George Ansel Smith
Father George Smith
Now defrocked priest Diocese of St. George’s, Newfoundland – the Diocese is now the Diocese of Corner Brook, Labrador. Ordained 1969.
Deer Lake Newfoundland RCMP began to investigate in May 2010. Initially set of charges laid 14 December 2011. Eventually faced 70 or 71 charges from more than 13 victims. Abuse spanned the years 1969 and 1989 and transpired in Port Saunders, Corner Brook, Stephenville, St. Fintan’s, Cape St. George, Deer Lake, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Most boys were were 12 or 13 when the abuse started: one was eight-years-old.
GUILTY plea(on the 2011 charges). Sentenced to 11 years in jail
The judge, Justice William Goodridge, and defence lawyer, Tom Williams, are cousins. Goodridge asked lawyers if they had any objections ot him continuing to hear the case. Williams and Crown attorney Trina Simms had no problem.
December 2015: Granted day parole!!!
July 2016: Granted full parole!!!!!
2017: New charge laid – listed on Stephenville, Newfoundland court docket for 05 June 2017 for charge of indecent assault on male (Section 156 of the 1970 Criminal Code of Canada – the code in force at the time the alleged offence was committed) ( George Ansel Smith Stephenville NFLD court docket for 05 June 2017) After guilt plea sentenced in December 2017 to 15 months in jail.
Reasons for Judgement
05 December 2017: R. v. Smith (Sentence Section 156) (002) 05 December 2017
27 February 2013: Reasons for Judgment: Sentencing [George Ansel Smith]
January 2014: George Smith was defrocked/laicized
05 November 2017: Statement from the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador Re George Smith
09 December 2017: Retired western Newfoundland Catholic priest George Smith jailed again for sex crimes
07 December 2017: BLOG He was defrocked in 2014
07 December 2017: BLOG Several things of note
03 November 2017: BLOG A difficult few days in Newfoundland
12 September 2017: BLOG More “good” news… (GUILTY plea on 2017 charges)
Next court date (charges from 2017?): 05 December 2017: 1:30 pm, Sentencing, Corner Brook, Newfoundland courthouse (82 Mt. Bernard Avenue); 27 November 2017: 1:30 pm, “Facts and Sentence,” Corner Brook, Newfoundland courthouse ;22 November 2017: 09:30 am, Pre-Sentence Report, Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse; 11 September 2017: 09:30 am, “Adjourned for Election and/or Plea,” Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse ; 28 August 2017: 09:30 am, “Adjourned for Election and/or Plea,” Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse; 17 July 2017: 09:30 am, “Adjourned for Election and/or Plea,” Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse ; 05 June 2017: 09:30 am, “Adjourned for Election and/or Plea,” Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse
Bishops of Diocese of St. George’s Diocese/Corner-Brook Labrador Newfoundland from time Father George A. Smith was ordained to present: Michael O’Reilly (05 July 1941 – 22 December 1969 ); Richard Thomas McGrath (o1 June 1970 – 17 June 1985 ); Raymond John Lahey (o5 July 1986 – 05 April 2003 – now defrocked/laicised after 2011 guilty plea to child porn charges ); David Douglas Crosby, O.M.I. (06 August 2003 – 24 September 2010 – now Bishop of Hamilton, Ontario); Peter Joseph Hundt (o1 Mar 2011 – )
Bishop of Charlottetown P.E.I. Diocese from around the time Father George A. Smith arrived in / was ‘recycled’ to the diocese in the early 90s: James Hector MacDonald, C.S.C. (12 August 1982 – 02 February 1991 appointed, Archbishop of Saint John’s, Newfoundland); Joseph Vernon Fougère (11 December 1991 – 11 July 2009 ); Richard John Grecco (11 July 2009 – )
Legal (L), media (M)
11 September 2017: GUILTY plea
June (?) 2017: new charges laid
July 2016: granted full parole (M)
December 2015: released to community residential facility for a six month period of day parole
March 2013: Sentenced to 11 years
guilty plea to 41 charges.
February 2o13: GUILTY plea to 41 sex-related offences. In jail for more than a year.
23 February 2012: more charges. Consented to being held in custody pending outcome (M)
– charged with 72 offences
14 December 2011: arrested, charged and and released from custody (M)
25 May 2010: St. Malachy’s Church in Kinkora, P.E.I.
– charged with 72 sex offences against young boys between 1969 and 1989. The charges included those of gross indecency, indecent assault and unlawful assault with intent to commit an indictable offence.
