Father William Hodgson Marshall csb (Hod Marshall)

1986 Father William Hodgson Marshall csb when he was Principal of Holy Names school in Windsor, Ontario. Windsor Star photo
Basilian priest. Ordained 1951. Laicized/defrocked sometime after his June 2011 guilty pleas. Died 28 July 2014
Charged: May 2010 in Windsor, Ontario; September 2010 in Toronto, Ontario; October 2010 in Sudbury, Ontario and February 2012 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
GUILTY 08 June 2011 in Windsor, Ontario on charges from Ontario : 17 charges related to sex abuse of 17 victims (16 male: 1 female) (there are conflicting accounts of the numbers, some have 16, others 17) Sentenced to two years in jail.
In July 2011 several men in Saskatoon came forward alleging sex abuse by Marshall as teens. 10 November 2011: Saskatoon police conducted an investigation and turned the file over to the Crown attorney in Regina Saskatchewan. 07 February 2012: charges were laid relating to indecent assault of two Saskatoon boys in 1959 and 1960
April 2018: $2.5M settlement awarded victim in civil jury trial. According to information attained through evidence and testimony Hod Marshall was reported to his Basilian superiors six times, the earliest of those being in 1947- four years BEFORE his ordination to the priesthood. He was also sent off for “treatment” three times, ie 1978: Washington DC ( this may have been at St. Lukes’s Institute which is just outside Washington); June 1979: Southdown (Aurora Ontario), and; sometime 1996-sometime1997: St. Luke’s Institute , Maryland
(Cardinal George Flahiff was elected Superior of the Canadian Basilians in 1951. From 1954 to 1960 Flahiff served as Superior General of the Basilian congregation worldwide.
The current Bishop of London, Ontario, Ronald Peter Fabbro csb, was Superior of the Canadian Basilians from 1997-2002)
“Unravelling church secrets – The Fifth Estate” & “Prey” a TVO documentary
25 October 2019: MacLeod v Marshall (Ontario Court of Appeal)
Ontario court of appeal upholds jury decisions re awards for punitive damages economic loss. As seen in their statement below, the Basilians appealed because they did not believe those awards were legally sound or justified:
22 May 2018: Latest Media Statement from the Basilian Fathers
26 April 2018: “Questions to the Jury” (Ontario Superior Court of Justice doc)
MEDIA Coverage
07 November 2019: “Bishop Fabbro attends opening of documentary Prey to support abuse survivors” & related articles
25 October 2019: “Basilian Fathers lose appeal in sexual abuse case (updated)” & related article
0 May 2019: Child sex abuse victim meets with priest who knew his abuser
06 May 2019: ‘Riveting and unflinching’ clergy abuse trial film Prey wins $50K Hot Docs audience prize
10 May 2019: Child sex abuse victim meets with priest who knew his abuser
06 May 2019: ‘Riveting and unflinching’ clergy abuse trial film Prey wins $50K Hot Docs audience prize
13 April 2019: How a sexual assault victim’s lawsuit set a precedent that alarmed the Catholic Church
22 March 2019: “Survivors of pedophile priest who served in Sudbury subject of documentary” & related article
25 May 2018: Saga of dead pedophile priest, principal continues
25 May 2018: “Priests appeal $2.5M award in sex abuse case” & related statement from the Basilians
10 May 2018: Final settlement in historical sex abuse case
07 May 2018: Last Marshall litigant settles for $950 K
01 May 2018: $2.6 million awarded to man abused by former principal of St. Mary’s College (8 photos)
26 April 2016: Toronto Jury delivers judgment of $2,570,181 which includes $500,000 in punitive damages against the Basilians
Due to the vast numbers of articles posted in various media over the years all, a number of previous links to media coverage had to be moved to another page:
NOTE: Click here to access page with all links to postings of media coverage
Victim Impact Statements and Statements of Claim
08 December 2011: Jerry Boyle statement read at Windsor, Ontario Press Conference
17 November 2011: Jerry Boyle Statement of Claim
24 August 2011: A Papal Letter from Ken Hills
19 August 2011: John Doe Statement of Claim
08 August 2011: Ken Hills Statement of Claim
Denis Beland: Victim Impact Statement
Thomas Haberer: Victim Impact Statement
Beverly McMahon: Victim Impact Statement
Robert J. C. McMahon: Victim Impact Statement
Ken Hills: Victim Impact Statement
Jerry Boyle: Victim Impact Statement
Patrick McMahon: Victim Impact Statement
(The Basilian Fathers once staffed the now defunct Columbus Boy’s Camp in Orillia Ontario .
12 December 2012: BLOG In the refectory
(Information from the late 70s and mid 80s regarding Crawley Hall, when Fathers Leo Campbell and Hod Marshall taught at St. Mary’s College in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario
Basilian Chart – showing dates and known whereabouts of the following four known or alleged Basilian molesters: Fathers William Hodgson Marshall, Robert Whyte, Leo Campbell and Kenneth O’Keefe
04 June 2013: Revocation of Ontario teachers license (Discipline Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers)
28 March 2012: Father Hod Marshall – Notice Of Hearing, Ontario College of Teachers, Discipline Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers
Hod Marshall current status with Ontario College of Teachers (screen shot 04 June 2013)
2005: Basilians St.Mary’s College 50th anniversary reunion – picture collage
1988: The Basilian Community at St Marys College, Sault Ste, Marie, Ontario. (1988 Excalibur yearbook)
1983: Father Tim Scott csb teaching at St. Mary`s College in 1983
Early 80s’: Father Hod Marshall at Crawley Hall (Sault Ste Marie)
1974: Hod Marshall sermon at funeral of Father William Nigh 21 November 1974 (Notes on the Congregation of Priests of Saint Basil – Collected by Robert Joseph Scollard, CSB: 1952 – 1975)
1955 – Father Hod Marshall at Assumption College school in Windsor (yearbook picture with handwritten “Pray for me” and signature)
1955: Crusader Yearbook 1954-55 ( Hod Marshall with Bantam basketball team, and picture with adjacent signature and hand-written note “Pray for me” )
1953: Father Marshall in Toronto’s St. Michael’s College School yearbooks
Nick-name while at St. Charles College, Sudbury was “Happy Hands Hod.” In Northern Ontario was dubbed “the basketball priest” because of his frequent attendance at basketball games.
