The National Post
Holy Post: get down on your knees & blog
Father Tim Moyle Feb 9, 2012 – 9:05 AM ET | Last Updated: Feb 8, 2012 7:40 PM ET
I noted with sadness the other day obituaries published in the wake of the death of Angelo Dundee, the man who trained Muhammad Ali to become heavyweight boxing champion of the world more than once. From the ‘float like a butterfly’ days of his early victories over Sonny Liston and Joe Frasier, to the ‘rope-a-dope’ tactics that felled the Goliath George Foreman, all the way to the spanking of Leon Spinks, Dundee guided Ali to victory after victory. Those epic contests of brawn and will captured the attention and admiration of the world like no other sporting event, lifting Ali to a status unmatched as a global icon. And he couldn’t have done it without Dundee.
Given the body shots that the Roman Catholic Church has been absorbing through the ‘Long Lent’ of the sex abuse scandals, Angelo would be a welcome voice at the current Vatican conference designed to share best practices and protocols throughout the Church. Seeming to reel after being pummeled by the multiple revelations of clergy malfeasance, the faithful in Canada can ill afford to receive any below the belt shots as she has suffered at the hands of some who are trying to knock them out of the fight altogether.
Such is the case recently on a Canadian blog dedicated to exposing these scandals and the indolent manner in which they have been handled by bishops in times past. Springing out of the Cornwall Abuses allegations and Inquiry in the 1990’s, its author Sylvia MacEachern has successfully held Canadian bishops feet to the fire to ensure they put into practice the justice they promise to bring to wounded victims. She’s been an effective ‘cut-man’ in the Church’s corner. However, she may have crossed a line recently with recent allegations she has published involving a Maritime bishop and a local accused priest.
Bishop Robert Harris of St. John, New Brunswick is accused on the blog of placing the city’s children at risk by not directly taking to the priest’s parish to indicate that he was being removed due to allegations of child abuse. Instead, he fulfilled both the letter and spirit of Church protocol for removing any accused cleric from office and public ministry. Bishop Harris chose to do so without inflicting a body blow to the priest’s reputation that comes with the taint of scandal until a complete police investigation was conducted. He permitted the priest to step aside on leave for ‘personal reasons’ which preserved the priest’s reputation and the safety of the congregation’s children. Any priest in such a situation is denied the right to publicly minister or celebrate the sacraments effectively removing his from coming into contact with children throughout the Diocese.
I hasten to add at this point that Bishop Harris is reported in the blog article attacking him as ensuring that the matter was quickly and completed reported and investigated by the police. It states that the police forces of both Fredericton and St. John conducted independent investigations of the allegations and have declined to bring charges against the accused priest.
Anyone hit with such an unjustified allegation of having deliberately placed children in danger to protect the reputation of another would yell ‘Foul’ at being subjected to such a low blow. If the Bishop fully and immediately took the appropriate steps to ensure both the imperatives of security and investigation, especially if after a thorough two-year long investigation by two police forces failed to find evidence to justify laying charges, it is difficult to understand why their records should both bear the marks with such a vile public false accusation on the Internet as having endangered or assaulting children.
Bishop Harris is to be commended for the manner in which he has conducted this whole affair. His actions ensured that children were kept protected and safe in the hands of his clergy without inciting a firestorm of community gossip centering out any children who had been in the accused company, questioning whether they were now ‘damaged goods’, splattering more blood on innocent ring-side spectators. If every bishop demonstrated such a steady hand and keen pastoral sense of the needs of their flock from the beginning of all these trials as Harris has done, voices smearing their character would have no audience or resonance at all. Sadly too many failed to meet the same standard and all Catholic clergy have suffered jabs and blows to our prestige and reputations ever since.
As a priest who took seriously Pope Benedict’s command for Catholics to take up the instruments of social media to promote and protect the faith, I have been subjected to similar allegations and innuendo. The state of the Church in the public square is so low today that any defense or explanation offered by priests results in a steady stream of punches, jabs and low-blows aimed at impugning their intentions, integrity and character. It has been my experience that fists start flying in every direction beating to the mat anyone representing the Church who dares raise his face from the mat to present a defence. It has not been a pleasant experience being so maligned.
