“House arrest for the ex-priest Jacques Faucher” & original French text

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ici Radio Canada   Ottawa-Gatineau

Published on Thursday 16 February 2017 at 14:58 | Updated on February 16, 2017 at 9:29 pm

Le prêtre à la retraite d'Ottawa Jacques Faucher faisait face à des accusations de grossière indécence et d'attentat à la pudeur sur un mineur.

Retired Ottawa priest Jacques Faucher faced charges of gross indecency and indecent assault on a minor. Photo: Radio-Canada

He was convicted of six of the fourteen charges against him, and Father Jacques Faucher of Ottawa is serving a 12-month sentence of house arrest for crimes of a sexual nature.

The 80-year-old man was awaiting his sentence since March 2016, when the judge rendered his guilty verdict on several charges of gross indecency and indecent assault. He also receives 18 months of probation.

Judge Pierre Roger referred to a psychiatric report revealing that the ex-priest no longer had any sexual urges. In his decision on Thursday, it states that “this report indicates that today Mr. Faucher is not sexually active, that he has been suffering from sexual dysfunction for two or three years, that he has lost interest in Sexuality and that he has no impulses “.

One of the three victims did not hide his disappointment with the sentence.

The victims were choir children altar boys

The alleged grievances occurred from 1969 to 1974. The three victims, now in their fifties, were 9, 10 and 11 years old. The three boys were choir boys altar boys of the former parish of Notre-Dame-des-Anges in Ottawa.

During his trial, it was revealed that the man was attracting the victims to his home under the pretext of watching a hockey game, watching a collection of stamps or praying. The accused sat the children on his knees and flattered their backs. He then had an erection and ejaculated in his pants, according to testimonies.

“We’ve been keeping it for 40 years. We needed to see him in prison, even a little something, three months, to comfort us a little. But to put him at home, warm, with a warm bath to listen to music, no, it will discourage the other victims, “added the victim, who can not be named because of a prohibition of publication.

Jacques Faucher was arrested in February 2013 in Gatineau. He was then released conditionally.

The ex-priest has served in various parishes in Ottawa and has also taught at the Ottawa Major Seminary. He has also been a professor of religious education in many secondary schools. Recognized for his community involvement, Jacques Faucher worked with the Catholic Immigration Center, Centraide Ottawa and Club Richelieu.


Assignation à domicile pour l’ex-prêtre Jacques Faucher

ici Radio Canada   Ottawa-Gatineau

Le prêtre à la retraite d'Ottawa Jacques Faucher faisait face à des accusations de grossière indécence et d'attentat à la pudeur sur un mineur. Le prêtre à la retraite d’Ottawa Jacques Faucher faisait face à des accusations de grossière indécence et d’attentat à la pudeur sur un mineur. Photo : Radio-Canada

12 Responses to “House arrest for the ex-priest Jacques Faucher” & original French text

  1. Mike Fitzgerald says:

    Judge Roger’s inclusion of Father Faucher’s loss of sexual appetite as a mitigating factor in his sentencing is warped thinking at best!
    Obviously Father Faucher’s sexual appetite was quite active when he committed these crimes.
    Does this mean that a person who committed murder back in, say 1980, charged for the crime in 2017, should get off lightly because he/she no longer has homicidal ideations, is old and infirm and is “no longer a threat” to society?
    Like JoeB said in a previous post (different thread) I feel acute nausea over the knowledge that this person is still a Roman Catholic priest, and still holding the power and authority originally given him by his bishop.
    Judge Roger must really re-examine his judicial morals. Mike.

    • JoeB says:

      if someone is desperate for money and robs a bank, then while out of jail waiting for his court case to come up, he wins the lottery. Do you then give him house arrest because he is no longer a threat to banks? … very good point Mike.

  2. Fed up says:

    Doesn’t matter how long you’ve got away without proper justice served. Once trialled, convicted and found guilty time shall be serve for the crime permitted as if the crime was just performed. What is this telling criminals ? That if they perform a crime and then hide out for a while they will get off . Our country is getting so soft it’s rediculous . Pretty soon we’all be paying 20% taxes , 60 Dollars for 24 beer, 2 Dollars a litre for fuel and Ect. Our country is a prime example of modern day Monopoly at its finest in a non communist country . Wake up Canada.

  3. John Franklin says:

    Sadly many Canadian citizens and politicians believe in a lenient or non-existent penal law. This appears to be liberal / bloc and NDP way. Nothing will change with these politicians in power.

    • Bob LeDrew says:

      The government led by Prime Minister Harper had nearly 10 years to change laws.

