‘Riveting and unflinching’ clergy abuse trial film Prey wins $50K Hot Docs audience prize

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Courtroom account takes audience prize after winning special jury honour

3 Responses to ‘Riveting and unflinching’ clergy abuse trial film Prey wins $50K Hot Docs audience prize

  1. Sylvia says:

    Well done Matt Gallagher, and well done to all of you whose participation made the documentary possible.

  2. Patrick McMahon says:

    PREY is showing this Thursday and Friday (Oct. 24th and 25th) at the Forest City Film Festival in London. It is the Opening Night film for the festival. I and others involved in PREY will be there to speak afterward.
    The film will also be screening at the Windsor Film Fetival Nov. 06th and 07th. Let the world know that people care about the actions of these abusers, and more importantly the criminals who protected them by attending the film. Hope every showing sells out!

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