the deeds done by this so called man.
Satine Christian
Today, 16:41
Agreed Mr Micallef!
Joseph Vassallo
Today, 13:07
If charges had been made in court against him and he left the country, then he did flee.
But if he left as was in his schedule when he was not being prosecuted, then he did not flee because he was free to come and go since there would have been no charges made.
Maybe The Times can clarify this for us before the usual tirades start. Thank you.
Reply to Joseph Vassallo
Joe Brincat-LL.D
Today, 13:17
You are expecting too much, Mr Vassallo. Before the editor has time to check, the jury will be already out with their verdict.
Ruby Jenner
Today, 13:44
Yes and there will be those who will defend these priests and make excuses for the Church for covering up abuse. There are those who still throw doubt on the evidence of victims adding to their distress. Let there be no hiding place for child abusers.
Mr Raphael Vassallo
Today, 13:50
A simple search on the internet would have answered your question in less than a minute, Mr Vassallo. This is from an article in The Malta Independent, Nov, 2010:
“(Scerri) was charged in June 1993 with sexual assault and gross indecency following complaints filed by a man who was 22 years old at the time the charges were made. The priest fled from Canadaimmediately after.
“The complainant alleged that the abuse, which began when he was 12 years old, occurred between 1983 and 1987 onPeleeIsland and Emeryville, when Fr Scerri worked as a priest at St William’s Church.”
joe Grima
Today, 14:14
Mr Joseph Vassallo. I dont know what you mean by saying “” tirades”” . the majority of people ( the sane ones) are angry at these priests’ comportment …and rightly so. By wanting to keep everything hidden away and by defending them you are just as much to blame for their crimes as they are. Whats your agenda ? mine is to put the truth out there…..that the roman catholic church is an organised criminal institution. it has been from the word go and is not going to change. open your eyes !!
Joseph Vassallo
Today, 14:23
Mr Raphael Vassallo, do I have any faith in The Malta Independent doing its checks as is required before going to print?
I would rather hear this from the horse’s mouth, thank you, because I have seen instances where what I read in newspaper law reports (they need to sell papers) was not faithful to the sentences handed down.
It is not my intention to defend any alleged criminal because truth and justice must reign supreme and I am not qualified.
But we have all read comments recently from foreigners whose only source of information were online newspaper reports that had jumped the gun and the ensuing comments. They seemed to calm down slightly when advised to read the long sentence handed down (and currently under appeal) against the two individuals we have all come to know.
Dr Brincat… Beato lei che ha visto subito che ero gia’ troppo tardi. 🙂
Joseph Vassallo
Today, 17:06
Mr Grima: By tirades I mean those comments that are 100% knee-jerk because their authors are just getting on the popular bandwagon having read only the sensational headlines rather than the transcripts.
I have no agenda other than satisfying MYSELF that I am being told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; if that is not good enough for you, deal with it because that’s how it stays.
Do I defend the priest/s? On the contrary, if they are guilty I would readily be their hangman, but I do want to know that they are guilty. The appeal hasn’t been heard yet.
So, you reckon that I am as much to blame for their crimes? I hope you are not the Joe Grima that I know of because he usually thinks before he writes. Do you not recognise how facile you find it to lay charges and convict in one simply sentence? Your assertion is contemptible, whoever you are and your declared agenda would take much unavailable vision to be believed.
Is the church an organised criminal institution? I think not, even though I do not frequent it. Again your assertion is senseless and should be treated with the very same contempt it expresses.
Like I said, I hope you are not THAT Joe Grima, because, in my book, he is an honourable man.
According to someone blogging as a lawyer “Apart from nationality, a convicted person who is wanted in another country has first to serve his term before being extradited.”
That makes sense. My other question on another post still stands: Can an extradition order be issued and remain in effect until such time as the fugitive’s prison term is served? Does anyone know?