Ronald Leger csv
Viatorian priest (member of the Viatorians/Clerics of St. Viateur). Ordained 1965. Native of Cornwall, Ontario. Attended and taught at Cornwall Classical College. While teaching at the college was a good friend of Father Paul Lapierre. Lapierre has since been charged and convicted for sex abuse of Claude Marleau. Has been serving in Manitoba since 1971 – most if not all of those years in the Archdiocese of St. Boniface, Manitoba.
I have been told that sometime in the 70s and 80s taught at College St. Boniface (CUSB) and at College Louis Riel in Winnipeg
Founded a teen drop-in centre in Winnipeg area. According to one media report, he adopted two boys. I have also been told however that he took in a lot of boys as foster children but did not adopt any.
January 2015, after an 11 month investigation, charged with three counts of sexual assault and one count of sexual interference. Two of the charges date to the 1980s and two date to late 2002 to late 2004. There are three victims.
13 July 2015: GUILTY plea 09 February 2016: Sentenced to two years in jail. Name to be added to Canada’s national sex offender registry. October 2016: granted day parole.
22 July 2019: “Priest’s sexual assault trial adjourned due to failing health” & related article
July 2019: News that trial scheduled for Fall 2019 has been adjourned because Father Leger’s jelath is failing and he is in palliative care
19 October 2016: Further charges laid. Leger is now facing eight new charges stemming from the allegations of four men. (Right after he was granted day parole Father Leger was taken into custody by Winnipeg police. On 16 November he was in court seeking bail. (It looks as though he is being held in the Headingly Correctional Centre, Headingly, Manitoba) (Docket) 29 October 2016: out on bail
31 August 2017: Three more charges laid.
First Trial
Crown Attorney: Debbie Buors Defence: Saul Simmonds Judge: Judge Wanda Garreck
Second charges
(Ordered to stand trial after March 2018 Preliminary Hearing)
Next court date: Trial scheduled for Fall 2019 adjourned – according to media reports Leger is in palliative care
10 June 2018: 10 am, sentencing, Provincial Court of Queen’s Bench , Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.) ; 09 May 2018: 09:30 am, Assignment Court, Provincial Court of Queen’s Bench , Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.) ; 05-16 March 2018: 10 am, Preliminary Hearing TRIAL, courtroom #403, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.) ; 19 September 2017: related to three new charges laid end August, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.); 02 March 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #302, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.); 07 February 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #301: Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.); 23 January 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #301: Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.) ; 03 January 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #301: Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.); 13 December 2016: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #301: Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
15 June 2015: Leger Statement of Claim:t D.M.N. and Ronald J. Leger, La Corporation Archiepiscopale Catholique Romaine De Saint-Boniface and Clercs De Saint-Viateur Du Canada
Documents of Interest
14 July 2015 Archdiocese of Saint Boniface Press Release re Father R Leger guilty plea
06 January 2015: Archdiocese of Saint Boniface Manitoba – Press Release re charges against Father Ronald Leger csv
March 2011: French Father Ronald Leger “Father Ron” ( Viateurs du Canada March 2011 no 28)
Father Ronald Leger Viatorian bio (French)
13 September 2001: Father Paul Lapierre acquittal in Cornwall – Reasons for Judgment” (judicial tap dancing) (Scroll down # 5. “Lalonde believes John Doe raises questions about his testimony ” then to the 5th bullet with para commencing “The event at the Glen Walter cottage….” re farewell party for Father Ronald Leger.”
Media coverage and Blogs
07 September 2017: Winnipeg priest faces new sexual assault charges
29 November 2016: “Convicted sex offender Father Ron Léger granted bail” & related article
16 November 2016: Priest convicted of sexual assault seeks bail
21 October 2016: Convicted priest faces new sex abuse allegations
29 September 2016: Former Winnipeg priest convicted of sex abuse of boys granted day parole
07 July 2016: BLOG Latest news…
07 July 2016: Sexual assault victims suing former Winnipeg priest, Archdiocese
06 July 2016: St. Boniface archdiocese sued over alleged abuse coverup
06 July 2016: Former Winnipeg priest Ronald Léger, archdiocese sued by sex assault victim
09 February 2016: 2-year jail sentence for Winnipeg pastor who sexually abused children
09 February 2016: Former St. Boniface priest sentenced to 2 years behind bars
21 July 2015: BLOG Updates
16 July 2015: “Father Ronald Léger defrocked after sex assault plea” & related article
15 July 2015: “Priest admits to rubbing boys’ genitals” & related article
12 July 2015: BLOG Viatorian priest court date
15 May 2015: BLOG July courtdate
13 May 2015: He locked the door and raped her
22 April 2015: BLOG Surely no need …?
19 April 2015: BLOG Criminal?
23 March 2015: BLOG Addendum
23 February BLOG Computer revived
27 January 2015: BLOG No media
25 January 2015: BLOG First appearance
20 January 2015: BLOG Over for the day
16 January 2015: BLOG Click away
15 January 2015: BLOG Yet another ….
13 January 2015: BLOG London Diocese priest disputing charges
12 January 2015: BLOG All sorts of interesting little pieces of info
10 January 2015: BLOG Viatorian priest charged in Manitoba
Unless otherwise indicated the following information is drawn from Canadian Catholic Church Directories (CCCD) which I have on hand, media (M) Viatorian bio (Bio), and Statements of Claim (SCDMN, and SCBLN)
31 August 2017: Charged with three new counts of sexual assault related to allegations of three men who allege they were sexually assaulted by Father Leger when they were teenagers. Released on $500 recognizance. According to media reports. conditions include no contact with the complainants and to stay 200 metres away from their homes, workplaces, schools and places of worship. He is also, according to media reports.according to existing court orders, not to have contact with anyone under 18 and to stay away from parks, pools, schools, daycares and community centres.
