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Previously convicted and presently incarcerated molester Father Yvon Arsenault has a court date in Moncton New Brunswick this morning:

03 August 2017:  09:30 am, to enter a plea, Moncton Courthouse Moncton NB (45 Assumption Blvd)

I encourage those who can do so to attend.  Please pass along news of the outcome.  As always, please keep the complainant in your prayers


I’ve been told that during his Masses in Brockville Ontario Father Robin Gwyn used to use a big stuffed mouse puppet as a prop during Mass.  He definitely used one stuffed mouse – possibly two.  My understanding is that the puppet showed up when he was giving the homily.  Whether or not he continued this practise throughout his ministry is unknown.



Just in case you missed it, this was posted yesterday am.

01 August 2017:  “Edmonton man charged with child porn offences, extortion after mom of teen boy calls police” & related articles

I gave a few thoughts in a commnent at the foot of the article.

Enough for now,


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