It has beaten most priests into quiet service and submission, limiting their voice and influence to only those who attend weekly services. Many clergy believe it is not safe for them to stand out in the public square. Their voice is being silenced or shouted down, denying them the capacity to minister, to speak out to the greater community. Their audience now turns a deaf ear, refusing to hear the Church’s voice as it tries to address the liberal advocates who are driving our culture into the ground with its fixation on personal choice and autonomy. The costs of this debacle are measured in a growing mound of dead pre-born children and defenseless seniors. Defenseless and mute participants, unable to survive even a single round in the bloody contest for their life, they have been quickly dispatched and generating little interest within the media or the greater community because voices, crying out on their behalf, have fallen silent in the public square. That is a cause worthy of taking to the ramparts to shout our cried of alarm, even if it means that joining the fray will result in some bites and bruises for the team. Thus the damage to the Church and State is multiplied many times over by one single person delivering a rabbit shot to the kidney of those tasked with representing the propositions of belief.
Indeed, first and foremost, the best care and support possible must be afforded those who have already been KO’d by the foul assaults of predator priests. Every person attending the Vatican conference would breathe as one on this point. But, from the uninvolved children who would have been subjected to suspicious gossip, to the priest, community and Bishop who have all suffered the blows of being falsely and publicly accused, many more are needlessly suffering the bruises of an unmerited beating by a bully.
A corner man as brilliant as Dundee would find no shortage of wounded warriors in the Catholic Church today. They seem to have been bloodied and battered by those trying to knock them out of the game and in need of help to keep fighting on towards the final world championship they are trying to win for believers. I pray he can pass along a few tips to the Bishop today who represents another pugnacious fellow named Peter who first settled on that little hill in Rome. We can all use the help learning how to defend ourselves when opponents insist on hitting us with the occasional low blow and come out with our arms outstretched in victory!
– Fr. Tim Moyle is a Roman Catholic Priest in Mattawa, Ontario. He is a regular participant on the Holy Post and maintains his own blog, Where the Rubber Hits the Road.
True to his clerical threat, if I banned him from the site he would go to the National Post:
“Were I to be banned from here by Sylvia, it will be great material for a column in the NP! My editors love it when columnists spark controversial responses. It drives numbers through the roof”
Somehow it seems that Fr. Moyle and his perceptions of the “wounded warriors” – of the Catholic Church has completely missed the mark; how one could take what he believes to be untrue accusations against a clergy member and his Bishop and make a “spin off” such as his rant above is a complete mystery to me; ( you tried to couch your rant with the boxing analogy) What what about all those countless children who were abused by the hands of the clergy for years and decades; to have been disbelieved; put down; lived lives of hopelessness; turning to alcohol and drugs;suicides; passing down their despair to their spouses; to children parents; not attaining their potential in education and carreers;??? living with guilt; anger;
Fr Moyle; you and your peers need a reality check regarding the deaf ears in the Church; the young need relevance; they do not need the “goobly gook” and ‘babble” that many of your words denote; I am really dismayed at your approach; you are like a petulant child; couldn’t get your way after yours and Fr Ballard’s debacle on the board; you tried to blackmail Sylvia not to ban you from the site; so you go ahead and try a smear campaign; I really; really had respect for you and what I thought you stood for; not any more; you have shown what you really are; an egotisctical self centred person who can’t take any “hits”- You will note if you go through the blog that I never respond in this manner; I am incensed by what you have done; I am going to do EVERTHING in my power to get everyone I can connect with to read Sylvia’s blog; especially the highjacking from Sunday and Monday so that they can get the “real” picture…
Sylvia; My hats off to your for banning Fr Ballard and Fr Moyle from your site; they were detracting from the authenticity of the site; really sympathize with you as I know you are spending countless time endeavouring to assure that none of their comments sneak through!!
Well, I don’t think Father Moyle’s column is anywhere near as offensive as his posts on your site Sylvia. Kinda like he chickened out, so-to-speak…..actually very mild. Don’t forget, as was explained to me by a columnist at the Toronto Star, pursuant to my challenge on another matter, editorials and columnists provide information replete with opinion, speculation and the same; not necessarily fact. Big deal!