29 November 2016: Out on bail
16 November 2016: In court seeking bail. (M)
19 October 2016: Further charges laid. Leger is now facing eight new charges stemming from the allegations of four men. (Right after he was granted day parole Father Leger was taken into custody by Winnipeg police. )
October 2016: news that he is under investigation again after four men contacted police alleging sexual abuse in the 80s when they wore aged 10 to 12.
September 2016: granted day parole (M)
09 February 2016: Sentenced to two years in jail. Name to be placed on national sex offender registry.
13 July 2015: GUILTY plea
January 2015: charged with three counts of sexual assault and one count of sexual interference
living in Montreal Quebec when charges laid (M)
February 2014: police start investigation (M)
04 December 2014: Condolence posted on online guestbook: “Sincere sympathy to the family and friends. I will celebrate the Eucharist in his honour and for the repose of his soul.
– Posted by: Ronald Leger csv (Pastor) on: Dec 4, 2014”
14 June 2014: Saint Boniface Manitoba Archbishop Albert LeGatt, “Ronald LÉGER, C.S.V., Pastor of Holy Family Parish, continues to be on leave.” (Leger Father Ronald Leger on leave 17 June Nominations-Assignments-2014)
1995-2014: Pastor, Holy Family Parish, Winnipeg, Manitoba
2014: listed in directory as Pastor at Holy Family Parish, Winnipeg, Manitoba (CCCD)
2009, 2002: Holy Family Parish / Saint Famille in Winnipeg, Manitoba (the parish is served by Viatorian priests) (Father Ronald Leger csv at Holy Family Parish)
18 August 2009: Pastor, Holy Family Parish / Saint Famille in Winnipeg, Manitoba ( Father Ronald Leger Holy Family bulletin)
2004: Began to sexually abuse then 12-year-old BLM (SCBLM)
1999, 1998, 1997, 1996: Pastor at Holy Family Parish, Winnipeg, Manitoba (CCCD)
1995: appointed Pastor at Holy Family Parish, Winnipeg, Manitoba (M)
– around 1995 became acquainted the two-year-old BLM whose step father had a long-standing priest-parishioner with Leger (SCBLM)
1993, 1992, 1991, 1985-1986: 393 Gaboury Place, St. Boniface, Manitoba (CCCD) (Phone: 204 -233- 1525, then 204 -233-2210)
1995: After 15 years with the youth centre and teaching he was nearing another burnout and decision was made ‘to start a new career.’ At this time he became Pastor at Holy Family Family Roman Catholic Church (Bio)
sometime in the 70s and 80s taught at College St. Boniface (CUSB) at College Louis Riel in Winnipeg
In or about 1984-1987: sexually abusing DMN, a boy whom Leger had fostered (SCDMN) The sexual abuse transpired in various places, including Teen Stop and a cottage in Matlcok, Manitoba (SCDMN)
In or about 1984: Began to provide foster care for 15-year-old DMN and his older brother. The boys began to reside with the priest at Teen Stop (SCDMN)
1980: Back to Winnipeg Manitoba. Founded Teen Stop Jeunesse, a teen drop-in centre. According to media reports, the centre was originally called Ron’s Drop-In and was located on Rue Des Meurons,. The centre is now located on St. Anne’s Road (M)
This was his second drop-in centre. This time he was teaching 1/3 of the time and was assisted by a Board of Directors to help raise funds for the centre. The centre attracted street children and youth who had attended the first centre. (Bio)
1978-1980: Back to Montreal after suffering burnout: According to bio, ‘unfortunately the full time teaching accompanied by the shortened nights with youth caused his first burnout.” (Bio)
1972 ?: Started teaching High school in Manitoba. Opened a drop-in centre for youth. The centre attracted youth from the high school where he was teaching (Bio)
September 1971: to Manitoba to attain his teaching credentials (Bio)
1968-1971: MA in Mathematics at Catholic University in Washington (Bio)
January 1971: to Montreal to prepare for his final exams (Bio) . His superior asked him to go to St. Jean Baptiste to give a hand with some sort of liturgical camp run by a Father Beaudry. Father Leger accepted . After this he decided he would like to get a teaching diploma.
1968-69, 1967: teaching Math at Cornwall Classical College with address 2 Belmont Rd., Cornwall (CCCD and Bio) teaching at Classical College in Cornwall Ontario until 1968 when college closed (Bio)
1967: Father Ronald Leger staff picture in Classical College Cornwall yearbook
(on same page as convicted Viatorian molester Father Desilets. In yearbook as students are Cornwall lawyer and Church canon Lawyer Jacques Leduc, and Denis Vailancourt, the latter now a priest and canon lawyer in the Alexandria-Cornwall diocese )
One year at University of Montreal (I think this would have been the year prior to ordination)
15 August 1964: Perpetual Vows (Bio)
15 August 1961: First vows (Bio)
Scholasticate in Joliet, Quebec (Bio)
1960: Novitiate with Clercs de Saint-Viateur in Rigaud, Quebec (Bio)
attended Cornwall Classical College where he attained a BA (Bio)
Born in Lancaster, Ontario close to Cornwall Ontario. His father was the caretaker of the Church (earning $1/day) and man who stoked the furnace for the nuns at a convent ($10/mos.)
Priest faces charges of sex assault
Allegations involve children
Winnipeg Free Press
Posted: 01/8/2015 3:00 AM
A former Winnipeg priest is facing allegations of sexual assault against children.
Father Ron Léger, the former pastor of Holy Family Parish on Archibald Street, is charged with three counts of sexual assault and one count of sexual interference.
Two of the sexual assault charges date to the 1980s, while the third charge of sexual assault and the charge of sexual interference were for alleged incidents that occurred between late 2002 and late 2004.
His first court date is Jan. 26 at 1 p.m. in Winnipeg.
Léger is out of custody and currently residing in eastern Canada. He is presumed innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law.
Léger was appointed pastor of Holy Family Parish in 1995. Before that, he founded Teen Stop Jeunesse, a teen drop-in centre, in 1980. The centre was originally called Ron’s Drop-In and was located on Rue Des Meurons, but it has since moved to St. Anne’s Road.