08 June 2011: Pictures of Assumption College Catholic High School, Windsor, Ontario
GUILTY! x 16: Pictures
08 June 2011: Father Timothy Scott csb, spokesman for the Basilians, at the courthouse 08 June 2011
09 June 2011: William Hodgson Marshall csb at Superior courthouse: sentencing day 09 June 2011
08 & 09 June 2011: Scenes from the Windsor Superior Court 08 & 09 June 2011 for Hod Marshall csb guilty pleas, Victim Impact Statements and sentencing
26 April 2018: BLOG A time to rejoice, and time to weep
20 February 2018: BLOG Basilians in the news
07 December 2017: BLOG Several things of note
08 November 2016: BLOG For now, the following…
13 July 2016: BLOG What a sham
22 January 2015: BLOG A lot going on
13 January 2015: London diocese priest disputing charges
06 August 2014: BLOG Clerical molesters and confreres dead
07 January 2014: BLOG Back to work
17 October 2013: BLOG Who is paying?
06 March 2013: BLOG And now this
04 March 2013: BLOG There will be kudos
26 February 2013: BLOG Happy Hands …..Hanna????
20 February 2013: BLOG Basilian priest-teacher suspended in Houston – Canadian connections
22 January 2013: BLOG And there you go…
31 October 2012: BLOG Legal charade
30 October 2012: BLOG Another name on the list
30 Oct0ber 2012: BLOG Court in Windsor
23 October 2012: BLOG Catch up
16 October 2012: BLOG No “guilty” plea yet from “Happy Hands”
15 Oct0ber 2012: BLOG Tomorrow it is
10 October 2012: BLOG Disclosure issues
04 September 2012: BLOG Possibly?
04 September 2012: BLOG This makes no sense
03 September 2012: BLOG It will get done
29 August 2012: BLOG More on Mount Cashel scandal
19 August 2012: BLOG Poor health?
20 July 2012: BLOG Pass on info
21 June 2012: BLOG Another victim
07 June 2012: BLOG Child offender?
29 May 2012: BLOG Clerical thief receives stiffer sentence than clerical molester
11 May 2012 BLOG Plea bargains
30 March 2012: BLOG Dutch brother was “creepy”
29 March 2012: BLOG It seems appropriate
05 March 2012: BLOG Is it purely by chance?
04 March 2012: BLOG Tears
23 February 2012: BLOG “to enter a plea”
15 February 2012: BLOG Can’t get over it
10 February 2012: BLOG Three years
07 February 2012: BLOG Charges from the West
11 December 2011: BLOG In the refectory
09 December 2011: BLOG No easy way
08 December 2011: BLOG Merge charges?
07 December 2011: BLOG Press Conference
03 December 2011: BLOG So much pain
28 October 2011: BLOG On to trial
25 August 2011: BLOG Where are they now?
11 August 2011: BLOG Quick notes
08 July 2011: Can he check himself out?
16 July 2011: BLOG “It’s never too late”
09 July 2011: BLOG We learn from each and every one of you
08 July 2011: BLOG Can he check himself out?
07 July 2011: BLOG Interesting
07 July 2011: BLOG What will it take?
24 June 2011: BLOG 1942 grad
20 June 2011: BLOG Important
16 June 2011: BLOG Quite interesting
15 June 2011: BLOG Bits and pieces
12 June 2011: BLOG Pictures
10 June 2011: BLOG Video clips
09 June 2011: BLOG Sea of suffering
07 June 2011: BLOG Court
06 June 2011: BLOG Scrambling
01 June 2011: BLOG Problem resolved
31 May 2011: BLOG If trends continue
06 May 2011: BLOG The Bishop is “saddened”
05 May 2011: BLOG Verdict due
05 May 2011: BLOG Do we have a problem, or do we have a problem?
03 May 201: BLOG Not cheap
28 April 2011: BLOG Ready to go
20 April 2011: BLOG Final step
31 March 2011: BLOG A lark!
31 March 2011: BLOG That would make sense
22 March 2011: BLOG Was an internal investigation conducted?
22 March 2011: BLOG Dotting the “i”s
11 March 2011: BLOG Is this for real?
09 March 2011; BLOG Can anyone clarify
08 March 2011: BLOG USP bursary for convicted clerical molester
24 February 2011: BLOG Update
18 February 2011: BLOG Ridiculous?
08 February 2011: BLOG Busy day in courtrooms
02 February 2011: BLOG Productive day
14 January 2011: Have they no shame?
13 January 2011: BLOG “a real curve”
11 January 2011: BLOG Please attend
02 December 2010: BLOG Why the silence?
28 November 2010: BLOG Bothered
24 November 2010: BLOG Court
22 November 2010: BLOG Busy week in courts
15 November 2010: BLOG Uncanny?
01 November 2010: BLOG Court time is expensive
28 October 2010: BLOG What’s wrong with us?
26 October 2010: BLOG Update
22 October 2010: BLOG Crazy!!
21 October 2010: BLOG Who knew who?
15 October 2010: BLOG Unsettling
23 September 2010: BLOG Hurling insults?
23 September 2010: BLOG Abysmal
09 September 2010: BLOG Disappointed but not surprised
01 September 2010: BLOG It begs the question
12 August 2010: BLOG I cringe at the thought
10 August 2010: BLOG Deja vu
09 August 2010: BLOG Tomorrow
06 August 2010: BLOG What happened to the charges?
28 July 2010: BLOG Delay. Delay. Delay.
27 July 2010: BLOG Court date
23 July 2010: BLOG The camp
20 July 2010: BLOG The hunter
19 July 2010: BLOG Out of the ordinary
16 July 2010: BLOG Foolish
14 July 2010: BLOG Any news?
12 July 2010: BLOG Back on Interpol
06 July 2010: BLOG New info
02 July 2010: BLOG Further charges pending?
01 July 2010: BLOG Small small world