– Thirty of the charges were withdrawn by the Crown
14 May 2010: Bishop Richard Grecco, Bishop of the Diocese of Charlottown PEI. received call from Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador about abuse allegations that while Smith served in Deer Lake between 1986 and 1991. (M)
2009: came out of retirement to position as Administrator at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church in Kinkora and Administrator St. Peter’s in Seven Mile Bay PEI. (M)
– according to media served in several Island parishes, including St. Pius X in Parkdale, Holy Family/St. Mary’s in Kensington, St. Theresa The Little Flower in Morell and St. Dunstan’s in Charlottetown.
1994: serving in PEI.
1992: According to the agreed statement of facts, in 1992 Smith was treated for alcohol abuse and his attraction to young boys
1986-1991: Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Deer Lake, Newfoundland. (M)
late 1990’s (?) : victim told priest in diocese about the abuse. The bishop pf the day, Bishop Raymond Lahey was informed. According to the Bishop Douglas Crosby, there was one allegation of inappropriate touching (M) At the time Crosby said that if the victim wants police involved he, the victim, can go to the himself.
sexually abusing boys while in Deer Lake (M)
1984- 1986: Sexually abusing boys in area of Cape St. George, Newfoundland (M)
1976-1980: Sexually abusing boys at or near St. Fintan’s, Newfoundland (M)
1974: Sexually abusing boy at or near Joggins (L)
4th day of April, A.D., 1974 and the 21st day of April, A.D., 1974: Sexually abusing boy at r near the City of Moncton (L)
1971: abusing boys in Stephenville, Corner Brook, Port aux Basque and Port Sanders, Newfoundland
1968: Sexually abusing boy at or near Joggins (L) (L)