In a statement Wednesday, the Winnipeg Police Service said the investigation into the case was completed by officers with the child-abuse unit.
“The incident is historical in nature and the victims (children at the time) and accused are known to each other, thus this is not an incident that we would publicize,” the WPS said.
Contacted Wednesday, Father Léonce Aubin, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface, said the allegations are being taken very seriously.
“We have a protocol in place and we followed it,” he said. “The investigation was done by the police and it’s up to the court now.
“The alleged victims can, if they need, get counselling from the archdiocese.”
Earlier this week, the archdiocese released a statement expressing “its deep sorrow to the victims who have come forward as well as to their families and the entire parish community of Holy Family who have been affected by the alleged actions by their former pastor.”
The archdiocese said it co-operated with investigators when the allegations came to light in February 2014.
The accused was suspended immediately from all ministerial activity and ordered to have no contact with parishioners or children.
“Each time the heinous crime of sex abuse is reported, victims and their families are wounded again, the vast majority of faithful priests bow their heads in shame, and sincere Catholics, Christians and people of goodwill, experience shock, sorrow, anger and righteous indignation,” the archdiocese said in the statement.
— staff
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition January 8, 2015 B2
Sexual assault charges against Leger : a community in shock
[Google translation – original French text below]
ICI Radio-Canada
08 January 2015
Ronald Leger faces three counts of sexual assault accusation against three alleged victims. The 76 year old man is also accused of sexual contact with a minor victim under 14 years. CBC has learned that the alleged acts allegedly took place between 1984 and 2004.
The director of the Holy Family parish in February 2014, Jean- Jacques Serceau , worked with the Father Leger for over 8 years. He was aware for some time about the allegations against the former priest . “I find it very difficult for parishioners who were not aware of these allegations there”
Janine Tougas, who knows Ronald Leger for 30 years, has trouble believing he is accused of sexual assault.
“Sometimes you think you know someone, too bad we do not know them,” she said.
Ms. Tougas find it difficult because Leger was for her a very kind person who was doing a lot of work in the community.
Ronald Leger told CBC Tuesday that he has plead [will plead?] not guilty in court on Jan. 26 and has the support of his congregation. The Clerics of Saint Viator refused to comment on the case.
Journalist Michel Sabas met with the director of the Holy Family parish Jean- Jacques Serceau
Accusations d’agression sexuelle contre le père Léger : une communauté sous le choc
Mise à jour le jeudi 8 janvier 2015 à 7 h 34 HNE
Le dépôt d’accusations de nature sexuelle à l’endroit de l’ex-prêtre à la paroisse Sainte-Famille du quartier Saint-Boniface à Winnipeg suscite de nombreuses réactions dans la communauté.
Le père Ronald Léger fait face à trois chefs d’accusation d’agression sexuelle contre trois présumées victimes. L’homme de 76 ans est également accusé de contacts sexuels avec une victime mineure de moins de 14 ans. Radio-Canada a appris que les gestes reprochés se seraient déroulés entre 1984 et 2004.
Le directeur de la paroisse Sainte-Famille depuis février 2014, Jean-Jacques Serceau, a travaillé avec le père Léger pendant plus de 8 ans. Il était sensibilisé depuis un certain temps au sujet des allégations contre l’ancien prêtre. « Je trouve cela très difficile pour les paroissiens qui n’étaient pas au courant de ces allégations-là »
Janine Tougas, qui connaît Ronald Léger depuis 30 ans, a de la difficulté à croire qu’il est accusé d’agressions sexuelles.
« Des fois on pense connaître quelqu’un, pis on ne les connaît pas », a-t-elle dit.
Mme Tougas trouve cela difficile, car le père Léger était pour elle une personne très aimable qui effectuait beaucoup de travail au sein de la communauté.
Ronald Léger a affirmé à Radio-Canada mardi qu’il compte plaider non coupable en cour le 26 janvier et qu’il a l’appui de sa congrégation. Les Clercs de Saint-Viateur ont refusé de commenter le dossier.
Le journaliste Michel Sabas a rencontré le directeur de la paroisse Sainte-Famille Jean-Jacques Serceau
Former priest of Winnipeg Ronald Leger accused of sexual assault
[Google translation – original French text follows]
ICI Radio Canada
06 January 2015
The man of 76 years is a member of the Clerics of Saint Viator for over 50 years. He founded the Teen Stop Youth Resource Centre in the St. Vital area . The hotel aims to be a safe place where young people can come together when they are not in school.
Ronald Leger lives currently in Montreal and confirmed in a brief telephone conversation with CBC that he was well charged . He said he intends to plead not guilty in court on Jan. 26 and has the support of his congregation. The Clerics of Saint Viator refused to comment on the case.
Born in Cornwall, Ontario , Leger began his career in education in Manitoba in 1971. He first taught in rural areas before joining the school of Charleswood and secondary College Saint- Boniface in Winnipeg.
Léger played a paternal role for many young people with drug problems and alcohol he met in the street.
Teen Stop Youth Resource Centre offers today he led the homework programs , cooking classes and social activities.
Leger adopted two brothers from Guyana who frequented the establishment. In 1995 , he left the management of the resource center to become a full-time priest.
Archdiocese of St. Boniface reacts
After learning that criminal charges had been laid against the father Ronald Leger, the Archdiocese of St. Boniface expressed in a statement his ” deep sorrow for the victims who identified themselves as well as to their families and the whole parish community of Holy Family who have been affected by the alleged actions of their former pastor . ”
Archdiocese of St. Boniface says he worked closely with the Winnipeg Police Service “as soon as the situation became known to the archdiocesan authorities in February 2014” . Leger was also suspended “any ministerial activity in the archdiocese .”