28 June 2011: BLOG Keep your voices
27 June 2011: BLOG Interesting
25 June 2010: BLOG Hard to deal with
20 June 2011: BLOG Important
20 June 2010: BLOG Justice on this earth
18 June 2010: BLOG The masses are not amused
17 June 2010: BLOG Hard one to figure out
15 June 2011: BLOG Bit and Pieces
12 June 2010: BLOG Strange?
09 June 2011: BLOG Sea of Suffering
08 June 2010: BLOG Watching the sorry saga unfold
07June 2010: BLOG Setting up computer
21 May 2010: BLOG Serious case of coverup and recycling
23 May 2010: BLOG Look who’s on the Basilian’s sexual misconduct review board
The following dates are drawn from the Canadian Catholic Church directories (CCCD) of that date, St. Michael’s College School (SMCS) yearbooks, media (M) information found online, and comments blogged on this site
28 July 2014: Died
June 2013: Revocation of Ontario teacher’s license (03 January 2014: “College Kicks Out Former Teacher” & related article)
October 2012: released from jail
February 2012: charged in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (M)
09 June 2011: sentenced to 2 years in jail (M)
08 June 2011: GUILTY plea in Windsor Ontario (M)
October 2010: charged in Sudbury, Ontario. (M)
September 2010: charged in Toronto, Ontario (M)
May 2010: charged in Windsor, Ontario (M)
2003-2010: address for Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre (CCCD)
2002: sued by man in Sudbury Ontario seeking counselling for abuse by Marshall which he alleges transpired in the 1960s. Awarded $10,000. (M)
2001: address 95 St. Joseph St., Toronto – address for Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre (CCCD)
2000: Toronto, Ontario (Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre) (CCCD)
1999: Basilian Newsletter 1999
“Project(s) Children’s Home of St. Lucia (St. Lucia)
“Amount awarded: 3,500.00
“endorsement: Fr. W. H. Marshall, CSB”
1998: Toronto, Ontario (Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre) (CCCD)
1989 -1996: according to Toronto Star he left Windsor in 1989 to do missionary work in St. Lucia. He left St. Lucia in 1996
1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997: “Out of Canada” (seems he was doing “missionary” work in St. Lucia during these years) (CCCD)
sometime 1996-sometime 1997: St. Luke’s Institute , Maryland (Evidence at civil trial 2018)
According to Houston Chronicle Marshall moved to St. Lucia 1993 and retired in 1997, however he was in St. Lucia from ’89 until he was reported in ’96 and sent off to St. Luke’s Institute for “treatment.” The CCCD indicates he was “out of Canada.”
(20 June 2011: I have been informed that Hod Marshall helped to establish the Holy Family Children’s Home in Ciceron which served boys and girls from newborn to age 14. I have also been told he served as pastor at St. Benedict’s Church in Ciceron and in that capacity would have paid regular visits to the Ciceron school.)
According to the Toronto Globe and Mail (23 Sept. ’10) a complaint was received about Marshall in 1996 and he was recalled – he was sent for ‘treatment’ to the Saint Luke Institute in Maryland (we now know that Hod was pulled from St.Lucia and sent to St. Luke’s after a victim contacted the Basilians: when Hod Marshall was confronted he did not deny the allegations. The victim did not want to go to police at that time. )
1988: address 1100 Huron Church rd., Windsor – address for Assumption College School (CCCD)
1985-89: Principal of the Holy Names High School, Windsor, Ontario (according to Windsor Star, was in the area in 1985. Initially taught at the site of the former St. Hubert elementary where the Holy Names students were housed until their new school was ready)
Member of Knights of Columbus. From Course Calendar Holy Names High School 2010-2011
Our founding principal, Fr. Hod Marshall, was a member/brother of the Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council 4386 in South Windsor. He attended monthly meetings at the K of C and constantly reminded the members of the importance of Catholic Education. Fr. Hod had a vision of establishing a Catholic High school in South Windsor. In 1985 when Holy Names High School opened at the former St. Huberts School on California Ave., the K of C presented Fr. Hod Marshall and students with a cheque for the purchase of their first set of basketball jerseys. Fr. Marshall then announced that all teams and clubs would be known as the Holy Names Knights.
1978-85: Principal at St. Mary’s College, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (Toronto Star and CCCD)
1985-86: address for St. Mary’s College, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (CCCD)
(strangely the 1980 Ontario Catholic Directory lists his address as 258 Pine St., Sudbury – the address of St. Charles College.)
June 1979: ‘Treatment’ at Southdown (Aurora, Ontario)
1978: A weekend of ‘treatment’ in Washington DC ( this may have been at St. Lukes’s Institute which is just outside Washington?)