It is my opinion the National Post would be interested in the tone and content of the multitude of posts Father Tim Moyle, one of their columnists, made on your site and his efforts to intimidate, bully and/or blackmail you; i.e.) “ban me and I will go to the National Post”. Like I said, big deal. LOL!!
I enter this site and again I am stunned. Did Fr Tim write that article because it “will be great material for a column”??? Or when he says: “It drives numbers through the roof”. ? Is that why he wrote the article? My mother would say to me at times when I was a teenager, “Oh, you just want to hear yourself talk.” She was right too. But now I say what’s on my mind. Fr Tim, you are way out of line here. You just want to hear yourself talk.
For some reason, I remembered an article about a priest who gave my class a retreat back in the 70s. I was shocked! Fr George Smith accused?? OMG..not another one!! (This was after findout out about Bishop Lahey!!!) So yu can imagine my feelings.
So the Bishop from PEI, who’s own sibling brother was at the same time accused of sexual abuse, said he ” followed protocol by removing the priest from church duties as soon as the allegation was made and notifying all the other priests on P.E.I.” (CBC article). (That was May 26/2010)
It has only come to light….just a short while ago….that Fr George Smith had turned himself in to the police. He admitted guilt and some victims have come forward with shocking stories.
Do you see a pattern here, Fr Tim? Sylvia’s site which…..quote: “Blogging the sex abuse scandal and betrayals of trust in the Roman Catholic Church in Canada” is just that! Bishop Harris’ priest is on the loose and -can and might- offend again. If this was just one bad story on this site and in the news, we might look the other way. But NOT any more! Too often the kids involved were told to hush up. Finanical settlements were given to not pursue the scandal. You know the story!
I applaud Sylvia for her work. I am still saddened by Smith’s and Lahey’s actions. My former students are scratching their heads in disbelief. Their own faith has been really damaged.
And I am only becoming TOO WELL AWARE of the REAL problem that exists in the RC Church from the Pope on down to the about-to-be-ordained seminarian. The “old boys club” is finally getting what it deserves. I am……angeredand saddened…Mike Mc
Consider the source. Moyle is like a spoiled child who threatens to take his toys and go home if he doesn’t get his way. Well good riddance to him as he is nothing but trash now in my eyes. He could have taken the high road and left with grace, but then again, why should he? He considers himself to be the ultimate last word and if anyone disagree with him, they’re totally wrong. The worst thing would be to respond to the NP as that is what he wants you to do…to fan the flames so to speak. I read the whole article and it really makes little more than blah blah blah to me, and I’m sure most of the readers will wonder what the hell he’s talking about. Let him dribble from his mouth. You, on the other hand, are better than that.
Some people whine trying to get attention. Some shout- others cry- but these two Priests? They ramble on like a little stream, narrow at the top- but 6 miles wide at the mouth.
Please don’t be shocked, I consider this a good article that can only draw more people to Sylvia’s site so that people themselves can see and understand the impact that the rings of predator priest have had our society and how wide spread this criminal behaviour is in Canada as well as Internationally. As for Tim Moyle using analogies in reference to violent behavior I really don’t think that is good conduct for any priest be they Irish or not. I pays no respect to survivors or victims of abuse… any abuse. Beating the tar out of young boys and saying it was a boxing lesson is still abuse so the use of such a violent analogie is unbecoming of truly spiritual people. Secondly his article is petty at best and shows lack of maturity and self serving features as he indicates he would tell on Sylvia nah nee nah nee. Big deal this is serious stuff and people have a right to know if at any time a cleric has been involved in an inquiry of this nature so they can act according to their best judgment in safeguarding the safe physical, intellectual, social, cultural, emotional and spiritual development of their children. As far as the bishop and his wonderful way of dealing with this matter he is reported factually as such on here and the circumstances involving the inquiry is reported factually as well so it is just a report of information in the public domain. So I do hope it draws more people to see exactly how people have been dealt with in fighting for those painfully and unnecessarily hurt by the selfish criminal actions of men towards children and those who hindered their spiritual development by hiding criminals and abetting in this type of criminal behaviour. Bravo the article shows the authors true colors and redefines what it means to have a calling.
