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The sex abuse trial of previously convicted Ottawa priest Father Barry McGrory  is scheduled to run this Monday and Tuesday (26 & 27 March 2018):

26 – 27 March 2018:   10 am, TRIAL Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)

Why only two day I have no idea.  Anyway, as always I encourage those who can do so to attend. Please keep the complainants in your prayers.


Ex priest, Oblate and convicted and currently incarcerated serial molester Eric Dejaeger has a court date in Iqaluit on the 15th of March “to perfect the appeal.”  I will try to find out this week what’s happening there.  Please keep Dejaeger’s many victims in your prayers.


I was told that the two weeks of court dates for Viatorian priest and previously convicted molester Ron Leger was indeed a preliminary hearing and that the judge has ordered Leger to stand trial.  I will cross my fingers and  try some time this week to get the next court date.

Please keep the complainants in your prayers.


Another google-translated article regarding Belgian-born and now deceased Oblate priest Father Alexis Joveneau has been posted:

25 March 2018:  “Joveneau and Ottawa had a Machiavellian deportation plan” & original French text

A sorry tale!  Sad too that even with all the voices willing to speak out publicly and he Oblates circling the wagons there are still those who believe he  walked on water.

I commend those who found the courage to speak out.  I like to remind everyone from time to time that the only reason we know about cover-ups and sexual abuse in the Church is that victims decided to speak up.  Thank you.  Every one of you.  Thank you.

Enough for now,


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