Previously convicted molester Father Barry McGrory has a court date tomorrow morning in Ottawa:
20 April 2018: 09:00 am, courtroom #10, “to be spoken to”, Ottawa court-house, (161 Elgin St.)
Tomorrow the judge MAY rule that the preliminary hearing is to continue at a future date with the calling of a complainant who was unable to testify previously, or the judge MAY rule that Father Barry McGrory is stand trial on some or all of the charges , or the judge MAY rule that there is insufficient evidence to proceed to trial.
I urge those who are able to do so to attend.
Please keep the complainants and victims in your prayers.
The following three articles were posted without comment. Here they are with brief comment:
(1) 18 April 2018: “Buffalo bishop to sell mansion to compensate clergy sex abuse victims” & related articles
Another bishop’s palace on the chopping block. Another residence for retired priests on the chopping block.
So sad. It really is so sad. As I so often say, if our bishops spent half as much time listening to God as they have to their lawyers they and we wouldn’t be in this awful mess.
What is it about those Biblical millstones the bishops have consistently failed to understand?
(2) 18 April 2018: “Bishops try to clarify Pope Francis’ decision not to apologize for residential schools” & related article
I don’t understand what is happening here. It’s turning into a bit of mess.
If you scroll down to the last article “Pope apologizes for abuse at native schools” you will see that it is dated 29 April 2009. There are other articles online regarding that meeting in Rome between Pope Benedict and representatives of the native Canadians. Also present at the meeting was a representative from the CCCB.
Read what’s written. Google for other coverage.
Was that not an apology?
(3) 17 April 2018: Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy when they’re ordained. But when they break that vow, their children are left to live a lie
Sad stories of the life of children fathered by priests. More betrayals.
Enough for now.