1971-78: Principal at St. Charles, Sudbury, Ontario (Toronto Star and CCCD)
1973-74: Principal St Charles College, Ontario (CCCD)
1971-72: not listed in CCCD
(according to one source was transferred abruptly around 1979 or 1980 after report of a “fondling” incident at St. Charles College: http://www.theinquiry.ca/wordpress/charged/marshall-william-hodgson/comment-page-1/#comment-63668)
1970-71: studying in Ottawa. (studying what?) (Toronto Star)
1961-1970: St. Charles College, Sudbury, Ontario (CCCD and Toronto Star)
August 1959-August 1961: teaching at St. Paul’s High School, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (M)
charges laid in relation allegations of sex abuse during his time in Saskatoon (M)
1959, 1960 & 1961: address listed as St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (CCCD) (He must have been living in residence at St. Thomas More College while teaching at St. Paul’s HS. We have been told that his letters of those years were on the college letterhead)
1958: St. Michael’s College yearbook. Listed as Math and Religion teacher, coach of Bantam All Stars and coach of the Blue Stars Ontario Catholic basketball champions
1956-1957 school year: according to the Houston Chronicle, taught Math and coached basketball at St. Thomas High School, Houston, Texas.
1956-1957: Teaching Math and coaching basketball at St. Thomas High School (Houston Texas) yearbook pictures:
According to Windsor Star coached basketball at Assumption College in Windsor for two years.
The 1955, 1956 & 1957 CCCDs show him at Assumption College in Windsor .
Father Robert Whyte csb was on staff with Marshall at Assumption in 1957
1956: St. Michael’s college yearbook – the Tower. Picture shows him speaking at the dedication of the Shrine to Our Lady of Grace http://www.archive.org/stream/stmcstower1956testuoft#page/106/mode/2up/search/marshall
(Marshall is referenced as “of Assumption College.” A reminder here that Marshall was possibly travelling back and forth to Toronto throughout the years and, although serving elsewhere, in this case Assumption in Windsor, was perhaps occasionally – or frequently? – involved in St. Michael’s College School special events, i.e., the dedication of the shrine)
Mid 50s: sometime in the mid 50s spent a few months living in the rectory at St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church in Amherstbourg, Ontario – allegedly suffering from nervous exhaustion
1950 – 1954: Toronto’s St. Michael’s College School yearbooks. Teaching Math. Coaching football and/or basketball teams. (yearbooks & CCCDs)
Around this time was also teaching basketball to Catholic parochial students in Toronto
1950 & 1951 Father Robert Whyte CSB was also on staff
1951: ordained
1942: Graduated from St. Michael’s College High School in Toronto. Listed in Thurible as “Hodgson Marshall.” There is no sign of him in pre-1942 Thuribles so he must have attended SMCHS only for Grade 13.
raised in Westmount, Montreal, Quebec. I have been told that he attended a Christian Brothers School believed to be called D’Arcy McGee. There was a D’Arcy McGee high school in the heart of Montreal which was once operated by the Christian Brothers. It was the first English Catholic high school in Montreal. It closed in 1992
Former Ontario priest, 87, charged with sexual abuse
The Province
20 May 2010
By Frances Willick, Windsor Star
WINDSOR, Ont. — A Basilian priest and former Windsor, Ont., high school principal who is now in his late-80s, has been charged with sexually abusing a child in an allegation that dates back to the 1980s.
Rev. William Hodgson (Hod) Marshall, 87, appeared in court Wednesday to face a charge of sexual abuse for incidents that occurred while he was working at a Windsor school from 1981 to 1985.
It is unclear which school Marshall was serving during the years the alleged incidents took place, and it is unknown whether his alleged victim was a student.
Windsor police said the investigation started “a while back,” but police were unable to share details of the case Thursday night.
A statement from the religious order expressed sympathy for any victims of sexual abuse.
“The Basilian Fathers are deeply concerned and regretful that one of their members is alleged to have abused a minor,” reads a statement issued by the General Council of the Congregation of Priests of St. Basil. “Our hearts and minds turn immediately to the victim who has come forward.”
By 1993, he had retired from the school system and had moved to St. Lucia to carry out missionary work.
He didn’t lose his connection with Windsor after moving south, though. The priest spearheaded projects that brought students to the Caribbean island to build homes and to help with the construction of schools and daycares.
Marshall retired from the public ministry in 1997 and moved to a residence for Basilian priests in Toronto.
While working in northern Ontario, “Father Hod” became known as the “basketball priest” for his dedicated attendance at games.
“Anything I can get students interested in, I will,” he told The Windsor Star in 1985. “And I attend everything I can. I like to get in there and see the kids, see them doing something worthwhile and developing their talents.”
Neither Marshall nor representatives of the Catholic school board could be reached for comment Thursday evening.
7:42 AM on May 21, 2010
I hope it was just the Star getting it wrong and not the police. He wasn’t even in Windsor from 1981-1985. He was busy abusing boys in Sault St. Marie. He came to Windsor for the ’85-’86 school year. That was when he started abusing in Windsor – not 1981-1985. Before the Sault he was abusing in Sudbury.
Moved to St. Lucia for missionary work did he?? That wasn’t all he was doing down there. He got kicked out of the country for a REASON and never EVER returned even once for a visit.
Just one question? Did he plead guilty.
2:53 AM on May 21, 2010
Yeah, go for the big girls like the rest of us.
2:06 AM on May 21, 2010
How awful that there seems to be no end to the parade of vermin pedophiles hiding behind the robe. When will it ever end?
“I like to get in there and see the kids, see them doing something worthwhile and developing their talents.”
Kind of makes your skin crawl doesn’t it?
12:53 AM on May 21, 2010
Yes the church is loaded with these guys, they intended to join to access to those defenseless children. Hope they rot in h ll . if theres one.
Cult like group thiose basilians .