Surely you have not banned Fr. Tim Moyle from your site. I cannot but commend those who add to the site with their many varying peceptions and at times attacks. If this man is banned, then I fear that the desire to silence those who speak in a voice that you do not want to hear is EXACTLY WHAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF OVER THE YEARS.
You know that I am one who suffered under the whip of those in authority and my attempts to have the truth, as I saw it, voiced. My attempts to clean only brought about punishnment for me and in the end, because the Church refused to deal with the perverts that I outed, such as Tom O’Dell, many innocents were fed into the fire.
I cannot say that I regret the decisions I made to try and clean up St. Augustines Seminary in the early 70’s but the present purge is little consolation when I see the mounting numbers of casualties from these perverts that were ordained. However, I believe that Fr. Moyle is trying to say that all must not be painted with the wide brush of condemnation as a public burning of all priests and laity will have the effect of destroying innocent and holy people in order to feed a bloodlust. We must hear all the voices and respect those who have remained faithful to Christ’s call as the harm done by condemning one innocent person in order to ferrit out the evil ones is never justified.
I want those who have destroyed lives of innocents to be punished to the full extent of the law, both civil and clerical however, I cannot believe that all those within the Church must be burned at the stake. If we do this, we are no better than the ones we choose to bring to justice.
Please rethink banning contributors as a closed discussion will in the end peter out and the good that you have done will be lost. Truth must prevail even when we do not agree with what another sees as truth-to do so is to allow the evil one entry once more into the discussions as he would enjoy nothing more than to see discussion and desire for reconcillation terminated.
Ray Selbie
I know Tim Moyle for many years and I am privy to the motivational urgings behind the façade of mr. moyle and I can tell you folks that he is revelling from the attention he is receiving from here right now. Tim does not care if the attention is positive or negative so long as it is ATTENTION. It makes him smile ( hard to describe , it’s a grin that displays an unmistakable state of ecstasy) and the calculated reaction that he has cleverly prompted serves to provide him with the energy to accelerate his same self serving interest forward. It would do justice to all to totally deprive him of the fruit ( ATTENTION) of his evil activity.
Well done larry. Fr Tim send his regards since it has been some 20 years since you spoke last. That would make you the attention seeker trying to influence the opinions of others while mis-informing them of your current understanding of both the person and the causes he serves.
In a more perfect world you would face defamation charges and risk everything you own against the words you like to toss around about others not needing to be accurate, correct or truthful.
Hats off to your lost sheep that follow your bitter flag of bigotry and hate. Enjoy the attention hero.
Ray , or Mr. Selbie , did you not in a sense “ban” yourself from this site for a period of time. I realize the fact that you are a lawyer but if you use the excuse that you were away because you were too busy , I won’t believe you for a minute.
Do you commend me Ray on my “ personal attacks?”
Ray, you have suffered as you say under the “Whip” of authority but lets be real for a minute if you will, the whip has not CRUSHED you has it, after all you are doin’ okay now aren’t you? You AND mr. moyle I have noticed have something wonderful in common. You both rely on the great works you have done in the past to serve victims of clerical sexual abuse with your reporting and all. In the real world Ray that is not even worthy of mention let alone an award winning act or a high score in a credibility competition on this site or any other place where your moral quality may be subjected to a bit of public scrutiny.
I am not saying Mr. Selbie that your motive to contribute publicly on this site is based on a self serving interest like that of Tim Moyle, Im only saying that it really really seems like it.
The ban had nothing to do with a disagreement over the McGuire situation Ray and everything to do with the manner in which both Father Moyle and Father Ballard conducted themselves on the site. Those who wish to debate with them may do so on Father Moyle’s site.
This is more diluted than the “Super Bowl” refreshments…To speak of a supposed “bias” against anything Catholic or priestly…to attempt to portray himself as the “Knight in shinning armor” after the “Super Bowl” with the Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde representation on this site…!!!! Frankly, we should all be speechless as we enter the “Twilight Zone”…
He should have been so impartial and moral in this situation and directed the readers to his site as he did, for his ratings, but to Sylvia site as well, specifically to the weekend debacle. He could have ended by admitting, truthfully, his failings as a Catholic Priest on this occasion and written a believable “mea culpa”…He has not much credibility in my opinion with this makeover! I hope he gets better.