The Archdiocese said that the Father Léger ” is presumed innocent until proven guilty ” and also states that he ” will do everything in its power to assist victims who are identified as well as all those who have not yet communicated their suffering. ”
With reporting by Michael Saba
L’ancien prêtre de Winnipeg Ronald Léger accusé d’agressions sexuelles
Mise à jour le mardi 6 janvier 2015 à 22 h 42 HNE
L’homme de 76 ans est membre des Clercs de Saint-Viateur depuis plus de 50 ans. Il a fondé le centre de ressources Teen Stop Jeunesse dans le quartier Saint-Vital. L’établissement se veut un endroit sécuritaire où les jeunes peuvent se rassembler quand ils ne sont pas à l’école.
Le père Ronald Léger habite en ce moment à Montréal et il a confirmé lors d’une courte conversation téléphonique avec Radio-Canada qu’il était bien accusé. Il a affirmé qu’il compte plaider non coupable en cour le 26 janvier et qu’il a l’appui de sa congrégation. Les Clercs de Saint-Viateur ont refusé de commenter le dossier.
Né à Cornwall en Ontario, le père Léger a commencé son parcours en éducation au Manitoba en 1971. Il a d’abord enseigné en milieu rural avant de se joindre à l’école de Charleswood et au Collège secondaire de Saint-Boniface à Winnipeg.
M. Léger a joué un rôle de père pour de nombreux jeunes aux prises avec des problèmes de drogue et d’alcool qu’il rencontrait dans la rue.
Le centre de ressources Teen Stop Jeunesse qu’il dirigeait offre encore aujourd’hui des programmes d’aide aux devoirs, des cours de cuisson et des activités sociales.
Le père Léger a adopté deux frères originaires de la Guyane qui fréquentaient l’établissement. En 1995, il a quitté la direction du centre de ressources pour devenir curé à temps plein.
L’Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface réagit
Après avoir appris que des accusations criminelles avaient été portées à l’endroit du père Ronald Léger, l’Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface a exprimé par voie de communiqué sa « profonde douleur envers les victimes qui se sont identifiées ainsi qu’envers leurs familles et toute la communauté paroissiale de Sainte-Famille qui ont été affectées par les présumés gestes de leur ancien curé ».
L’Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface dit avoir travaillé étroitement avec le Service de police de Winnipeg « aussitôt que la situation fut connue des autorités archidiocésaines en février 2014 ». Le père Léger a également été suspendu de « toute activité ministérielle dans l’archidiocèse ».
L’Archidiocèse rappelle que le père Léger « est présumé innocent jusqu’à preuve du contraire » et affirme aussi qu’il « fera tout en son pouvoir pour aider les victimes qui sont identifiées ainsi que tous ceux et celles qui n’ont pas encore communiqué leurs souffrances ».
Avec un reportage de Michel Saba
Le porte-parole de l’Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface, l’abbé Léonce Aubin, réagit aux accusations portées contre le père Ronald Léger
Winnipeg Catholics react to priest’s sex assault, interference charges
Former parish colleague believes Léger innocent
Posted: Jan 06, 2015 5:28 PM CTLast Updated: Jan 07, 2015 3:54 PM CT
A former colleague of a priest charged with sexual assault and sexual interference says he believes Father Ronald Léger is innocent.
“I feel really sorry for him and also for all the parishioners because Father Ron was an excellent priest,” said Jean-Jacques Serceau, who is the director of Holy Family Parish on Archibald Street. “I don’t think he can commit something like that.”
Serceau said he has known Léger for almost a decade and considers him a close friend.
He added the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface, Albert LeGatt, will speak and offer help at mass next Sunday.
“At least now it’s out and at least we have to deal with that,” said Serceau.

Ronald Leger, pictured here in 1983, is a priest who used to be the head of Holy Family Parish in St. Boniface.
Some Winnipeg Catholics say they will be watching this story closely.
“Priests are often in a position of authority,” said Ken Jones, who does not go to Holy Family Parish. “It’s like anything that’s hidden. Until you talk about it, until you bring it out to the light of day, it stays hidden. That’s unfortunate for the church and especially for the victims.”
“It’s one of those situations where I think everything has to be looked at and investigated to make sure there has been no wrongdoing,” said Micke Waite.
Father Ronald Léger said he will plead not guilty to three sexual assault charges and one charge of sexual interference brought against him.
Two of the sexual assault charges date back to the 1980s.
The remaining two charges go back to 2002.
The 76-year-old priest used to head up Holy Family Parish and founded Teen Stop Jeunesse (TSJ).
‘I was completely shocked,’ says former student
Patrick Leblanc, a former student of Léger’s who helped him get TSJ started, said he was shocked to hear of the allegations registered against Léger.
“I was completely shocked,” said Leblanc. “I am having trouble putting this together in my mind.”
Léger was formerly Leblanc’s math teacher. He said he has known Léger for 40 years and that he is still holding out hope that the case isn’t as bad as it seems.
“I am hoping in the end, it’s not quite what it’s been made out to be,” said Leblanc.
Leblanc, who commented in his capacity as a former student of Léger’s and not on behalf of TSJ, said prior to the recent charges, he had never heard any incriminating stories about Léger.
‘We take it seriously, these allegations, and we don’t brush them off’– Archdiocese Léonce Aubin
“Over the time that I have known Ron, there has never been any rumours, there has never been any innuendos, there’s never been any talk like that,” said Leblanc.
“I think back to the Theo Fleury … thing. There was always rumours on those hockey teams and so forth, so I still find it very hard to believe.”
Archdiocese taking allegations seriously
The Archdiocese of Saint Boniface said it has been cooperating with Winnipeg police since it learned about the investigation in February of 2014.
Catherine Green, president of the board of directors for TSJ, said Léger hasn’t been a part of the organization for more than two decades.
“It’s not appropriate for us to comment because Father Ron hasn’t been actively involved in Teen Stop Jeunesse for over 20 years,” said Green.
In an emailed statement, the Archdiocese expressed “deep sorrow to the victims who have come forward as well as to their families and the entire parish community of Holy Family who have been affected by the alleged actions by their former pastor.”
The Archdiocese went on to say in the statement that it will help “those victims who have come forward as well as those who have not yet made known their suffering.”
