I finally connected with someone at the Ottawa court house 🙂
The next court date for Jessica Beraldin is:
08 February 2018: 10 am, “sentencing” (sentencing hearing?), court room #12, Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Jessica Beraldin has obviously made a decision to enter a guilty plea. There would be no sentencing without either a guilty plea or a conviction. There has not been a trial so, …there must be a guilty plea.
Tomorrow is listed as “sentencing” but I think that first there will have to be an agreed upon statement of facts read into the record, and some sort of sentencing hearing wherein each side argues what it believes is a fit sentence. Usually there are also reports from experts regarding the accused’s possibility of re-offending and so on. There is also opportunity for any victims to give a victim impact statement. After all of that the judge renders his/her decision on sentencing. Sometimes the judge will render the decision the same day (usually after a break), but more frequently will set another date for sentencing. I have no idea what will happen here.
Please keep the victim and all those who have been negatively impacted by this young woman in your prayers. This I am sure is both confusing and scandalous to all those students who attended Mother Theresa High School in Barrhaven Ontario where Beraldin was teaching .
Enough for now,
I would really love to know why she hasn’t been charged with more counts, also if this was a male teacher would the consequences be the same?!
Its absurd that she has been free to roam around our city and aloud to be around children.
I have heard that she was given less then the minimum jail time for her offence which was 6 months.
I’m still trying to understand if a charge holds a penalty of 1-14 years jail time how she can get away with half the minimum sentence.
I hope they make her register as a sex offender, she has been roaming our city for years even thou she was charged with a sex crime.
My heart goes out to the victim
Very simple. It’s called a double standard