Trial rescheduled

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The two-day sex abuse trial of Ottawa priest Father Barry McGrory has been rescheduled to start on Tuesday 03 April 2018:

03 – 04 April 2018:  10 am, TRIAL Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)

So, yes, ….we arrived at the courthouse  only to find that it had been rescheduled 🙁  Initially I was told that the trial was scheduled to commence tomorrow morning.  When I asked  further questions the clerk went to get the actual file (vs what was on computer) and discovered that, no, the trial is not starting tomorrow at all, it is now scheduled for 03 April 2018, – and rather than the two-days previously scheduled it has been trimmed right down to 1.5 days!

It should be ‘interesting.’  I can not conceive any clerical sex abuse trial being conducted in a day-and-a-half!  Live and learn I suppose?  Or, – a guilty plea has been mapped out in advance and they will move right in to a sentencing hearing?  Could they do that?

Anyway, we shall see….

Please keep the complainants in your prayers.

Enough for now,


(I thought that this was posted Monday 26 March 2018.  I just discovered now that for some reason it did not post, so, here it is. Better late than never.  )

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