Media Coverage and BLOGS
12 December 2017: BLOG He was defrocked in 2014
07 December 2017: BLOG Several things of note
3 November 2017: BLOG A difficult few days
12 September 2017: BLOG More “good” news…
24 July 2017: BLOG Betrayed!
17 July 2017: BLOG Was it financial “impropriety”?
19 July 2016: “Former priest who served third of abuse sentence gets parole” & related articles
18 July 2016: Full parole for former priest, 4 years into 11 year sentence
13 July 2016: BLOG What a sham
13 July 2016: Retired priest George Ansel Smith granted full parole
12 December 2015: BLOG Is this justice?
11 December 2015: Retired priest granted day parole
29 September 2015: BLOG The latest….
14 March 2013: BLOG 11 years!!
14 March 2013: Priest sentenced to 11 years in prison for molesting boys (VIDEO clip – NTV)
15 March 2013: “Smith’s sentencing will help healing: victims” & related article
14 March 2013: Ex-Catholic Priest George Smith Jailed for Sex Abuse of Altar Boys
14 March 2013: Priest’s actions ‘abhorrent, abominable, cruel and detestable’
14 March 2013: BLOG 11 years!!
14 March 2013: “Former priest gets 11 years for sex offences” & related article
14 March 2013: Retired priest given 11-year sentence for sexual abuse
13 March 2013: BLOG Let justice be done
12 March 2013: B:OG Reminder
27 February 2013: Details of priest’s sex crimes emerge at sentencing (NTV – 27 February 2013. VIDEO)
27 February 2013: UPDATE: A cross too much to bear
27 February 2013: George Ansel Smith’s victims relay impact of sexual assaults
27 February 2013: Victim forgives disgraced priest for abuse
2016 February 2013: BLOG Happy Hands …..Hanna????
17 February 2013: BLOG Another read it and weep
16 February 2013: Some victims to attend Smith sentencing
05 February 2013: BLOG Another guilty plea
23 January 2013: BLOG And there you go…
22 January 2013: BLOG Unexpected turns of events
22 January 2013: BLOG Reinventing the wheel?
02 October 2012: BLOG Ordered to appear
10 September 2012: BLOG Well done!
06 May 2012: BLOG The lies
09 April 2012: BLOG More scandal…
04 March 2010: BLOGS Tears
23 February 2012″ BLOG In Canada!
23 February 2012: BLOG “to enter a plea”
23 February 2012: BLOG Contact police
16 February 2012: BLOG I highly doubt there will be an indictment filed
14 December 2011: BLOG Arrested
22 March 2011: BLOG Was an internal investigation conducted?
14 October 2010: Investigation into Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Priest Ongoing: RCMP
23 August 2010: BLOG Hopefully, time will tell
14 August 2010: BLOG No response
31 May 2010: Chaisson replaces suspended Kinkora priest
29 May 2012: BLOG Strange
28 May 2016: BLOG Lots of tap dancing already
27 May 2010: Church RCMP disagree over filing charges
27 May 2010: No allegations against PEI priest brought to police
26 May 2010: Priest allegations reported years ago: Bishop
25 May 2010: PEI priest suspended following abuse allegations from NL
Onus on Church to report abuse charges: RCMP
National Post
26 May 2010
By Charles Lewis
The removal of a P.E.I. priest over allegations of abuse have raised police concerns about not being informed by Catholic Church authorities, and triggered questions about the Church investigating serious charges on its own.
“We have not been contacted in any way shape or form by Church officials or anyone to make a complaint about the allegations against (this priest),” said RCMP Sgt. Jacques Morneau of the Deer Lake, N.L., detachment. “All we know is what we’re hearing from the media. But if this was serious enough to suspend him we would expect to be contacted.”
Rev. George Smith, a parish priest in P.E.I., was removed from his duties after Richard Grecco, the Bishop of the Diocese of Charlottetown, received a call from the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador on May 14 about abuse allegations that allegedly occurred while Smith served in Deer Lake between 1986 and 1991.
Grecco told the CBC this week that he did not inquire into the nature of the allegations but followed the diocese’s protocol and removed the priest from his work immediately. He did not know whether police were involved.
“Within 24 hours I had written a letter to Father George telling him about this,” Bishop Grecco told the CBC. “That Sunday afternoon that letter was delivered to him. The allegation obviously is from many years ago. The allegation originates in and pertains to the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador, not to the Diocese of Charlottetown.”
Morneau wondered what the Church will do with the allegations if they do not come to the police. The RCMP would only launch an investigation once a complaint is received, he added.
“I don’t think the Church is equipped to deal with these situations,” Morneau said. “The onus is on them to report these things. If it’s illegal and immoral, they have to report this.”
He said abuse allegations should not be considered internal business, adding that the Church would not have the investigative experience to carry out a thorough investigation.
“We are all bound by the Criminal Code — and if someone came forward and made an allegation, and they’re aware of the (potential) criminal offence, they should report it.
“They should involve us just to clarify things,” Morneau added. “The uncertainty causes more panic. And it’s even unfair to the priest.”
Calls to the Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador were not immediately returned.
Church officials in P.E.I. were not available for comment. Other dioceses — including St. John’s, Edmonton and Toronto, for example — will immediately inform children’s aid authorities or police within an hour of an allegation of abuse against a child. But adult complainants bringing up allegations of abuse from the past must go to the police on their own.
Neil MacCarthy, director of communications for the Archdiocese of Toronto, said the Church will still do its own investigation even if the police are not involved, but said all complainants are urged to go to the police. A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Vancouver said any allegation against a child, whether current or historical, is referred immediately to outside authorities.
“If the allegations relate to abuse of a child we report them to the ministry and the police — this is true whether the allegations are made when the victim is a child or later when the victim is an adult. It is only in cases where the abuse occurs between two adults that we have no legal obligation to report.”
National Post
Catholic priest suspended after abuse alleged
Last Updated: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 | 8:07 PM AT
A Roman Catholic priest on P.E.I. has been removed from his duties over an allegation of abuse stemming from his time serving in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Rev. George Smith was working at St. Malachy’s Church in Kinkora, P.E.I.
Bishop Richard Grecco told CBC News on Tuesday that on May 14 he received a call from the diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador informing him that an allegation of abuse had been received about Smith.
Smith served in Deer Lake, N.L., from 1986-91 and went to P.E.I. in 1994.
“I did not inquire [into] the nature of the allegations because the protocol and the procedure is quite clear. As soon as an allegation is made, we have to move this person from his work,” said Grecco.
“Within 24 hours I had written a letter to Father George telling him about this. That Sunday afternoon that letter was delivered to him. The allegation obviously is from many years ago. The allegation originates in and pertains to the diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador, not to the diocese of Charlottetown.”
Grecco said he was told Smith was quite distraught about the allegation, but he understood that once a complaint of abuse is made a priest must leave the parish. He said he was praying the allegation was not true.
“Everybody in their life has experienced darkness and discouragement. Of course, I feel discouraged. These are dark times,” Grecco said.