Court dates and parole hearings
Parole hearing: Marshall has waived his right for further parole board review. He can refile if he chooses. As it stands 23 April 2012, he will be released 05 October 2012; 08 October 2012; 30 May 2012; 27 March 2012 probably in Kingston, Ontario?
Next court appearance on Saskatoon charges: 04 March 2013: 10 am, courtroom #10, to enter a guilty plea, Windsor, Ontario courthouse ; 31 October 2012: Windsor Ontario courthouse, t0 set date for deposition, ; 16 October 2012: 9:30 am, Windsor Ontario court house to “possibly” set a date for resolution; 04 September 2012: 09:30 am, courtroom #10, Windsor Ontario courthouse, “to take a plea” ?; 20 July 2012: 10:00 am, Windsor Ontario courthouse “to take a plea.” [set over to September]
Hey John;
Just sent you an e-mail, so now you’ll have my address. Take Care. Mike.
Did you spill some paint on the keyboard? (just kidding) Mike.
Here is a new story I have to share with you all. Yesterday I attended a retiree’s luncheon in Windsor. It was great to see many of my former co-workers again. What made my day was one gentleman, very senior to me, came up to chat. He was a tradesman and his son was my apprecntice many years ago. Instead of the usual handshake and good to see you greeting, he put his arms around me and thanked me for making public the news of my experience at the hands of Marshall. He said that it took a great deal of courage to come out and let people know of my pain.
He added that he was a victim at eleven years old on many occasions by his neighbour. He said “I wish I could have had the courage to say something”.
He also added what I did helped him deal with the tourture he has kept hidden for more than sixty years.
It was a very delightful discussion to think that maybe what we have all done collectively on these issues have assisted many more people than we know about. My holidays will be just a little brighter with that experience.
Hope all of you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.
I sure wish we had spell check on this blog!!
Don’t worry about spellcheck, Jerry – your message rang out loud and clear! How inspiring to know that your courage had such a positive effect on another’s hurting heart.
You deserve a brighter, merrier holiday because of this… We ALL do 🙂
What a beautiful story told out of terrible events! You’re right Jerry, our forthrightness can lead others out of their darkness…an awesome gift. Your story has uplifted me as well. God bless and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Thanks Jerry! I echo jj and pj completely. You made my day! Mike.
I’m glad you shared this inspiring story of yours here.
You wrote it in such a way that the story burst with such compassion, caring and hope.
I ‘m so happy for you Jerry.
It may be of interest to any that follow this blog that the first meeting of the new Windsor Chapter of SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) will take place today, Sunday December 16th in Windsor, Ontario. It has been set up by Brenda Brunelle.
They will be meeting on the second Sunday future months. Congratulations Brenda on your contribution to bring assistance to the victims of these horrible crimes.
Details can be picked up through the SNAP network.
Jerry Boyle
Jerry, thank you so much for this posting.
Our group met today at 2:00 pm. The participation within the group was incredibly powerful and inspiring. The Founder and President of the SNAP organization arrived in Windsor to help with the start-up of our group.
Today, I had the privilege and honour to meet brave bloggers on Sylvia’s site for the first time. I can’t express in words the depth of emotion I felt sitting in the presence of these brave men and women and sharing our experiences with each other.
I personally want to thank those that attended, who blog frequently on this site, your contribution and personal support truly help begin to build a group with hope, strength and inspiration.
Jerry, thank you so much for your phone call this week and your support.
I am so grateful for this site and for all those that provide encouraging words to each other.
I wish for all a Merry Christmas, Joyful and peaceful holiday season.
With a grateful heart,
Brenda Brunelle
Brenda you are to be congratulated for helping others, in giving them an outlet to share their pain, struggles and stories. Furthermore, so many abuse survivors know they are not alone in all this serious and sad situation they find themselves in.
Even though many clergy and their supporters may have little or big concerns about another SNAP chapter to arise. Many of us know it is needed.
To all people who do not like to see clergy abused victims getting support and help this way.
I say to them…the Catholic Church brought these abuse scandals on themselves by covering them up for ages.
Folks you MAY need to take more time and do more research and read about the Catholic Church’s history of their 2000-year paper trail of sexual abuse.
If you keep up with that denial attitude of yours that is why chapters like SNAP is needed and also websites like this one…Sylvia’s Site.
A big thank-you Brenda Brunelle for a service that is so much needed.
Thank you Lina very much.
Thank you for the initiative in starting up a local chapter! It means a lot to me, as it will a lot of others.
I spoke with a couple of friends from this site about the meeting on Sunday, but was unable to attend. Please count me in for some future meetings!
Also, all the best to you this holiday season! Mike.
I was there on Sunday and I will be there on the next Sunday in January. I cannot speak highly enough of Brenda for the courage and commitment she displayed in starting a Windsor Chapter, in presenting herself publicly as the local face of SNAP (and all the garbage that can bring with it), and in sharing with other survivors both through telling her own story and in listening to ours. Brenda you are doing God’s work and with God’s grace and strength.
You spoke of the depth of emotion you felt in meeting others. I truly understand. When I entered the room and saw you, and saw that you were not alone there (thank goodness), my impulse, no … my desire, was to wrap my arms around you and weep for your kindness, your pain and mine and that of so many, to thank you, and to honour you. I settled in my politeness, shyness, reservedness, for a pleasant handshake but now you know all that was held within my calm greeting. I say this here because I hope as many people as possible can know or learn the value of sharing with others. It is indescribable to me. The talking, listening, sharing, venting, understanding, caring …….. it is all wonderful. But to me it is just being there in a room of people that you know understand you that is the “thing” that makes it worthwhile. There is nothing that you have done, thought, experienced, felt, intended, or hoped that won’t be understood and accepted when you gather with other survivors. To all of you who post and read here I want to say that if you find value in sharing here online, it is all the better to do it in person.
