Cornwall trial this week

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Previously convicted Oblate priest Father Omer Desjardins has a court date in Winnipeg tomorrow:

Monday, 12 June 2017:  1 pm,  “to be spoken to,” court room # 302, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)

I encourage those who can do so to attend.  Please keep the complainants in your prayers, and please pass along any news of the outcome of the proceedings.


A reminder that the three-day sex assault trial of  Father Denis Vaillancourt‘s is scheduled to begin in Cornwall, Ontario this coming Tuesday:

13-15 June 2017:  10 am, TRIAL  Cornwall Ontario courthouse (29 Second St. W.)

Those who followed the Cornwall Public Inquiry may recall that Father Vaillancourt, a former student at the Cornwall Classical College,  served as Chancellor in the scandal-plagued Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall Ontario from many years.  And yes, that’s the same Father Vaillancourt who has said that the sex abuse of boys is serious only if the child is pre-pubescent.  (Father Vaillancourt has denied ever saying such a thing, but I was sitting right beside him when he said it.  I heard it, as did at least nine other people who were in the room at the time. )

The charges against Father Vaillancourt relate to allegations of sex assault of an adult male in September 2015.  The complainant reported the incident to police in October 2015.

I encourage those who can do so to attend.  Please keep the complainant in your prayers.


It’s a real scorcher today.  HOT!  I’m quite happy to stay indoors on days like this 🙂

Enough for now.


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