Such jocularity

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As you may already know from an earlier comment, previously convicted molester Marcel Lalonde has been acquitted.

Justice Laurie Lacelle delivered her reasons for judgment this morning (Wednesday 06 Dec. ’17).

The one thing I must get off my chest immediately is my absolute shock at the conduct of Assistant Crown Claudette Breault after the verdict was announced and the judge left the courtroom.  There were a handful of us in the courtroom:  Marcel Lalonde, his partner and a female who had accompanied the pair into the courthouse, my husband and I, and two women .     The complainant was not in the courtroom, nor was his mother.  I understand from what I heard that the complainant was at home with his mother waiting for word of the verdict.

And here is what is bothering me terribly

You would never for a moment have guessed that Ms. Breault had just lost a case.  Nor for one moment would it have crossed your mind that the Assistant Crown might  be thinking of the devastation that news of Lalonde’s acquittal would cause the complainant.

Honest to goodness, it was like Happy Days in courtroom #5.  Ms. Breault seemed happy as a lark, smiling and laughing.  As we all headed toward the door there was a perky “Bye, Don”  to Don Johnson.  No response from “Don.”   Another cheery “Bye,Don.”  Still no response, and words to the effect that he (“Don”) didn’t hear her.

Breault interacted with the two unknown women.  First in the courtroom, and then they headed out and down the hallway together.  As they approached the entrance, they were joined by a tall gentleman.  One of the two  women said they now had to go to call the complainant to let him know the verdict.  Mention was made that the complainant was at home with his mother waiting for the news.  The gentleman was asked if he would assist with the call.  I interjected that I was quite certain that the complainant would be absolutely devastated by the news.  And, of that I have absolutely no doubt.

They headed in one direction, and I in another.


I understand  that Crowns can’t weep buckets every time they lose a case, but my goodness, I expect better than this.  Just some teeny show of regret.  Perhaps I missed it?  Perhaps.

Perhaps that is Ms. Breualt’s way of dealing with defeat?  That, of course is possible, is it not?

No matter,  the reality is that I swear I personally have never seen such jocularity by a Crown  after the acquittal of a known child molester.

I am still shaking my head.  Still trying to make sense of this.  (So is my husband!)

Perhaps had the complainant  been  in the courtroom for the verdict things would have been different?  Perhaps then there may have been some recognition of the impact that the acquittal would have on the complainant?   I truly would  hope so, but, I just don’t know.     In all honesty, I am so glad the complainant wasn’t there.

Oh my!  Is it me?  Is it “Cornwall”?

The aftermath aside, the judge’s ruling was one of those which went back and forth often  leaving us hanging on a thread wondering which way  she would finally  rule.  I’ll give you a little about that tomorrow.   There isn’t a lot to say, but there are a few things which I do want to and must pass along, but now is not the time.

Please keep the complainant in your prayers,

Enough for now,


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