Grecco said that as bishop he is shocked, sad and heartbroken about the news. He does not know if the police are involved at this point.
Parishioners were given the news Sunday. Ramona Roberts was in St. Malachy’s Church when the bishop’s letter was read out.
“Some were brought to tears, honestly, because it was that much of a shock. It was the total opposite of anything you would have anticipated hearing in a Sunday mass,” she said.
Roberts said many parishioners had been hoping Smith would be made the parish’s permanent priest.
Smith is now visiting friends out of province. Several retired priests will be working in the parish until a new priest is appointed next week.
It’s been a year since this began. I called the RCMP yesterday to find out the status of the investigation. I am expecting a call back from someone with the Deer Lake Major Crime Unit. No call yesterday. I doubt there will a call over the weekend so will have to wait until Monday.
Click here for comments re Smith posted on another thread
I am so disappointed in you,I went to you to tell you of another person abusing others under age and you come back with a slap in the face YOU were people who take GODS place, not really, I realize it must be for money.GOD would not hurt a child as You did. WHOcan we trust?
thanks for sharing ragina, I understand your feelings and frustration. And as far as wondering who to trust ??????? Hmmmmm….I now have my the god of my understanding and it sure as hell hell isnt any of that catholic crarp…You can see and feel god in the land scape the mountains or simply take time for yourself in silence and and just talk to god . God is ever were, I’m suggesing to you to watch the move STIGMATA. Its amazing and so very true. I dont put trust in anything catholic ever, theres to many cover ups from two faced people and hypocrites..
Preist George smith was arrested today and appeared I’n corner brook Nfld court and has to return back I’n febuary to enter a plea
Thank you Mike! Finally!!!
After seeing your blog I checked – just posted an article
14 December 2011: Priest facing sex charges
38 charges!
Well done all who spoke up. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. It’s taken a long time, but, with 38 charges laid, it looks as though it was a thorough investigation.
The news has been picked up from coast to coast – on line at least. I have posted a lot of the coverage – all are a repeat of the initial articles. Unless there is something with some new information I won’t post any more this evening.
Preist George smith has to go back to court tomorrow, the 23 of febuary to enter a plea for his wrong doings. Good to see that the catholic mockery is cleaning up its act and getting rid of the queers and pedophiles .
Preist. George smith and some others need to know its suppose to be adam and eave. Not Adam and Steve. Daaaaaa ! And Definitly. Not little boys
Another 24 charges against Smith for a total of 62: I just posted the latest: 23 February 2012: Newfoundland priest faces 24 new sexual abuse charges
Wow how sick , more charges , hard to beleive that these people do the things they do . Why do they become preist ?????? Is it to have easy prey on kids or a split personality . I’d love to know the dirt and secerets that the pope is hiding.
when is the next court apperance for preist george smith to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty ???????
Check on the page above Sam under Next court date. Smith’s next court date is 05 March 2012. That is for arraignment on all charges. Whether or not he decides to enter a plea on that date remains to be seen.
ok thank you. I hope he will plea guilty and gets sentenced to 15 years in prision to have a good long time to think about how he has affected and destroyed the self-esteem of young boys.
Court starts at 10 am tomorrow. I called the Western Star to get the start time. Also found out that in Newfoundland cameras can run in the court room until the judge enters – that’s why we have been getting those amazing video clips from court.
Sylvia, do you think it is time to ask for a MOST WANTED LIST in Canada, where we could encourage more victims to come forward and press charges?
It seems there may not be one Diocese in Canada where victims of sexual abuse by Priests do not reside. It is like an iceberg– four-fifths of it has not yet been seen.
What will our Grandchildren have for guidance if this mess is not completely cleaned up !
AWSOME, and great to know, thank you.
Any word on what happened to preist George smith today in court ???
Defense asked for a month to review case before entering a plea. here is a link to the news there.
Just notice another news report, he is returning April 9 th.
I have just posted the NTV video.
Another five minutes court time – no Father Smith. Another month for his lawyer to sort things out. Another month to decide if he`s guilty or not. Another hard day for the complainants.
Another month for his lawyer to sort things out ???????? Hmmmmm , and to figure if he’s guilty or not ? Wow ! What kind of a lawyer is this ?
Father Smith is on remand, 2 for 1 you know there will be more “delays” , the lawyer knows exactly what he is doing.