      • John Franklin says:

        Sorry ……. but one of many news references:

        “The previous Conservative government brought in mandatory sentences for 60 different crimes, including those involving guns, drugs and sexual exploitation. Liberals are currently reviewing those sentences as part of the government’s criminal justice reforms.”

        Huffington Post – Fall 2016

    • BC says:

      Father Faucher was charged for offenses which occurred between 1969 and 1974. Accordingly, criminal procedure during those years applied as soon as he was being processed. Father Faucher was prosecuted as per the legislations, regulations, caselaw and legal doctrine which applied during those years. He also benefited, unlike persons charged at that time for similar offenses, of the rights and protections guaranteed to him by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms of 1982, it`s doctrine and it`s caselaw. Unfortunately for Father Faucher`s victims clerical sexual abuse and child sexual abuse was not a high priority between 1969 and 1974 and the sentences for such offences were lenient compared to current sentencing legislation, caselaw, and regulations.

      There is also a good chance that the information concerning Father Faucher would not have been investigated by law enforcement of the 1969-1974 era and the reasonable perspective of a conviction against Father Faucher would have been so unlikely that his crimes would have not been prosecuted. That he was investigated, charged, prosecuted and convicted is due 1) to the courage of his victims and 2) to the fact that there are no statutes of limitations in criminal procedure in Canada 3)to the fact that Canadian taxpayers are willing to spend a very serious chunk of change to convict perverts like Father Faucher. Current political considerations have nothing to do with Father Faucher`s sentence. The only political constituency which not only advocated – but also legislated – the non prosecution of Catholic clerical abuse is the Church itself in Vatican City with Crimen sollicitationis in 1962.

      • Sylvia says:

        The Criminal Code in effect at the time the offences were committed would have seen him in jail and, for the crime of indecent assault on a male,in jail and whipped:

        (Section 156): Every male person who indecently assaults another person with intent to commit buggery or who indecently assaults another male person is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for ten years and to be whipped. 1953-54, c. 51, s. 148.

        (Section 157): Every one who commits an act of gross indecency with another person is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for five years. 1953-54, c. 51, s. 149. .

        I agree that that the fact that Father Faucher was charged and so on is thanks to the courage of his victims, and, I am frequently thankful that we do not have a statute of limitations in Canada. I do not however rejoice in the failure of our politicians and judiciary to ensure that child molesters are put behind bars for a good long time – the tolerance is almost as abhorrent as the crime.

        As for the Vatican cleaning up its act. – yes indeed. Defrock them. Turn them over to police.

        It is of little merit however if the Church – or any other institution for than matter – turns these predators over to the courts only to see them ‘walk’, or hunker in for cosy little year of “house arrest”. And one must wonder why in most, if not all provinces in Canada, the duty to report suspect child sexual abuse is to Children’s Aid Societies (or its equivalent) and NOT police, and why in most if not all provinces there is no duty to report to CAS if the “alleged” molester is very much alive with unfettered access to children because the allegations is deemed “historical.”

        There is a lot of fixing up to do, both in and out of the Church.

  4. Mike Fitzgerald says:

    Sylvia – couldn’t agree more! Of interesting note, I was watching the news this morning and found that a convict in Edmonton has been released, and will be living on his own in a residential area.
    The Edmonton Police Service is warning residents of the city to be watchful of this man!
    Obviously the Police Service feel this man WILL re-offend. Why then was he released?
    There is more than just some fixing up to be done – we need a complete re-vamp of our judiciary. Mike.

    • Sylvia says:

      Good for the Edmonton Police for giving a warning. Many police forces will not – claims that perp. has served his time and is entitled to his privacy! These predators invariably have more rights than their victims and more than all children who may potentially become his victims, and more than all parents who strive to protect their children. Unfortunately this dysfunctional attitude prevails both in and out of the church.

      • JoeB says:

        We just had a bus driver murdered here in Winnipeg last week……… the next day news breaks that this bus driver was accused of a historic sexual assault.(Skipped court in October, had a warrant issued… trial was rescheduled) Yesterday Winnipeg Transit held a memorial with all buses in the city stopping at 1pm for a moment of silence. All day all buses had rest in peace #521(driver number) flashing on their displays! Rapists get celebrated and victims get forgotten.

        • Sylvia says:

          Thanks Joe. I looked up the case. Another mess. Here, for the benefit of those who may be interested, is an article from the 16 February Winnipeg Free Press:

          Winnipeg Transit driver was facing serious criminal charges prior to his death

          Aldo Santin Mike McIntyre By: Mike McIntyre and Aldo Santin
          Posted: 02/16/2017 3:00 AM | Last Modified: 02/16/2017 4:16 PM | Updates

          Winnipeg Transit driver Irvine Jubal Fraser was facing serious criminal charges that could have kept him from being behind the wheel at the time of his Valentine’s Day stabbing death.

