The next court date for previously convicted Oblate priest Father Omer Desjardins is:
06 November 2017: 1 pm. “remand date,” court room # 102, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
A reminder that these charges were laid in January and June of this year (2017).
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
I have discovered a disappointing fallout from the recent transfer of Sylvia’s Site to HTTPS. The small legal calendar on the sidebar of the page is temperamental. It shows the upcoming court dates, and will show the names when you hover over the date, but most of the time it will not allow you click on the name to access the page of the Accused. I spent some hours this morning fiddling around trying to fix it. I thought it was working again, but just checked and, …no luck :(.
The good news is that the small calendar on the side is at least still handy for a quick look at who has an upcoming court date this month. I personally would miss that terribly.
And on that note, a reminder that that a larger version of same calendar is accessible via the “Legal Calendar” link on the menu at the top of the page (under the picture). The larger version is fully functional,- you can readily move to the schedule for the next month, and you a click on the name of the accused will take you to the page of the Accused.
Enough for now,
I was too angry to give a heads up on Desjardins next court date. Thanks for looking it up Sylvia. Here is what happened…. At the last court date in July, the case was remanded to Oct 2 at which time a date was to be set to enter a plea. Prior to the Oct 2 court date the Crown and Defense was to have a CMC call (case management conference) on Sept 9th, this did not happen. Now the CMC has been rescheduled to Oct 23, and Nov 6 being the next court date……. Lawyers for Desjardins didn’t even show up in court!!! Yes That is right a very angry judge had to get on the PA just to get the lawyers in the room! This after asking me why I was in court as there were no lawyers present (she thought I was a criminal waiting for my own case) When she found out I was a victim, she got the lawyers in the room pretty darn fast!
Also …….”A reminder that these charges were laid in January and June of this year (2017).” The charges related to myself were laid in January, the charges related to a friend of mine were laid in March….. In June charges were laid in regards to another friend of mine and another unknown victim, these charges do not yet appear on the docket, I am not at all sure what is going on with the 2 latter sets of charges. This bring us to 4 victims, plus his previous conviction.
Thanks Joe. It’s always difficult to keep tabs on charges and numbers of complainants when more complainants come forward after the initial set of charges were laid.