There is no longer 2:1 for time served in Canada David: that came to an ended with Bill C-25. Bishop Lahey managed to squeak through and nab it, but that will be out of the question for Smith.
There is however the possibility “where circumstances justify” of attaining 1.5 for 1 for time served. Courts are now required to explain those circumstances.
So, should the situation warrant, Smith MAY be able to claim – with justification – 1.5 for 1, but he will not be able to claim 2 for 1.
Hmmmmm, interesting, I sometimes wonder how people such as smith can even get a lawyer ,or better yet ,why would a lawyer even want to work for someone that caused sick and hurtful things to childeren ????
It was brought to my attention by victim services that after preist George smith appeared in court on the fifth of March, there was another two victims that had the strength and courage to come forward . So there is now over 80 charges against this preist. WOW .
Thanks for that info Brian wolf. That might explain, at least in part, why his lawyer wanted another month. On Monday I will see if I can confirm that there two more complainants and find out how many charges there are now in total.
Brian, I checked with the court today. I was told that there are 62 charges and 11 complainants, so the number of charges is unchanged but there are indeed two more complainants than previously reported by the media.
The start time for the 09 April 2012 hearing is 10 am.
George smiths court date is just around the corner, for April the 9th in the supreme court . I wonder if he will be sentenced this time around ?
Did anybody hear what the latest news on preist George Smith was today in supreme court of Newfoundland ??????????????
Court date in corner brook nfld, is set for preist George smith tomorrow, for an arraingement on all charges .
Do you know if that’s at 10 am as before Jack?
Next court appearance is June 4th for preist George smith
Thanks for the reminder Jack. You people in Newfoundland who are within driving distance of the Corner Brook courthouse mark your calendars for next Wednesday, 04 June 2012 at 10 am. I think this time Father Smith will be there. I could be mistaken, but I do think this time it will be a go and he will be there.
This is not a good news day! The court date of Father George Smith has been set over to 10 September 2012: the Crown is still waiting for reports on the Nova Scotia investigation!!
I have one article – am just going to check for others and will post what I find.
It looks as though it is only the Western Star reporting to date. Here is the link to the article:
Victim services , mentioned that preist George smith is appearing in court tomorrow August 20th .
Thank you Jack. I will be out during the day tomorrow so am unable to check on this until Tuesday which is unfortunately after the fact. Please would anyone who hears anymore on this or sees anything reported in the media pass it along. Those in the area who might be free to attend could check with the courthouse in the morning to confirm that Father Smith has a court-date and find out what time the proceedings are scheduled to begin.
I just checked Jack and don’t believe anything happened on 20 August. I checked with both the Newfoundland Supreme and Newfoundland Provincial courts – neither has a record of a 20 August 2012 court-date. All charges which started in Provincial court are already with the Supreme Court, and his next court date with the Supreme Court is the 10 September 2012 we already know about. There was nothing listed anywhere for 20 August.
Preist George smith is back in court tomorrow for September the 5th . Not exactly sure of the time .
Are you sure it’s tomorrow Jack? I have it as 10 September – that’s the date I was given when I checked 23 August. Unless something has come up since 23 August his next court date is 10 September.
Yes you are right Sylvia , sorry my mistake . The tenth of September it is.
A GUILTY plea to five of eight charges yesterday (three charges of gross indecency were withdrawn).
Sentencing is set for 22 January 2012. Mark your calendars: that is the date victims will give their victim impact statements and an agreed upon statement of facts will be read into the record. Please be there to support the victims.
Finally , preist George smith is getting sentenced. Hope he gets his balls cut off and tossed in the slammer for the rest of his life. Any person or preist that messes with a child , should get the same treatment .
Any idea what time the court case starts tomorrow for preist George smith ???
I just checked. It starts at 10 am Brian. I encourage all who are able to do so to attend to support the victims. Those victims who wish to do so will give their victim impact impact statements tomorrow. It would be nice for them to have support in the courtroom.
There will also probably be an agreed upon statement of facts read – if anyone plans to attend please take pen and paper to jot down a few notes so you can pass along a few details to all of us.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you victims and your families.
Father George Smith’s sentencing hearing has been postponed and is now rescheduled to run for two days: 27-28 February 2013.
The other news here is that another victim must have found the courage to come forward: according to the Crown, another charged will be filed prior to the sentencing hearing.
I just checked – the first courtdate regarding the new charge is 27 February 2013, which means that given there are no other courtdates scheduled the new charge will be dealt with totally during the sentencing hearing. A guilty plea in the offing by the look of it?