In an interview with CBC Tuesday night, Archdiocese spokesperson Léonce Aubin added the church is taking the allegations very seriously.
“We take it seriously, these allegations, and we don’t brush them off,” said Aubin. “And if some need some counselling, you know of different types … or to be accompanied in their struggles, we are with them.”
CBC Radio Canada reached Léger in Montreal where he is currently living.
He said he will plead not guilty and he has the support of his current order.
His court date is set for the end of the month.
Former Winnipeg priest facing sex assault, interference charges
Father Ronald Leger said he will plead not guilty to three sexual assault charges and one charge of sexual interference brought against him. © Provided by CBC Ronald Leger, pictured here in 1983, is a priest who used to be the head of Holy Family Parish in St. Boniface.
Two of the sexual assault charges date back to the 1980s.The remaining two charges go back to 2002.The 76-year-old priest used to head up Holy Family Parish on Archibald Street and founded Teen Stop Jeunesse (TSJ).
‘I was completely shocked,’ says former studentPatrick Leblanc, a former student of Leger’s who helped him get TSJ started, said he was shocked to hear of the allegations registered against Leger.”I was completely shocked,” said Leblanc.
“I am having trouble putting this together in my mind.”Leger was formerly Leblanc’s math teacher. He said he has known Leger for 40 years and that he is still holding out hope that the case isn’t as bad as it seems.”I am hoping in the end, it’s not quite what it’s been made out to be,” said Leblanc.Leblanc, who commented in his capacity as a former student of Leger’s and not on behalf of TSJ, said prior to the recent charges, he had never heard any incriminating stories about Leger.
“Over the time that I have known Ron, there has never been any rumours, there has never been any innuendos, there’s never been any talk like that,” said Leblanc.
“I think back to the Theo Fluery … thing. There was always rumours on those hockey teams and so forth, so I still find it very hard to believe.”
Archdiocese taking allegations seriously
The Archdiocese of St. Boniface said it has been cooperating with Winnipeg police since it learned about the investigation in February of 2014.
Catherine Green, president of the board of directors for TSJ, said Leger hasn’t been a part of the organization for more than two decades.
“It’s not appropriate for us to comment because Father Ron hasn’t been actively involved in Teen Stop Jeunesse for over 20 years,” said Green.
In an emailed statement, the Archdiocese expressed “deep sorrow to the victims who have come forward as well as to their families and the entire parish community of Holy Family who have been affected by the alleged actions by their former pastor.”
The Archdiocese went on to say in the statement that it will help “those victims who have come forward as well as those who have not yet made known their suffering.”
In an interview with CBC Tuesday night, Archdiocese spokesperson Léonce Aubin added the church is taking the allegations very seriously.
“We take it seriously, these allegations, and we don’t brush them off,” said Aubin. “And if some need some counselling, you know of different types … or to be accompanied in their struggles, we are with them.”
CBC Radio Canada reached Leger in Montreal where he is currently living.
He said he will plead not guilty and he has the support of his current order.
His court date is set for the end of the month.
Father Ronald Léger , generosity daily
Cornwall Seaway News
23 December 2010
Françoise Le Guen
Nativity Scene in Winnipeg. ” I have worked with alcoholics , drug addicts, and youth. Our mission was to keep the kids off the street from 4:00 to 0:00 , ” explains Father Ron Léger.Photo authorized use
Father Ronald Leger , 72, pastor of the Holy Family parish in Winnipeg , was born in Cornwall. He grew up in a house without electricity or running water , with his sister and five brothers (including Guy Léger light). His mother looked after the children . His father was a church warden . His way of life has led him to work with alcoholics, drug addicts , and young people. Thus he became truly the father, even the grandfather of all those who did not .
“If Jesus was to be born in Winnipeg, it would not be in a stable. It would be with the street people sleeping under the ” overpass “. While drug addicts and alcoholics replace the shepherds, and dogs and cats replace the sheep.
In the scene we find empty wine bottles and empty beer cans, ” wrappers ” of MacDonald. I invite people to put their money in a salad bowl near the stage . This money will be given to a ” soup -kitchen ” which will feed 500 ” homeless ” on Christmas Day . We currently have picked up a little more than one thousand dollars and we have another Sunday. Happy Holidays “Ron c.s.v.
To be continued in the edition of December 30,
Le père Ronald Léger, la générosité au quotidien
Cornwall Seaway News
23 December 2010
Françoise Le Guen
Scène de nativité à Winnipeg. «J’ai beaucoup travaillé avec des alcooliques, des toxicomanes, et les jeunes. Notre mission était de garder les enfants hors de la rue de quatre heures à minuit,» explique le père Ron Léger.Photo utilisation autorisée
Le père Ronald Léger, 72 ans, le curé de la paroisse Holy Family à Winnipeg, est né à Cornwall. Il a grandi dans une maison sans électricité ni eau courante, avec sa sœur et ses cinq frères (dont feu Guy Léger). Sa mère s’occupait des enfants. Son père était gardien d’église. Son chemin de vie l’a conduit à travailler avec des alcooliques, des toxicomanes, et des jeunes. C’est ainsi qu’il est devenu véritablement le père, même le grand-père de tous ceux qui n’ont en pas.
Scène de nativité à Winnipeg. «J’ai beaucoup travaillé avec des alcooliques, des toxicomanes, et les jeunes. Notre mission était de garder les enfants hors de la rue de quatre heures à minuit,» explique le père Ron Léger.Photo utilisation autorisée
«Si Jésus devait naître à Winnipeg, ça ne serait pas dans une étable. Ce serait avec les gens de la rue qui dorment sous les «overpass». Alors les drogués et les alcooliques remplacent les bergers, et les chiens et les chats remplacent les brebis.
Dans la scène, nous trouvons des bouteilles de vin vides et des cannettes de bière vides, des «wrappers » de MacDonald. J’invite les gens à mettre leur monnaie dans un bol à salade près de la scène. Cet argent va être donné à une «soup-kitchen» qui va nourrir 500 «homeless» le jour de Noël. Nous avons présentement ramassé un peu plus que mille dollars et nous avons un autre dimanche. Joyeuses Fêtes» Ron c.s.v.