From the Miramichi (not Saint-John, N.B. or “St-John’s”, Nfld- to escape anymore confusion from an “educated” guest, or guess??)where the investigation was conducted, and in Fredericton, N.B., I don’t recall seeing anywhere that there were any charges against anyone for “mischief”, which is what should occur if the claims were malicious or had attempted to mislead the Police or the public…
As a society we have to ask these questions to protect our children.Period.
A responsibility rest/rested squarely on the shoulders of the “persons/person in authority” whether clerical or of the laity to bring this to a proper ending, for the sake of all. This was not done.
I am wondering now if a third party should not have been asked to review the evidence “shared “by two different Police forces, and the clergy, on a subject which has become so sensitive .
The arguments, the rumors and the growing “collateral damage” could have all been avoided.
Has everyone involved really done “their” job before we jumped on the “reverse engineering” attempt?
We have been wearing out our keyboards,our screens and I have to say I have the same questions as when I first read this post.
Someone directly involved in this allegation needs to step up to the plate without compromising anyone and shed some light…just a candle maybe!
For clarity:
…”mischief”…should read “Public Mischief”, section 140(1) CCC
Thanks for mentioning the “boxing” analogy. Irish or not, as a woman I find this reference to be extremely offensive. It certainly demonstrates a lack of judgement and speaks volumes about what’s really on Tim’s mind.
Sylvia and all,
Speaking of lapse in judgement, I’m still shaking my head about the things that were said on Sunday. It was Sunday, wasn’t it? Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the 3rd commandment still on the books. “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath…” What were they thinking? The vulgar and vengeful comments made by Tim and Steve were beyond inappropriate for any day of the week….but Sunday????
I initially responded by trying to see their perspective, but I was naive. The “troubled twosome” come across as if they believe they’re beyond reproach. “Omnipotent” comes to mind, but the only “Being” that qualifies for that “title” is surely dismayed.
Maybe with all the abuse happening, the church doesn’t have the time or resources to reign in these clowns. I agree with PJ; don’t contact the Post. The article is nothing more than a “tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and furry. Signifying nothing.”
“No one was harmed in the production of this evenings entertainment, I can assure you. No need to fear some furtive cleric sneaking into to scare you in the night.”
Can I please ask how many victims on this site are reassured by these words from a Catholic priest??? How many victims had a cleric “sneaking into to scare you in the night”
I cannot shake Tim’s comment that’s why I keep reposting it …….on a Blog dedicated to victims of clerical sexual abuse! WRONG CHOICE OF WORDS COMING FROM A PRIEST!!!
Can someone please go over to the Dioscese of Pembroke and turn on the lights!
Don’t forget Sylvia, the policy was constructed over the past few years to circumvent criminal charges against the accused, to avoid court litigation at all cost, admit no guilt and profess a purported position that represents victims/survivors are supportive of the policy. This policy was constructed in part with the help of our favourite London, Ontario lawyers. Supporters and surrogates of the policy must attempt to discredit dissenting voices. At least they haven’t served you with a bogus Statement of Claim in an attempt to coerce you and consequently silence you, for a period of time. It appears they have chosen the “opinionated columnist” route. So, I urge people to converse, diologue and write. Everyone is permitted an opinion. Trying to force others to believe “our, my, yours, their” opinion is not as important as “the diologue”. Unfortunately, many become abusive and authoritative when others disagree with them or offer opposing positions.
No matter what transpired, if you claim to take the high road – then take it.
I am uncomfortable trashing people who are no longer allowed to post on this blog. I am very uncomfortable with people trashing people like Ray Selbie, above, who has basically posted his entire life, transformation, and spiritual enlightenment here. Now that takes courage – and he does not post under a pseudonym. I see people ganging up on him too – I have felt that too on this site since my very first post – it is actually really bizarre. I am not comfortable with it.
I appreciate the few balanced responses here. It is actually very easy to see all sides. Bring peace and resolution – isn’t that what it is all about?
Blessings to all.
I’m closing this thread. I believe everyone has had ample opportunity to have their say. Those who still feel they absolutely must either defend or berate Fathers Moyle and/or Ballard please do so at Father Moyle’s site.
Yes, the events of the last few days were upsetting, but the reality is that they are banned from Sylvia’s Site. Permanently.