There’s good a report from 22 January by Jeremy Eaton on CBC’s Here and Now. Here’s a link to the CBC site: Click on the 1:30:02 video and advance about 3/4 of the way through to around 55 or 56 .
I will recap some of the info here:
– There is reference to 13 victims
– he was to be sentenced on 40 charges;
– the paperwork filed on the new charge in Corner Brook courthouse that morning was put together by the Moncton, New Brunswick RCMP;
– the victim in the new charge is not new but the charge and location is;
– the Crown needing more time to listen to hours and hours of audio recordings to put together an agree upon statement of facts;
– Smith has been in custody since last February;
– the sexual abuse dates from the 1960s through the 1980s;
– the abuse transpired in three provinces – 7 towns in Western Newfoundland as well as Amherst, NS and New Brunswick;
– when he appears in court at end February Smith will have had a birthday and be 75-years-old .
Another guilty plea from Father George Smith in Corner Brook courthouse yesterday. Smith was not present – the plea was entered on his behalf by his lawyer. The charge to which Smith entered the guilty plea is the newest one which laid in Moncton, New Brunswick.
Father George Smith will be sentenced at 9 am tomorrow in courtroom #1, Corner Brook, Newfoundland courthouse (83 Mt. Bernard Ave.)
I am personally holding out hope for the 13 years. Perhaps that’s a tad too optimistic, but I truly believe he deserves every day of it, and I do believe he can do more to work out his own salvation behind bars than elsewhere: what better place to serve as constant reminder for him of the crimes he committed, the lifetime of pain and suffering he has inflicted upon his many victims, the scandal he has brought upon the Church, and the disrepute he has brought upon the priesthood.
What better place to daily beg for God’s mercy upon his victims?
It has been more than forty years since this started and tomorrow morning I will attend the sentencing. If I had been asked just six months ago if I would attend the answer would have clearly been no. With regular counselling and the support of my mother, my girlfriend and a few close friends who I have told I feel strong enough to attend. By attending I hope to slay some demons and let this be my genesis, my rebirth. I will not put myself on a soapbox and condemn him to death, I am better than that and I feel it is best to let the courts decide his fate and allow me to move ahead and continue to heal. I will not allow this to change the good person that I am, nor will I continue to allow it to shape my emotions that I have harbored for so long. I am finally free, free to be the person I was meant to be, no longer a prisoner of shame and betrayal. I have a long road ahead but the journey has begun. Thank you Sylvia for this forum and thank you all for your continued support.
A Victim
I am glad to hear that you know you are now strong enough to attend the sentencing, and so happy to hear you say that you are no longer a prisoner of shame and betrayal.
Stay strong. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and all the others who, like you, suffered at the hands of this priest – a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Nothing but admiration for your words, A Victim. You had the courage and support to see it through and for that you should be proud! God bless.
Sylvia, Please allow me to respond to your comment that I have quoted.
“I am personally holding out hope for the 13 years. Perhaps that’s a tad too optimistic,”
Two weeks ago in court when the judge began to speak after Smith apologized to the court and gave a pathetic excuse of an apology to the victims the judge made it clear that he already knew where he was going with this and that he had to consider totality when imposing a sentence on Smith. That he had an obligation to protect society from people like Smith. This indicated to me that Smith would be getting the higher end of the range. I guess we will know soon.
Yes, we shall see…
God bless all the victims , and set us free from the anger and shame, and allow us to walk on with peace and serenity in our hearts.
Just from court. He was sentenced to 11 years. Less time served he still has 9 years 347 days.
Thank you A victim. I literally just blogged and posted an article:
14 March 2013: Retired priest given 11-year sentence for sexual abuse
You have filled in the gaps- less time served he has 9 years and 347 days.
How are you now? Were all of you in court this morning?
I feel kind of numb…. I’m not sure how I feel, it is hard to describe. I may have a few more sleepless nights left. There were three in court. Media, police and a few supporters also attended. The crown and Smiths lawyer were interviewed by the media so expect a story tonight on tv. Also Western Star reporter there. Someone stated that he could apply for parole after serving 1/6 th of his sentence… is this so? I will appear before parole board if he applies.
Yes, A victim, you will probably have a few more sleepless nights. But, this part is over. It’s behind you. You have done your part to see justice done. Well done! Father George Smith now bears the shame which – barring any and all enablers – should always have been no one but his to bear.