À suivre dans l’édition du 30 décembre
Courtdates from time charges were laid
Next court date: 09 February 2016: 2 pm, courtroom 403, disposition coordinator docket, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba ) ; 19 January 2016: 10 am, courtroom #402, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba ); 30 September 2015: 1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba ) ;13 July 2015: 10 am, courtroom #303, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba ); 14 May 2015: 1 pm, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #302, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba ) ; 20 April 2015: 1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba );; 23 March 2015: 1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba ); 23 February 2015: 1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba ) ; 26 January 2015: 1 pm, Winnipeg Manitoba courthouse
I met Father Ron Leger in 1972 and I have considered him a friend since that time. Given the number of troubled and desperate people he has helped during his time in Manitoba, I am not surprised that a few might have imagined or invented stories about him. He has probably encountered a hundred more very damaged individuals than most of us normally would. Anyone who sees the chance for a payoff or notoriety, or whose memory was affected by addiction, or who struggles with mental health issues, can see such accusations as an unexpected or planned opportunity. Let the truth be known!
And your message Dr. Stevens is what? that it is impossible that the allegations are true? that the complainant is a lying money-grubbing loser ?
I pray that the truth unfolds as it should, regardless of how you, Dr. Stevens, or others, try to malign the complainant..
“dr”…if that’s what you really are, you are an idiot! Your words of stupidity would likely be much different if you or a loved one were abused by a pervert collar. I’ll bet you’re just a troll trying to stir the pot. I suppose you also think Bill Cosby is totally innocent as well…oh wait, I’ll bet you consider him “a friend since that time” as well. Pathetic.
Dr. Stevens There is no money in a criminal case which can last for years. A civil case can take as long or longer. There are no big payoffs here in Canada. There is a ceiling of about 350k and that is reserved for the worst of the worst cases. A big pay day won’t happen here, not like in the States. Even there, there’s reform now in place I believe. Even if let say a person is granted 150k, and even that’s on the outside. The victim receives about 100k of that, and will have to wait for several years to even get close. I heard the norm was around 75k with the victim receiving about 48k. those are just numbers, You ask any one of them if it was worth the raping of their childhood. Ask any parent, the heart ach they’ve had to endure for thinking they let their child down. When a child is molested if affects the whole family unit. When will people like you that are suppose to be critical thinkers, use your God given brain. If you think a 100k will fix or even come close to erasing memories, you are sadly mistaken. Get on your knees and thank God that he didn’t molest your child. BTW how much would be enough to you, if he did in fact molest your child. Here read this V.I.S. from a mother who’s sons were molested by their priest and friend. then tell me your thoughts.
Well, your longtime little friend, that kinky bastard coward, father Ron Léger, your pal since 1972 has plead guilty. So don’t apologize to his victims and their families for your hatefull comments. That will be moot.
But do retain the services of a criminal lawyer because you’re obviously a suspect for your agressive defense of a pervert. Law enforcement are always checking Sylvia’s site which attracks perverts and apologists of perverts such as yourself. Blaming the victim – and that’s what your all about – is the signature of a pervert. So you’ve just signed on the dotted line for a free criminal investigation into who the hell you are. You’ve given law enforcement probable cause; you grabastic pervert defender…
When I read the “Dr’s” comments, I immediately went back to the many accounts where “Father” was invited over for dinner by trusting parents who then had him stay overnight…then in the middle of the night slipped into little Johnny’s bedroom to pray with him because, well, the parents wanted him to pay special attention to their boy….who was not very outgoing, a little awkward, not too many friends. The parents thought for sure this man of God was the answer to their prayers… So,so many situations all over the world…the schoolboys in Japan, the Irish “confessional” abuses, and on …and on…hockey or baseball trips, camping out, the “tickling” games… Good God , Doctor! Maybe you just can’t bear to face the possibility.
Sometimes the diploma doesn’t validate anything if a person thinks he knows everything about someone or he has complete knowledge of “the truth”… The worst people also have “best friends”… and “the truth” is not written on their forehead.
My recommendation to the Dr. is to expand his knowledge by reading many more of the accounts on this site, as an impartial “student”…
Unbelievable that this type of comment about survivors motivation can still find its way into “discerning brains”! The very people he describes as the possible victims of his “friend” are exactly the people, the children, the needy and vulnerable sought by the abusers because they figured nobody would believe these “injured” beings…poverty, mental issues(sometimes because of the very same abuse!!, or abusive situations!!) , shyness, medical problems…
William Stevens!
I have felt very proud of some people described as “victims” or “troubled” in the past, but right now I feel very sorry for you. I have pity for your blind, closed mind.
I think “doctor” and “priest” are “planned opportunities”: troubled , desperate, mental issues, addiction are usually the reason some call on those other two for help, understanding, support, “integrity” or just plain intelligence…
You are failing and your diploma seems worthless right now!
Thanks for the support but I think this “dr” is just a troll who tries to discourage and further hurt victims. He is a coward who will likely not respond to us because he is not a real man (or woman) with honour. Yeah, he reads our responses but the spineless wonder that “dr” is, will keep him from meaningful dialogue. You both echo my feelings and thoughts and I thank you both and to Sylvia for this website. God bless.
I am geographically far removed from this Manitoba diocese. Due to a dismal past regarding actions of Archbishop Legatt and a northern cleric offender (which demonstrated lack of caring for victims), read the developments re Leger with interest. Am I looking for improvements in dealing with those who report? Sure am. And found one.
I am impressed with the letter/public notice from Archdiocese spokesperson Leonce Aubin. I found the letter respectful and caring. Thank you.
This gain was somewhat diminished by the public comments of Director Holy Family Parish, J.J. Serceau.
As far as “Dr. William Stevens” — too silly for words.
