Léon Roy
Redemptorist priest. Ordained 22 June 1941.
Named in a class action lawsuit filed against a number of Redemptorist priests affiliated with the Redemptorists of the Province of Ste. Anne de Beaupry, Quebec. Trial started September 2013. According to media coverage, the suit alleges that the priests: “consulted with one another and conspired in an effort to determine which students they would abuse, and divided (the victims) up amongst themselves.” The other Redemptorist priests name in the lawsuit are: Fathers Raymond-Marie Lavoie, Jean-Claude Bergeron, François Plourde, Xiste Langevin, Guy Pilote, Alexis Trépanier, Herve Blanchet, and Lucien de Blois.
The following information is drawn from Canadian Catholic Church Directories (CCCD) which I have on hand and media (M)
1993: not listed
1991: not listed
1985-86: St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec (CCCD)
1973-74: parish in Quebec City?
1971-72: not listed in index, Quebec (CCCD)
1968-69: prof Seminarie St. Alphonsus, St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec (CCCD)
1967: prof Seminarie St. Alphonsus, St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec (CCCD)
1959: assisting at Ste. Anne des Chenes Roman Catholic Church, Ste. Anne des Chenes S.B. (Pasor Father Armand Ferland CSsR)(Diocese of Saint Boniface, MB)
22 June 1941: ORDAINED