I am surprised that so few of the victims were in attendance. Perhaps that is because of distances?
And, I have just posted an article from the Western Star.
14 March 2013: “Former priest gets 11 years for sex offences” & related article
Yes, as hard as it is to believe, he can apply for parole after serving a mere 1/6 of his sentence. Click here for info on parole. Scroll down to “Eligibility.”
Be sure to let them know that you want to be informed if and when he applies for parole. I’m not sure who it is you tell, but there is a process to have your name put on a list. Ask the Crown who to contact.
Does anyone know the status of George Smith?
Was he sentenced and did he get jail time and is the Diocese paying victims?
Nothing posted for 2014 that I can find.
He was sentenced to 11 years in March of last year Marion. Click here to open the Father George Smith page When you scroll down you will see the judge’s Reasons for Judgment, and just under that under “Breaking News” there are several articles regarding the verdict.
I have no idea if there have been any settlements.
My name is paul renouf. I am a victim of father smith dating back to 1979_ 1980. I have never spoken to anyone about this for various reasons. For some reason today, no idea why, i googled his name as i would never forget his name (gas). Needless to say i was totally shocked on what i saw. My emotions are pretty messed up right now. I have been living in ontario since 1987 & haven’t had much communication with family or friends back home.
Oh my, God love you Paul.
You can still got to police. Do you know that? If you think you are ready, you can still go to police. Wherever you are in Ontario you can go to your local police. They will take it from there. The fact that he has already been charged and convicted is irrelevant. He could be charged again for what he did to you.
If you do go to police, ask them to direct you to counselling. Most police forces these days will do that.
Please try to talk to people whom you know and love and trust. You need support in the days ahead.
I will do what I can to bring his page up to date with what information I have regarding where he served and when.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Good. It is important to let family members know. I pray that your sister will understand and support you. I think she will.
Thanks for the support. I called my sister this morning. It was a pretty emotional conversation. Apparently 2 of my sisters have been thinking that for years i was one of his victims, but would never say anything to me. Apparently a few of the other victims i knew personally through school or as an alterboy . unfortunately i haven’t seen or spoken with any of these people in 34 years. I guess i left nfld 30 years ago & have been running ever since, (till yesterday). I’m a firm believer in that things happen for a reason. Logging on to your site yesterday for whatever reason gave me the courage to do something i should have done 30 years ago. For that i thank you.
I am thankful paul!
I encourage all of you out there who know what Paul is going through right now because you’ve been in his shoes to offer your support and keep him and his family in your prayers.
I was doing some reading on father smiths case. I’m guessing to get some form of closure. My heart goes out to all the victims as i know what they’re going through. A special heart felt moment goes out to the boys from st fintans nfld. I went to school with some of these boys & became friends in our teenage years. People always talk about the internet & facebook on how to stay connected to your past. Sure wish i hadn’t waited till now to get connected. Although sometimes the past can mess you up.
Paul – all my thoughts and prayers are with you. I, and many others here have already travelled this journey. I know the guilt, shame, and anger you are living with, and I would like to help you with it.
Above all else, please follow Sylvia’s advice and seek counselling if it is available to you.
I am so blessed to have a wonderful counsellor. It can completely turn your thinking and living around – you can get rid of the anchor you have been carrying around on your back for so many years.
If you would like, you can get my contact information from Sylvia, and I will do what I can for you. Mike.
Thank you mike for the kind words, it means alot to me. I am taking sylvias advice & my first counselling session is on june 29th. As for the emotions, i hope i can be as strong as you. I will take you up on that offer in the near future. It makes sense to talk to someone who has been thruogh it. Thanks. Paul
Wow, Paul! You are taking some BIG steps. Well done! As someone who’s walked this road before you, I understand how difficult it is. I just want you to know you are not alone. I’m cheering you on from the west coast.
Thank you leona for your support, it means a lot to me right now. I have been doing alot of thinking over the past 6 days(( unfortunately not always by choice). It has however shed some light on the life i’ve lived over the past 37 years. I feel a tremendous amount of anger towards this man at the moment. In one day i discovered that this man was sentenced to 11 years in prison for what he had done & also that he was granted day parole shortly thereafter. This may seem strange, however i wish i could let that man know that their are more of us out there Not that it would make a difference. Thanks again for your support. It is greatly appreciated.