Father Leger’s next courtdate is:
23 February 2015: 1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba )
I can be called all the names under the sun and insulted by those who wish to do so, but I will consider Father Leger innocent until there is proof that he is guilty.
May peace be with you!
He has been both convicted and others have come forward so that he will likely be charged again… Is that enough? No one will insult you or call you names but I would caution you that very few men or women come forward to falsely accuse it is too painful and too difficult a process for the complainants. Where there is smoke there is not always fire, but I believe Fr. Leger plead guilty.
Waaaaah, waaaaaaah.
William: Please do not presume you adhere in a higher standard of justice than others who post on this site. We all believe in the presumption of innocence. We also believe in respect for those who bring forward their complaints. Work on that one, OK?
Well said NF…
The next courtdate for Viatorian priest Father Ronald Leger is:
23 March 2015: 1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba );
The next courtdate for Viatorian priest is:
20 April 2015: 1 pm, courtroom #301, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba )
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
I have known Father Ron all my life. He’s the man who baptized me. Who taught me how this whole thing called religion works. I want to know the truth as much as anyone else but it almost doesn’t matter for him now. Whether true or false, the accusations have ruined his reputation and career forever. Why bother arguing when you can just… keep everyone in mind. Lies or truth, everyone who knows or knew him is a victim in one way or another.
The next courtdate for Father Ronald Leger csv is:
14 May 2015: 1 pm, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #302, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba )
Please keep the complainants in your prayers
The next courtdate for Father Ronald Leger csv is:
13 July 2015: 10 am, courtroom #303, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba )
Please keep the complainant in your [prayers
Please keep me informed on this case.
Please send me the latest news on Father Ron.
A 20 million dollar out of court settlement occurred earlier this week between the Viatorians and 60 former students of l’Institution des sourds de Montréal (i.e. the Montreal School of the Deaf; – my translation;) which was renamed Institut Raymond-Dewar in 1984) for the abuses including sexual assault that they endured from 1940 to 1982. There remains unresolved litigation against the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) of the Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal which has since integrated the Institut Raymond Dewar.
French Radio-Canada here:
$30M settlement reached in Montreal deaf school sex abuse suit
read here:
Thank you BC. I just posted the article and tacked on another from a couple of years ago. I also decided to add a new page for the Viatorians on Sylvia’s Site to ensure that info regarding the Viatorian scandals are more readily accessible (access under RC Scandal/Viatorians). There is neeed for comment and so on, but at least the names are there.
Also, there is a new name there: a Father Jean-Marc Pépin, also a Viatorian. I will add a page for him later. Father Pepin was ordained in 1967.
Pepin was actually indicted in y 1973 see him before a hidden camera below link – he’s apologizing but denying intent to abuse 16min into this Radio-Canada Enquêtes investigation here:
After his stint at the school for the deaf, Pepin was moved to the order’s College Bourget in Rigaud; a private secondary school… where Pepin did have access to… plenty of adolescent boys… of course.
just a quick note on Pépin:
He was charged in a legal forum called the Cour du Bien-être Social; created in 1950 to hear cases involving minors it was replaced by Le Tribunal de la Jeunesse (Youth Court). We still have the charges but the file itself disappeared… the outcome was that… Pépin was shipped out of the School For the Deaf… There is a double jeopardy debate around Pépin. But it’s not excluded that he could still be prosecuted as per Canadian The Crown will want to read the civil settlement.
more on Jean-Marc Pépin Sylvia…
It does sound like Radio-Canada’s Enquête tracked down Jean Marc Pépin at a catholic wellness center called le Centre intercommunautaire Quatre Saisons which sounds like a rather high-end 10 month residential treatment center for religious members. This is a group and individual therapy center. It is unclear if Father Pépin was there in somekind of pastoral function or as a client.
The next court date for Father Ronald Leger csv is:
09 February 2016: 2 pm, disposition coordinator docket, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (408 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba )
I can find nothing regarding his court date of yesterday. Has he been sentenced? Does anyone know?
Please keep the victims in your prayers
I am in the process of trying to find out if Father Leger has or has not been sentenced. At this point I know that one hour of time booked with disposition coordinator in courtroom #403, starting at 2 pm today (Tuesday, 09 February). Right now I am on hold – may have to leave it for now and try again tomorrow 🙁
Okay, this is quite a different process. It sounds as though Father Leger will probably be sentenced today. If that’s the case, I should be able to find out tomorrow what happened. In the meantime, if anyone has any news please pass it along.
As always, please keep the victims in your prayers.
More on this serial predator just posted on Facebook by the Winnipeg Free Press:–368226051.html
Do you have anymore information on his CV? Did he teach at any of the Winnipeg Catholic (High Schools or lower grades)?
Thanks Donald. I have that article posted.
he did apparently teach in Winnipeg high schools for some time – I don’t know how long or which schools.
Can anyone out there fill in the gaps on Father Leger’s cv?
I have been told that sometime in the 70s and 80s taught at College St. Boniface (CUSB) and at College Louis Riel in Winnipeg.
If anyone has information on which high and/or elementary schools he taught at please post here or pass on the word to me.
Well Dr. William Stevens, what have you to say now? Mike.
Mike; Dr. Stevens is probably too busy looking for a shoe horn so that he can remove his foot from his mouth. It is at times like this that I remember the wise words that my father taught me years ago….”A closed mouth gathers no feet”, these may be words to live by Dr. Stevens!!!
Check above: the Statements of Claim from two lawsuits filed 15 June are posted. They’re up near the top, under the header “Lawsuits.”
He’s under investigation by police again. Four more men have foudn the courage to contact police:
21 October 2016: Convicted priest faces new sex abuse allegations
I commend all those who have found the courage to contact police. Please keep them, and all victims of Father Ronald Leger, in your prayers.
The next courtdate for Father Ronald Leger is:
13 December 2016: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #301: Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
Thanks Segathumb. Here it is: 29 November 2016: “Convicted sex offender Father Ron Léger granted bail” & related article
Let’s hope and pray the parole board revokes his day passes.
