Facebook, 16 April 2011 (http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=192643640778699&comments)
by LateNightCounsell on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 8:12am
I have been devastated by the front page news that greeted me this morning from the Ottawa Citizen. Rev. Joe Leclair has been on Late Night Counsell at least twice, and we have enjoyed warm cordial times together. While many questions remain to be answered, this will undoubtedly be the beginning of a very stressful time for Rev. Joe and the parish of Blessed Sacrament.
The Bible makes it clear that individuals who assume leadership in Christian ministry must place themselves under heightened scrutiny for the values their faith extols. Certainly, one cannot get up in front of people and tell them how to live the life Christ has taught without being an example of the daily effort to do so. This includes exemplifying faith, repentance and forgiveness. While I have no intention of covering up any possible wrong, I call upon all of the Late Night Counsell family to pray for Rev. Joe and our brothers and sisters at Blessed Sacrament, that their faith in Christ will only be strengthened through this difficult time and that Rev. Joe will receive the love and help he needs. Christ promises he will never leave us or forsake us and that the way to freedom and salvation is to come to him with our sin and inadequacies and be transformed by Him (Romans 12:1-3). Sincerely, Rev. John Counsell