Thanks leona for your kind words. It means a lot to me right now. Hearing from other victims over the past few days has been comforting. I’ve been doing alot of thinking over the past few days( not always by cjoice), it has however shed some light on the life i’ve lived for the past 37 years. I feel alot of anger right now. The fact that i discovered in one day that he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for what he had done to these boys & also that he was granted day parole shortly thereafter. This may seem strange, however i wish there was a way to let that man know that their are still more of us out there. Thanks again for your support. It means a lot.
Hi Paul
Excellent that you found Sylvia. Her site has helped me more than I could have imagined. My family and I live across the road from your old house in Heaterton. I had Smith charged for what he did to me but just getting it out takes courage.I am here for you.
Your buddy
It is so good to hear from you. I’ve always wondered what happened to you. I haven’t been on the site for a gew weeks.It’s been a long time my friend. I am so sorry for what has happened to you, words cannot express how i feel. I have been out of the loop for 30 years & for some reason drifted away from my family & friends. Although it’s only been a month i have already started councelling. This may come as a surprise. I went to the police yesterday in regards to what that man did to me. They are forwarding the information to the rcmp in nfld. I need to move on with my life as i’m sure you felt the same way. I guess i always knew that you & your brothers were victims. This is also going to sound strange, however i feel the need to tell you. For the past 4 years i would think about & picture your sister debbie. For the past few months it would happen quite often. Now i know why. If ur talking with her, please Thank her for me. It’s awesome that you are living where you are. Now i know where to find you. Sylvias site has helped me tremendously & for that i am thanful. I am also thankful that her site has enabled me to find you my friend. Just knowing that your thoughts are with me is a great help. We will be talking. My thoughts are with you as well.
So much for justice i guess. What did he serve 2 years? What about the victims including myself who have been sentenced to life in a jail of our own. Funny how that works. I kept my childhood locked away for 37 years. During those 37 years i never lived my life( i existed) as i’m sure other victims feel the same way. My childhood only came to light a month ago. I have attended 2 councelling sessions as i was in hurry to get some form of life back. I guess that was a waste of time. I’m guessing the individuals on the parole board don’t have any children or could care less about the peoples lives this man has ruined. Good for you people, i hope you sleep well. Out of jail that monster goes. Back to jail to finish off our life sentences we go.
Paul – please don’t let this sick twisted deviant, or the limp judiciary get the better of you. I can tell you are way above this charade! You deserve to have a good and happy life, and I think you will.
Gimme a call or email and we can talk. I’ve got lots to share that I think can be of benefit to you. Mike.
Thanks Mike. Your kind words are greatly appreciated. Was just a little overwhelming there for a bit. I know i will overcome this at some point & start my life again. I will take you up on that offer to talk with you. Might not be right away, but soon. How would i go about getting your email address? Thanks again
Thanks Mike. Your kind words are greatly appreciated. Was just a little overwhelming there for a bit. How would i go about getting your email address? Would love to talk you. Might not be right away, but soon. Thanks.
With Mike’s okay I will be happy to send you his email address paul.
Mike, is that alright with you?
Sylvia – by all means yes, give Paul my contact info. Mike.
Done 🙂
Thank you. Greatly appreciated
Hey Paul! I’m here. Mike
The next court date for Father George Smith is:
17 July 2017: 09:30 am, “Adjourned for Election and/or Plea,” Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers
Paul – I have respect and admiration for the courage you have shown In taking this creature to task, and making him responsible for his sick actions – something his superiors did not/would not do.
Your 40 years of torment, shame and guilt are not in vain! Hold your head high, you can now begin to live a free life, something that you deserve so richly.
The unmitigated gall this so-called “man of the cloth”, such a wanton hypocrite! The church should hang it’s head in shame for employing such a deplorable deviant! Mike.
The next court date for Father George Ansel Smith is:
28 August 2017: 09:30 am, “Adjourned for Election and/or Plea,” Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers
And on and on it goes. The next court date for Father George Andsel Smith is:
11 September 2017: 09:30 am, “Adjourned for Election and/or Plea,” Stephenville Newfoundland courthouse.
The word is that the Crown assigned to the case has been appointed judge. That means that another Crown must take over and get up-to-date.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
Courage, Paul. We’re all with you! Mike.
The next court date for Father George A Smith is:
05 December 2017: 1:30 pm, Sentencing, Corner Brook, Newfoundland courthouse (82 Mt. Bernard Avenue).
Please keep Paul in your prayers.