Beg to differ

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Father Barry McGrory has a court date this morning:

31May 2018: 09:00 am,  courtroom #2, “to be spoken to”, Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)

This will probably be a decision as to the way ahead with another court date set

If anyone hears or sees news of the outcome please pass it along.

Please keep the complainants in your prayers.


In case you missed it, previously convicted former Church organist Brian Lucy was sentenced to another three years in jail.

28 May 2018:  Sex abuser gets three years

I am struck by the following:  “Justice John Johnston of the Ontario Superior Court said his three-year sentence reflects the seriousness of the crime and society’s revulsion at crimes against children.”

I beg to differ.


Please keep up the prayers for our dear grandson.  All of his blood work is in the tank:  white blood cells, platelets, red blood cells, haemoglobin  Our daughter and family are in the midst of a move from one state to another.  Movers were in yesterday and today.  No house in their new destination.  Grandson in no shape right now to be transferred.

A troubling and difficult situation.


Enough for now,



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