The next court date for Father Ronald Leger is:
03 January 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #301: Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
Please keep the complainant in your prayers
Father Ronald Leger’s court date of yesterday was remanded to:
23 January 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #301: Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers
He was not on the February 7th 2017 court docket. Do you know whats happening?
I’m glad you checked Segathumb. Somehow I had missed posting yesterday’s court date on the Legal Calendar 🙁
I have no idea what happened in court yesterday. I think it was probably another of those court-dates which are over and done with in the twinkle of an eye. However, I did call and have info. on the next court-date. Here it is:
02 March 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #302, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
Please keep the complainants in your prayers
A trial date has been set for Father Leger :
05-16 March 2018: 10 am, TRIAL, courtroom #403, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
Note that that is a 10-day trial scheduled for 2018.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
Does that mean he has plead not guilty to these most recent allegations and will force the complainants to testify against him in court?
Segathumb, as long as the charges are moving through the courts and toward trial he has not admitted that he has done anything criminal.
Sometimes a “guilty” plea comes at the 11th hour – just before trial. Sometimes there is a “guilty” plea on Day One of the trial. I know of one case where it came three days into trial. And, yes, sometimes the trial proceeds and carries on to its conclusion and, yes, the complainants are called to testify under oath. It’s not pleasant, but very often it is the way it happens. I have nothing but the greatest respect for those brave complainants who see the charges through to the bitter end.
Many years ago I mentioned putting together some tips for those who struggle with contacting police, and then worry about testifying at trial. There wasn’t much feedback at the time, but lately I’ve been thinking I really would like to get back to that and get something together and posted, and I really would specifically like to get assistance and feedback from those of you who have been through the criminal system – things that you wish you had known, and, given the opportunity, guidance that you would love to give to others embarking on the journey.
I think the same could be done for those who launch lawsuits? It’s a very different process, but also. for those unfamiliar with the process, has it’s frustrations.
Something for everyone to think about? Jot down your thoughts.
Thank you Joe. The article is now posted:
07 September 2017: Winnipeg priest faces new sexual assault charges.
I commend the three new complainants for contacting police!
Please note that the next court date for Father Ronald Leger is:
19 September 2017: related to three new charges laid end August, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.).
Please keep all the complainants and victims in your prayers.
His lawyer found the time to say….
“The problem with these cases is always the same — when something happens, all of a sudden, other people decide ‘me too,’” Simmonds said. “Whether they have had an event or they have not. And that’s part of the difficulty.”
Always the same? What are the statistical occurrences of men bringing unfounded complaints of molestation against men? What man wants to be that guy? This lawyer is out to lunch. 7 more men (4 plus this new 3) plus the original 3 that he has already plead guilty to but his lawyer implies 70% of these men might be liars. The nerve.
I would guess the number of victims to be much higher than the number that report a crime.
As a person that would bike from Oz Village everyday rain/snow/or shine so i would have some dinner after school with the bad pick on the computer to have to wash the dishes Rons Drop as it was called when i went there still remember the music and pool table downstairs but All my friends and I new Ron was always a little creepy and over touchy we never went to his office alone i can see how they are telling the truth hate to see how many others out there from the summertime camping trips
Preliminary trial begins today for Ron Leger.
I literally just posted this blog here as your comment came in Segathumb. Unless something has changed it’s my understanding that this is actually his TRIAL – not preliminary, but the actual trial. It is booked for two weeks.
I’m a crown witness and I believe this is a test to see if we can proceed to trial
It took me a while to get back to you on this Segathumb, and I still don’t have answers. Today I spoke to someone at the courthouse and was told that the case was remanded today, and was also remanded this past Monday and Tuesday.
What I wonder is going on?
I will call again tomorrow to see if anything is happening.
Father Leger was ordered to stand trial after a two-week preliminary hearing. His trial is now scheduled to start 09 May 2018:
09 May 2018: 09:30 am, TRIAL Provincial Court of Queen’s Bench , courtroom #210, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
During this particular call I was unable to find out how long the trial is scheduled to last – have placed another call, left message on ans. machine and am awaiting a call back 🙂
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
I just had a call back. The 09 May court-date is NOT for trial. it is for Assignment court. There may be a trial date set on the 9th, but at this point in time a trial date has NOT been set.
Well, he must have entered a guilty plea . The next court date for Father Leger is:
10 June 2018: 10 am, sentencing, Provincial Court of Queen’s Bench , Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.).
This MAY be a sentencing hearing followed by sentencing later in the day, or even sentencing at a later date. If anyone knows please let us know.
Please keep the victims in your prayers
I attended the courthouse today to find the docket assignment was for a meeting in the Judges Private Chambers and so was off limits to the public. I would believe given that the lawyers for the crown and defense were present without Leger, that this was about having an agreement everyone including the judge could live with prior to stepping into the court room.
Thanks Segathum.
If anyone has any other news please pass it along. I will see what I can find out next week.
As always, everyone, please keep the victims in your prayers.
Court registry has been updated but I cannot makes sense of it.
Léger`s current trial adjourned for health reasons; lawyer says he`s in palliative care :
Here`s the English version Sylvia:
Thanks bc. It is now posted:
22 July 2019: “Priest’s sexual assault trial adjourned due to failing health” & related article
There is civil litigation regarding this matter and I sincerely believe that Léger`s diocesan and Viatorian handlers who are vicariously liable for Léger dead or alive; are behind his not guilty plea and his dragging this trial into a legal abyss. I can already hear the post funeral celebrations at the Diocese of St-Boniface; at the Viatorians as well as among all Léger`s fangirls and fanboys who`ll be singing how a jolly good fellow he was to die before his second trial ended…
As for the Diocese of St-Boniface`s apologies for their pervert pal Léger; they don`t mean a thing. Like most Canadian provinces, Manitoba`s apology legislation ( allows careless bishops to say they`re sorry about clerical abuse without it engaging their liability. If saying they were sorry had meant anything; they would had been advocating for the death penalty for alleged victims of clerical abuse.