I have spent much of my life, particularly the last few years, saying “I have no friends”. But since I came forward with what happened to me, since I have sought out others, spoken publicly, joined survivor groups and stood for what is right and damm the consequences …….. I have many friends. Sometimes I forget that fact. But I know they are there for me any time I need them as I am for them.
This has wandered from where I had thought my mind was going but sometimes it is best to just let emotion be your guide. I do not know much of SNAP but I know some good people who think highly of it and I intend to find out for myself. I felt fortunate to have some time to spend with Barbara Blaine the founder and President and I was so impressed. Even from the opening of the meeting I scarcely could believe the commitment she showed to SNAP and to each of us present in coming to Windsor to attend our meeting. What a statement that was! It said to me not only that “you are not alone” but also that “you will never BE alone”. Wow. I could have spent the whole day at that meeting just to be with others who I knew cared and who welcomed me to care.
Brenda, I thank you and I support you. I guess that is as good a way as any to sign this off.
Patrick McMahon
So well said, Patrick! It IS such a warm feeling to be with others who understand, and are willing to stand up with you.
You DO have friends you can count on! Mike.
There is a documentary airing on HBO February 4th at 8:00 p.m. that would truly be worth watching. The problem is, it is only being aired in the U.S. It is a production of Alex Gibney entitled “Mea Maxima Cupla” and is an exposure of the cover up by the Catholic Church and the criminals they hide.
You will not likely be able to pick it up in Canada anywhere but you can Google the trailer and get the gist of it.
Gibney was featured on the Bill Mayer show Friday night. I guess that Canadian BISHOPS have a little more influence on the HBO network.
If anyone is orgnizing a demonstration for March 4th in Windsor please let me know. I think it is a great opportunity to refocus on the agenda of the Curch.
Jerry Boyle
I had the opportunity to see a private screening of Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of the Lord at the SNAP leader’s meeting last week in Dallas. I was looking forward to viewing it with my family tomorrow evening, and am very disappointed to hear that it won’t run in Canada. I don’t doubt the possibility Jerry, that the bishops had something to do with it.
Since it will be running throughout the month of February on HBO in the States (and I assumed we could view it here). I wanted to plan a public viewing where the movie could be shown followed by a panel of speakers which could include survivors, a therapist, etc. to shed light on the issue.
Perhaps now, we have time to organize a more concerted Canadian effort and try to coordinate a national event. Anyone interested?
I think the timing is perfect with the release of the LA
Archdiocesan files. It becomes harder and harder for the church to say this is something that happened in the past when you look at the files of Fr. Joseph Piña and see that in 1992, Cardinal Mahony failed to go to the police and because of his inaction children were abused again in 1995, and the man has still not been charged.
As survivors, we know there must be similar files in our Canadian diocese. I’d like to believe that through our collective advocacy could apply pressure on the Canadian bishops to do the right thing and release documents here.
Leona, I am trying to obtain a copy of this documentary from HBO. I will let you know if I am able to obtain it.
As I said when we last spoke, I will be there with bells on for you and Patrick and the others. I would think at the very least that a couple of clearly worded placards would be in order.
I’ll be speaking with you before the date with some ideas. Take care! mike
If there is anything I can do to help organize an event in Windsor on the 4th of March please let me know. Many of you have my personal email address already. I am preparing a Press Release to go out just before the 4th of March so that we can make a strong statement and strong presence in the courtroom that date for Marshall’s survivors and all others that have endured abuse at the hands of the “powers at be”. Also, a room in Windsor has been reserved to receive all those who attend this sentencing and it will accommodate up to 100 people. Anyone that is following this blog and is in the Windsor area and thinking about attending please let us know.
Brenda Brunelle
victim of Fr. Michael Fallona…. (inmate that shares the same residence with Fr. Hod Marshall in Toronto).
I am sure by now that everyone has this link into the resignation of the Pope.
Very Interesting
Does anyone have a picture of Fabbro and Marshall together?
I see that George Smith is looking at 13 years. GREAT NEWS!!! What will happen when Marshall gets 000000000 for the crimes in Saskatchewan? Is there a way to appeal the light sentence if the Crown agrees? It should be something we all consider.
That vermin may not even show up. Remember, his lawyer said “He wants to put it all behind him and live with the people he loves and love him”.
Most of them are in hell or residing at the Basilian retirement centre. He will be there soon but not soon enough.
We can only hope, Jerry. This vermin that made your life so miserable and tormented for so many years is actually worse than Smith, if you go by the victims count.
It would be my hope that Happy hands gets more than 13, but the likelyhood is slim. Marshall must have some sort of a spell, or a threatened curse over Bradie and the judge.
I just don’t understand it! Marshall’s swath of destruction is spread all over North America. Mike.
I think his destruction goes out of North America as well. St Lucia is either in Central America or South America. Whatever, Marshall assaulted children everywhere he went. He knew no borders.
I think Bradie is carrying quite a load as well, The poor man has to cash all those cheques he receives from the Basilians. When Marshall finally goes, Bradie will have lots of new business from the other Basilians yet to be charged. They’re out there!!!
If the justice system ever gets into reality, the charges against all that protected these pedophiles will be charged as well.
We can hope. I feel there will be quite a turnout for the demonstration on Monday. I just hope the media gives it its fair coverage.
The day of reckoning is near!
Yes Jerry! Monday will be a loud, booming statement to all who listen in or view on TV. Regardless of the sentence, just having the WHOLE world knowing that Happy Hands is a sick, pathetic creature who spent his whole life as a hypocrite is a start.
His employers/enablers are in the same rudderless boat, on a dead-set course to hell. Mike.
