First, three updates
(1) Father Omer Desjardins (Oblate priest. Previously convicted)
02 October 2017: 1 pm, “to set date,” court room # 302, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
I’m not sure what the date is which is to be set. We shall see. At least it’s a sign of movement.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
(2) Father Robin Gwyn (Kingston Archdiocese)
Father Robin Gwyn was sentenced yesterday on the charges to which he had entered a guilty plea last October. He has now been sentenced for the charges which evoked a guilty verdict, and the charges to which he entered a guilty plea. The sentences are to run concurrently:
Trial One: GUILTY verdict ( September 2016) – April 2017 sentenced to three years in jail
Trial Two: GUILTY plea ( 24 October 2016) – July 2017 sentencing to 33 months – to run concurrent with above
I personally hate concurrent sentences, but at least the victim has the comfort of the guilty plea.
Please keep the complainants in your prayers.
(3) Eric Dejaeger omi (defrocked Oblate, currently incarcerated serial molester)
27 July 2017: Appeal now underway in Nunavut for convicted child molester
Anyway, note that it is not a lawyer but lawyers – plural. Dejeager has lawyers, – who knows how many? They’ve made Dejaeger’s file their priority.
How I wish there were half as much loving, caring, sharing and rights for victims as we all too often see offered to these child molesters.
Please keep Dejaeger’s many victims in your prayers.
There are several other articles of interest posted. One regarding a priest’s acquittal in Michigan:
20 July 2017: Rev. Sylvestre Obwaka Found Not Guilty Of Sexual Assault & related articles and information
Read the articles. Disturbing. I hope and pray that Father Obwaka is defrocked as, under the circumstances, he should be.
I do, however, have concerns regarding the future of the priest/complainant/victim. It’s one thing if he was a willing participant, but quite another if, as he alleged, he was sexually assaulted by Obwaka.
As I said in a comment earlier, I hope that there is an appeal. I hope and pray too that there is some way to allow testimony from the victim in Kenya who is more than willing to testify.
Finally, I trust that the diocese will dig a little deeper into all of this to ensure that the truth is known and both priests are dealt with accordingly.
And then on to Australia…
The other articles relate to the sex abuse allegations against Cardinal George Pell and his first appearance in court.
26 July 2917: Secrecy and security envelop George Pell’s magistrates court show
26 July 2017: Cardinal George Pell faces court over historical sex offences
It’s going to be an absolute circus every time there is a court date. I think Ii will put his upcoming court dates on the legal calendar to ensure we don’t inadvertently overlook one. I am sure many of you are as interested as I am in seeing how this winds its way through the courts.
On that note, time for supper 🙂
Enough for now,