          The Free Press has learned that Fraser, 58, had been out on bail awaiting trial for historical child sex abuse allegations which his own union suggests may have been “kept under wraps” by Fraser and possibly Transit officials.

          Court documents show Fraser was arrested in 2013 after a now-adult woman came forward to police, claiming she was repeatedly molested between 1982 and 1991, beginning when she was approximately four years old.

          Fraser was released on conditions that included having no contact with the alleged victim, notifying the court of any change in address and keeping the peace and being of good behaviour. However, he was not prohibited from having contact with any child under the age of 16, as is often the case with sexual assault allegations.

          Fraser went through a preliminary hearing in May 2015 at which time provincial court Judge Brian Corrin heard testimony and ruled there was sufficient evidence to proceed to trial in Court of Queen’s Bench on charges of sexual assault and sexual interference. It was set to be heard by a jury last November, only to be cancelled when Fraser didn’t show up for jury selection on Oct. 27. A warrant was issued for his arrest and his lawyer made a motion to withdraw from the case.

          Fraser was arrested four days later, only to be released on a new bail order with the consent of the Crown. Last month, the case was set down again for a two-week jury trial that was scheduled to begin on Jan. 8, 2018. The Crown will now enter a stay of proceedings following Fraser’s sudden death, which police say came after he tried to remove the lone passenger who remained on his bus at the end of the line early Tuesday morning near the University of Manitoba.

          The complainant told Fraser’s preliminary hearing that over the years, he had “basically touched me and made me do things inappropriately from the time I was about five until twelve.”

          Years would pass before the complainant told her story to an older woman. The older woman testified she confronted Fraser.

          “He said … ‘I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt her.’ Now to me, that’s an admission of guilt,” she said.

          Fraser denied any wrongdoing.

          “The accused denies in any way engaging in sexual conduct with the complainant,” reads a pre-trial conference memorandum.

          Fraser suffered extensive stab wounds to much of his body and died in hospital. A 22-year-old man with a lengthy criminal history is now facing charges of second-degree murder, possession of a weapon and breaching a previous probation order.

          News of the criminal charges against Fraser caught union officials by surprise.

          John Callahan, president of ATU Local 1505, told the Free Press on Wednesday that neither he nor anyone at the union office were aware of the case against Fraser, the cancelled trial and his subsequent re-arrest and the new pending trial.

          “We know nothing about it,” Callahan said, adding civic employees are required to inform their supervisors if they’ve been charged with a criminal offence.

          “Any time (an employee) is charged, they have to make it known to the employer and we have to represent them,” Callahan said. “It’s part of the process.”

          Callahan said it wouldn’t be unusual for an employee to attempt to hide the criminal matter by booking vacation time to coincide with trial dates. He said civic staff are required by the city’s code of conduct to report if they’ve been charged and they can be disciplined for failing to do so.

          Callahan said when a civic employee notifies their supervisor that they have been charged, the city then notifies the union, which is required to represent them in any subsequent discipline hearing.

          Callahan said if Fraser notified his superiors, no one at Transit contacted the union.

          Transit “obviously kept that under wraps for him,” Callahan said. “Someone was looking after him because we know absolutely nothing about it and typically we would.”

          Officials with the City of Winnipeg refused to say Thursday whether they knew about the charges. A spokesman would only say that, in general, Criminal Code charges do not automatically lead to a suspension or other discipline.

          “In cases where employees of the City of Winnipeg have been charged or have self-disclosed a sexual offence, the city conducts an employment investigation to determine the potential risk to the public and to the employees,” David Driedger, manager of corporate communications, wrote in an email.

          Under the City of Winnipeg Employee Code of Conduct, “employees must not engage in any conduct or activity that contravenes any law in force in Manitoba, including city by-laws, which might detrimentally affect the City’s reputation, make the employee unable to properly perform his or her employment responsibilities, cause other employees to refuse or be reluctant to work with the employee, or otherwise inhibit the City’s ability to efficiently manage and direct its operations.”

          Had the charges against Fraser been known, it’s possible he could have been taken off the streets while the matter remained before the courts given the nature of the allegations.

          Fraser’s new lawyer, Jeremy Kostiuk, did not return messages seeking comment on Wednesday.



          – with files from Kevin Rollason and the Canadian Press

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