Lussier: Father Lucien Lussier

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Roman Catholic priest in Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario.  Ordained 1955. Charged 2007

Next court date charges were stayed on 17 June 201114 July 2011(10 am. Court room #2. Cornwall Ontario court house) ; 07 June 2011.  Trial scheduled for 14 & 15 March 2011 has been cancelled.  There will be a hearing to determine Lussier’s fitness to stand trial 31 May 2011

24 March 2011: remand court re a charge of 18 October 2009 to be brought back before the Ontario Court at the request of the Crown (cornwall courthouse)

07 June 2011:  31 May 2011:  fitness hearing (Cornwall courthouse, Cornwall, Ontario).  14 & 15 March 2011: Trial  (CANCELLED) (Cornwall courthouse); 18 January 2011: half day booked for motions (Cornwall courthouse); 14 January 2010: Judicial pre-trial (Cornwall courthouse);  29 June 2010




[The following information is limited to that which I have on hand regarding Father Lucien Lussier’s assignments and activities in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall and beyond]

Ordained: 1955

1959: Fatima Retreat House, Alexandria, Ontario

1963-1965: St Lawrence Roman Catholic Church, Curry Hill, Ontario

1965-1968: St. Martin de Tours Roman Catholic Church, Glenn Robertson, Ontario

1967:  Diocesan Vocations Committee (with Monsignor Cyrille R. Contant, Fathers Thomas Villeneuve and Bernard Cameron, and Chairman Bishop Joseph Aurele Plourde)

1968-1972:  St William’s Roman Catholic Church, Martintown, Ontario

1972-1979:  Saint Paul Roman Catholic Church, Dalkeith, Ontario

October 1979 – 1991(?): Our Lady of the Angels (Notre Dames des Anges) Roman Catholic Church, Moose Creek, Ontario

Knights of Columbus Ontario District 1919

1995-1998:    870 Smith Neck, South Dartmouth, 02748, Massachusetts

1999 –  :  back in Cornwall.  Retired.  Does not have a parish but may be assisting as needed.

2007:  Charged

17 June 2011:  charges STAYED

 14 & 15 March 2011 :  TRIAL CANCELLED 

31 May 2011:  Hearing to determine Lussier’s fitness to stand trial

17 June 2011:  Charges STAYED

02 November 2016:  DIED at Montfort Hospital in Ottawa Ontario at age 93


20 February 2014:  BLOG Had the job been done properly in early ’89

07 July 2011:  BLOG Interesting

06 June 2011: BLOG  Scrambling

31 May 2011:  BLOG If trends continue

24 March 2011:  BLOG Definitely new charges

14 March 2011:  BLOG Cancelled!

13 March 2011:  BLOG Court

17 January 2011:  BLOG Whose fault was it?

13 January 2011:  BLOG “a real curve”

13 August 2010:  BLOG Too big a mess to leave as is

14 July 2010:  BLOG  Why?

11 June 2010:  BLOG Nothing but nothing has changed

10 June 1010:  BLOG  Will he get a cent?

19 January 2008: Retired priest faces new sex assault charge

15 April 2015:  BLOG Apologies

22 July 2008:  BLOG The fix is in

21 July 2008:  BLOG Pathetically, shamefully and disgustingly sickening

04 July 2008:  BLOG Major victories

26 March 2008:  BLOG Iron curtain stuff

12 March 2008:  BLOG Judicial vindictiveness

18 January 2008: More charges against Lussier

20 January 2008:  BLOG Something vital is missing from the equation

16 September 2007:  BLOG To the Weave shed courthouse

15 September 2007: OPP charge retired priest in 1950s sex assault: Man accuses elderly Cornwall-area cleric(Ottawa Citizen – jpg file)  Article as Text only

15 September 2007: Local priest charged

14 September 2007:  Ont. priest charged half a century after alleged sexual assaults on teen

14 September 2007:  OPP Charge Priest for Historical Sexual Assault

14 September 2007:  New allegations.  Charges laid.

13 August 2007:  Another ruckus in the offing

2005affidavit by G.R.alleging six years of sexual abuse by Lussier commencing when G.R. was a ten-year-old boy.

2005: affidavit of Gareth Smith alleging sexual abuse over an eithteen-month time frame

5 Responses to Lussier: Father Lucien Lussier

  1. Sylvia says:

    No court date for Lussier this morning. I don’t tknow what happened to the ‘fitness hearing’ scheduled for today, but somewhere along the line it disappeared: it was not on. The next court date now scheduled is 07 June 2011.

  2. John Mac Donald says:

    I was at the courthouse for Lussier’s last appearance on June 07, 2011 and was told that the matter was put over until July 14th, 2011. reading Sylvia’s blog last night in which she said that Lussier was to appear today I figured that maybe I had the date wrong, so I headed down there today.

    Much to my surprise and chagrin I was told that the matter was stayed on June 17th, 2011. So, somewhere in between scheduled court appearances Father Lussiers’ attorney (Don Johnson) had slipped in an unscheduled date and had the matter disposed of.

    I was speaking to an ex-priest who is now a CAS case worker (he was at the courthouse for a matter pertaining to a young client), and I told him that if he wanted his client treated “fairly” by the system, then he had better dress him the way that he (the ex-priest) used dress, in a collar!!!!!!

    A weeeee bit upset here,


  3. Sylvia says:

    Thanks for that update John. As disappoining as it is, thanks for the update.

    Yes, I erred in the date. I took a quick boo at the legal calendar and looked at the wrong week. My apologies.

    I would guess by the sound of things that Lussier’s lawyer – Don Johnson – managed to schedule another court date in there. How unfortunate that we are not privy what went on and how, after nearly four years, Lussier managed to ‘walk.’

    I have heard via the grapevine that Lussier is not in good health. How unfortunate that the court clock was allowed to tick down as Lussier’s health ‘declined.’ I feel so badly for the victims – “alleged” victims. This must have been a terrible blow to them. They are now “alleged” victims for life. You know what that’s like John, don’t you? Not pleasant. Not for those who find their voices and want to see justice done. Another form of re-victimization.

    Anyway, thanks John. I understand and share your upset.

  4. John MacDonald says:

    I see that Lussier passed away on November 2nd at the Monfort Hospital in Ottawa. His obit is in the Standard Freeholder today. Queen song stuck in my head…..Another one bites the dust.

    John MacDonald

    • Sylvia says:

      Thank you John.

      Sad. Thanks to former Cornwall Crown Attorney turned defence lawyer Don Johnson he very successfully eluded justice. Remember the years and years those poor souls waited and waited for justice to be done, and then, in the twinkle of a defence lawyer’ and judge’s eye, it was ‘over’ – the door to justice on this earth forever closed.

      His name popped up at the Cornwall Public Inquiry a few times – as I recall it, there was some talk among clergy regarding his affection for little boys.

      Father Lucien Lussier has now gone to meet and answer to and be judged by his Maker.

      I wonder if for a single moment before he drew his last breath he begged God for forgiveness? I wonder if in those last days, weeks and months of his life he prayed his heart out and offered up his sufferings for his victims? I hope and pray that he did.
      It looks as though he will depart Cornwall with all the honours afforded a priest in ‘good standing’ with the diocese.

      Father Lucien Lussier’s obituary is posted above, Here it is:


      My thoughts and prayers are with all those of you who suffered at the hands of this man.

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