I am going to try and link in the You Tube video of Tim Scott (Basilian) and his comments on the Marshall case. His verbage may make you lose your lunch so if I am successful with the link, please keep your Tums or Alkaseltzer handy. His script was about as sincere as the one of Marshall that did not think he did anything wrong.
It will give you limited space for a response, but it is worth the effort.
Sorry, it did not work, but I did forward to Sylvia.
Thanks Jerry. I was just able to find it on You Tube and download it. I’ll have it posted shortly and will note when it’s up.
Here it is, Father Tim Scott, Basilian spokesman, at the sentencing (“Tut Tut bad boy” second time around) of Father William Hodgson Marshall on the Saskatoon Sask. charges.
04 March 2013: Catholic Church Reacts To Priest Sentencing (Father Timothy Scott csb) VIDEO
I wish to commend each and every single person who was able to attend outside Windsor court on Monday morning. It was more meaningful, powerful, heartfelt and honest than anything going on this week over in Rome. Each and every one of you made a difference and I am proud to have stood with you. The sentence will not discourage us for change takes time but change is coming and those in attendance, and those who wished they could be, showed that.
I believe there were five or six of who demonstrated at Marshall’s court appearance last summer. On Monday there were EIGHTY! That tells you what is coming for criminals who hide in the church, the courts, or anywhere else they can find a crevice of protection. It will be a wave and it will wipe clean the filth that is so completely entrenched in the church. May the good and holy that are left standing build something good in place of what we have today.
Patrick…awesome observations! 80 protesters is great and I’m sure the numbers will grow over time!
This is a surprise. Someone kindly sent me links to Ontario College of Teachers Site and a Notice of Hearing by the Discipline Committee re William Hodgson Marshall. The links to a the Notice of Hearing and a snap shot of Father Marshall`s current status are posted above.
28 March 2012: Father Hod Marshall – Notice Of Hearing, Ontario College of Teachers, Discipline Committee of the Ontario College of Teachers
Hod Marshall current status with Ontario College of Teachers (screen shot 04 June 2013)
News reported his teaching license was revoked this week. Is it me or does this seem to be a lack luster attempt by the school board to show they didn’t approve of this man’s behavior? The man has already retired so, revoking his license at his age seems to be a futile exercise. Perhaps, it is symbolic and provides a sense of closure to those involved. It seems those involved in perpetrating the crime only do something when there is no other choice. There are cases going on as I write where the school board is in complete denial and refusing to admit this was going on during their watch.Shifting blame and guilt to the victim…. Until there is nothing to do except apologize….business as usual.
“When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but instead that an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd.”
Maybe they did not print the rest of the story where they say that the school board will now be teaching a new twist to an old story.
John MacDonald
What I find interesting is that in the decision of the College of Teachers hearing, the evidence reviewed showed that Marshall was in fact an employee of the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board in 1954 through 1956. In that time frame, I was one of his victims.
This is one of the “Agreed Statements of Fact” that was not disputed by Marshall or his lawyer Andrew J. Bradie.
The Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board denies he was an employee of the Board. They are trying to dodge any liability for his actions.
I don’t blame anyone for trying to drop this “Hot Potato” but someone has to own up to their lack of responsibility that allowed this vermin to continue his crime spree. It should have been stopped when he was thrown out of the seminary in New York for assaulting boys there.
Instead, he was welcomed into the Basilian fold In Toronto to carry on his four decades as a sexual predator.
They deny knowing anything about his activities. I guess it is all part of the Holy Agenda: “Deny……Minimize…..Blame Others”.
I have to add one more concern. This Hearing took place on June 4, 2013. The legal proceedings against Marshall are over. It was for his teaching certification. It is not likely that he is looking for work as a teacher.
Why is Bradie still getting paid to defend the license and credentials of Marshall? Was it to use up some of the surplus funds that the Basilians have on hand?
Marshall attended a seminary in New York (prior to joining the Basilians) and subsequently expelled?????
This is certainly new information and should be brought to the attention of all lawyers currently representing Marshall’s victims.
Any details of this expulsion for Sylvia’s site???
I wish he was still alive so I can torture him because he did horrific things to me and bunch of other students at holy names high school. My time is coming
to revel the whole story to the world on what kind of monster he was and how the school bpard knew about it and still kept him employeed
Hi Sylvia: More Marshall victims have come forward since the criminal case was closed and since his death. My count has 6 more but there may be others. 2 more in Sudbury. There are 2 civil trials scheduled, one is mine in Sudbury in May. The other is a Sudbury victim, scheduled in Toronto in April, who was not in the criminal case. The discrepancies in Marshall’s CV are outrageous, owing to the fact that supervisory bodies accepted his word for his activities and credentials. Eg. Marshall was principal at St-Charles College in 71-72 but was missing 2 thirds of the Ministry’s minimum requirement. He claimed to have earned degrees from 3 ON universities and attended Ottawa/Carleton but is not an alumnus of any of them. He provided residence addresses to the Basilians that never existed. He was grandfathered on some qualifications based on experience he simply did not have. I share this now with fellow victims so they are not swayed from what they know to be true. Most of these discoveries, I made myself to supply the lawyers with better info. The official church records have gaps under scrutiny. Though only anecdotal in a Canadian legal matter, Marshall left a trail of sexual abuse across 3 countries in the Caribbean. His departure was under an official Martinique complaint and he was returned to St-Luke’s treatment center in D.C. I’ll let everyone know the results of the trial.
Thanks for the update Denis.
It’s taken a while, but finally you’re going to trial. That I am sure is a blessed relief. Please let us know dates. And, yes, please keep us up-to-date.
My thoughts and prayers as you head to trial….
Good luck with your civil action Denis.
