“Catholic Church: The Archdiocese of Moncton defends its conciliation process” (google translation)

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[This is a google translation  -scroll down to access the original article in French]



2012-06-06 11:35:45

(Source: CBC) The Archdiocese of Moncton, New Brunswick, to answer about a law firm that advises victims of sexual assault in Cap-Pele not to enter into an agreement with religious authorities.

The Ontario firm Ledroit Beckett, accustomed to causes related to cases of pedophile priests, believes that victims would lose in the process of reconciliation initiated by the Archdiocese. According to lawyer Robert Talach, this proposal is a way to limit the damage and avoid a scandal.

I Talach says that the Church is wrong and he qualifies monsters pedophile priests. It recommends that victims of the deceased father Camille Leger to sue in civil court.

Donald Langis, diocesan coordinator of pastoral care to the Archdiocese of Moncton, judge that the law firm that is unfortunate and misleading. He stressed that the conciliation process is led by Michel Bastarache, former judge of the Supreme Court of Canada and human rights of francophones. Mr. Langis also asserts that counsel fees can reach up to 40% of the settlement.

Mr. Langis added that the approach of the Church is a private, based on compassion and understanding, the purpose of reconciliation. The archdiocese will also apologize to the victims.

The Archdiocese of Moncton will provide compensation to victims of sexual abuse by Father Camille Léger in the 1960s and 1970s. The history of these sexual assaults against young boys has come to light last winter.


Église catholique: L’archidiocèse de Moncton défend son processus de conciliation


2012-06-06 11:35:45

(Source: Radio-Canada) L’archidiocèse de Moncton, au Nouveau-Brunswick, réplique aux propos d’un cabinet d’avocats qui recommande à des victimes d’agressions sexuelles à Cap-Pelé de ne pas conclure d’entente avec les autorités religieuses.

La firme ontarienne Ledroit Beckett, habituée aux causes liées à des cas de prêtres pédophiles, croit que les victimes seraient perdantes dans le processus de conciliation lancé par l’archidiocèse. Selon l’avocat Robert Talach, cette proposition est un moyen de limiter les dégâts et d’éviter un scandale.

Me Talach affirme que l’Église est fautive et il qualifie de monstres les prêtres pédophiles. Il recommande aux victimes du défunt père Camille Léger d’entamer des poursuites au civil.

Donald Langis, coordonnateur diocésain de la pastorale à l’archidiocèse de Moncton, juge que les propos de cette firme d’avocats sont malheureux et trompeurs. Il souligne que le processus de conciliation est mené par Michel Bastarache, ancien juge à la Cour suprême du Canada et défenseur des droits des francophones. M. Langis affirme aussi que les honoraires des avocats peuvent atteindre jusqu’à 40 % du règlement.

M. Langis ajoute que l’approche de l’Église est privée, basée sur la compassion et la compréhension, dans un but de réconciliation. L’archidiocèse présentera aussi des excuses aux victimes.

L’archidiocèse de Moncton offrira une indemnité aux victimes d’agressions sexuelles commises par le père Camille Léger dans les années 1960 et 1970. L’histoire de ces agressions sexuelles commises contre de jeunes garçons a éclaté au grand jour l’hiver dernier.


6 Responses to “Catholic Church: The Archdiocese of Moncton defends its conciliation process” (google translation)

  1. JG says:

    *…I read again, and this is the only purpose of this ”News Release”…

    Il souligne que le processus de conciliation est mené par Michel
    Bastarache, ancien juge à la Cour suprême du Canada et défenseur des
    droits des francophones.


    He stressed that the conciliation process is led by Michel Bastarache,
    former judge of the Supreme Court of Canada and human rights of

    ..”human rights of francophones” would be best translated as ”promoter” or ”in defense of francophone rights”…

    Regardless, it has nothing to do with abuse except it is another subtle form of it!


  2. JG says:

    *I moved my comment to the following tread:

    “Catholic Church: The Archdiocese of Moncton defends its conciliation process” (google translation)

  3. Mike says:

    * J.G.
         It just kills me that everyone is referring to this man as the “retired Justice”, as if this lends him credibility! He is just a lawyer, and is representing the best interests of this Archdiocese, which he is supposed to do.
         Please, if any victims of these “men of God” are reading this, go and get your own lawyer! This retired “justice” is being paid by the church to shut you up!
         We all need credible representation in these criminal matters, not a paid puppet of the Vatican.        Mike.

  4. Anne C says:

    This tactic by the church is really just going back to their old  stand-by “Plan A” in dealing with abuse (i.e. ignore it, deny it, do a payout).  Except now, they have a lawyer standing in to help. This also reduces sexual abuse to a complaint – when – it is a crime.

    One thing is always the same across the history of these cases: without a threat of a public scandal, lawsuit and charges – the church will not accept responsibility, nor will they respond appropriately, or fairly. Think of all the victims and their parents who in good faith complained for decades – and were hushed up. Even worse, without charges, the abusers will not stop. This is not right, the church is not acting in a spirit of poverty or conscience – they are the scandal. I hope and pray that SNAP and some good lawyers provide the needed aid on this. 

  5. Sylvia says:

    Thanks for the clarification on the translation jg.  

    A question:  As a ‘defender’ of Francophone rights would Mr. Bastarache be more active in defence of the Francophone clerical molester or of the Francophone victim?

    And another: Since in the eyes of the Archdiocese of Moncton Mr. Bastarache’s abilities as a defender of Francophone rights somehow qualifies him to work out this conciliation deal, how do they plan to deal with any and all allegations which come from Anglophone victims against Francophone clergy? 

    Thanks jg for drawing this to our attention.   You are right.  Another form of abuse. Disgusting. 

  6. JG says:

    *At a different level I think most people, organization, government look for an ”opposing” outside force to blame their problems on, to reinforce their ”home front” position…It has nothing to do with our different cultures or origins but more a manipulation of the people in power, in the ”upper” echelons, of the weakest in society or the ”governed”…

    Look closely and that pattern of manipulation takes us to war,  to split up communities, to the cover-up of abuse …

    We are manipulated because they feed on our lack of knowledge of  one another. This is what struck me here. An old tactic…conscious or unconscious!?…it has no place in this debate.

    To be clear on the subject, I am equally comfortable with the two ”solitudes” as some have liked to call us…from Newfoundland to B.C.(and in the U.S.) I have dear friends I would defend and cherish equally. That’s where my anger was stirred up.!  Barely veiled attacks such as this, from either side, are aimed at ”friends” and ”family”…of mine!

    I am in a precarious position to hold dear  all equally because I have Lived and Laughed and Loved with all … all good and interesting in my eyes.  War is cancelled forever. The church should be told…

    We ”all” have to remain on our guards to not nourish these ”force fed ” biases as old as the ages…often reinforced and promoted by the church or  others.

    I have said before:…”the enemy was not sitting at the table with us!” Still true!


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