From an Ontario torts perspective the Basilians knew and/or ought to have known about Father Marshall’s real credentials. Not for one minute have the Basilians ever been victims of Father Marshall per se. If they didn’t do the due diligence on Father Marshall let ’em now pay for it if that was indeed their standard of care. Having said this; your case is not gonna be a slam dunk situation. At least not in court. I hope it’ll not be too difficult for you. One outcome for sure is that your civil action will prompt every civil liability insurer who deals with Church entities to review and update their coverage criteria. It’s gonna get more difficult to enter into the priesthood religious orders after this. Their premiums are gonna increase. And that’s a very desirable outcome for the community. Please keep in mind that we’re dealing with a careless and indifferent corporate citizen when it comes to the whole Church, Denis. These silly, single and immature men simply don’t give a f*** about nobody. Whatever change is apparent now is totally not coming from within it and certainly not from the public relations stunt called Pope Francis. Civil liability insurers are the ones behind it. Finally regardless of the legal outcome of your action, may you find peace Dennis. And if you can’t do that; may it find you.
Hi again Denis,
So here’s some English language coverage of a story that was sent to me yesterday regarding a Monsignor Pietro Amenta who was until very recently a judge of the Roman Rota; the Vatican’s highest appellate court. I do this because your point about due diligence is very important indeed.
Most of this story broke out in french media last week but there’s a little bit of English media coverage. Monsignor Amenta was convicted on kiddy porn charges last week. Sadly nobody bothered to perform any due diligence on Monsignor Amenta before he was appointed to that senior function in Vatican City. If they had done that they would have quickly realized that Monsignor Amenta was a known individual by Italian law enforcement. He had previously faced charges of obscenity in 1991 and sexual molestation in 2004. Clerical abuse has now reached the Holy See’s judiciary and it’s main financial instutions. It’s just a matter of time now for it to reach the Executive level of the Holy See i.e. Pope Francis himself. The Cardinals who elected him totally got what they wanted. But sadly, Pope Francis has deceived most who loved him and so hoped that he would reform the Church. Pope Francis won’t defrock Monsignor Amenta of course because Pope Francis tolerates and welcomes the presence perverts within the Church. But the faithful should nevertheless beware of where will Monsignor Amenta be quietly reassigned. And they should reconsider their fanatical love for Pope Francis.
BC, a publication called CRUX covered the Monsignor Amenta scandal too and privides a few more details. I posted its coverage: Vatican judge takes plea bargain on molestation, child pornography charges As I said in a blog of 22 February: “Even in the Vatican court. A plea bargain! So, no jail time, but, while I won’t as yet hold my breath, I trust – hope and pray – that a priest who fondles the genitals of a young – but, of yes, of age – lad in a market is deemed unfit for the priesthood and defrocked.”
Of the victims from the criminal action, I was dead last to enter the civil actions. For me, the conviction of the pedophile teacher-priest in June 2011 was and is the climax of a 42 year stuttered pursuit of justice. When I decided to enter the civil fray, I set 2 goals. The practical goal was to achieve a sum of restitution, that at the very least replaced my private disability pension which expires at age 65. Believing that the only way to achieve goal #1, was to have a second goal of a civil trial. Not only would this trial make public the cabal that existed within the Basilian sect, a new high water mark needed to be set for future litigants. There was only one past settlement achieved through trial that appeared to reflect the victim’s suffering. And there would be no gag order to interfere with my tell all book. My conditions were made clear.
From the start, it seemed like everything that could go wrong, did with this Talach lawyer guy. I’d had about a dozen and a half lawyers do work for me in the past. The usual stuff- a couple of each, civil matters, real estate transactions and the rest you can figure out for yourself. This guy was very near the bottom. I fired him more than once during this time, except I didn’t tell him or anyone else. After meeting in person a few times I concluded communication wasn’t his strong point. It was one day having lunch, that the young but experienced lawyer let his guard down ever so briefly. In a moment, he spoke of his wife and children. That was a turning point. Instead of berating and horse-whipping the guy, I viewed him at his full-time job-father and husband, for the first time. He was not a lousy communicator or unemotional, this Rob Talach was disciplined. It is a key asset.
The Rod MacCleod trial exposed the criminality in a way that couldn’t be duplicated. It is my opinion the information gathered from all of the victims built a certain momentum as these cases progressed. One of my goals was satisfied at the Toronto trial.
In the final couple of years there were some bumps, but as we filtered through what was possible, Talach left no doubt in my mind that the action would be successful. His knowledge, experience and this rare ability to read the battlefield surfaced. For those of us fooled by his boyish charm, there was an alpha wolf inside. At the meeting just before a third pre-trial that I didn’t want, the preparedness on display produced more confidence. The tactical skills displayed in that meeting room were reminiscent of my Bay St mentors from 30 years before. Rob Talach had succeeded in exceeding my first goal by a decent margin. He displayed emotion afterwards- he said “Yeah!” The no gag order settlement has a headline number of $950,000 dollars.
Rob Talach assisted by Aaron Lealess, Chelsea Hishon and Dallas Lee ought to have fired me a dozen times, but they kept me on and shouldered the time and financial risk. Being bi-polar with an alphabet soup of secondary afflictions, their task completed under harsh conditions, I am humbled by their empathy. They have a capable and courteous support staff. I believe in giving credit where credit is due.
I’m not done. Some important stuff to share another day. Stay tuned.
Watching the trial was a difficult, rewarding, emotional, interesting and educational experience. (I am sure I could add many more words to that description.) I could speak of it for hours but I only wanted to touch on one point you made. Talach, Aaron and their team did an outstanding job and deserve solid credit. I wanted to chime in on that point only as there are so many to touch on. The basilians paid – exactly as they should have paid for every single victim they left unprotected for decades.