The topic was Father Bob MacKenzie

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A little more news on Father Robert MacKenzie

(1)  Interesting.  Regina’s Archbishop Don Bolen held a special meeting this Thursday past  (04 May 2017) in  St. Patrick’s Church basement,  Cupar Saskatchewan.  “The topic of this meeting will be Father Bob MacKenzie as well as any other topics that may be brought forward. ”  Note insert in   Cupar’s Parish Gazette 29 April 2017

Has anyone heard what the gist of the archbishop’s message was?

(2)   Young Robert MacKenzie was a student at St. Andrew’s Canaan Lane, Edinburgh, which was the pre-cursor of Carlekemp.  The school closed at an unknown date and re-opened as Carlekemp in North Berwick .  As I understand, St. Andrew’s Canaan Lane in Edinburgh was, like Carlekemp, operated by the Benedictines.  (Does anyone know what year St. Andrews closed? )  How many years MacKenzie spent at St. Andrew’s is unknown, as is whether or not he may have finished his very early years of education at the newly opened Carlekemp.

St. Andrews and Carlekemp were the equivalent of our elementary schools, taking students from ages 5-6 to 11-12.  Both were feeder schools to Fort August Abbey school, which we know Robert MacKenzie did attend.

It is understood that Father Robert MacKenzie did teach at Carlekemp  after his ordination.   And, yes, at Carlekemp at the same time were three monks now identified in Scotland as “predatory paedophiles”:   two Australian brothers, Fathers Aidan and Fabian Duggan, and Father John McBride

Father MacKenzie, as we know, also taught at Fort Augustus Abbey School.  Father Benedict Seed, who also taught at Fort Augustus in those years, is standing trial this month for charges related to allegations of physical abuse of former students.

My goodness, it must have been a total culture shock for Father MacKenzie when he landed in the Archdiocese of Regina Saskatchewan in July 1988.  Not only a new country, but separated from the Benedictine community in Scotland which had educated and shaped him throughout his childhood, and later from the Benedictine monks with whom he had taught and served for 32 years.


I had heard that after saying Mass the first weekend after he so cunningly eluded justice  and had his charges stayed Father Javier De Los Angeles Cortazar (Father Cortazar) was heading to Mexico to visit family.  Does anyone know if in fact he headed off on vacation? and if so, if he has returned?

You may recall that, upon news that the the charges were, as he erroneously  said “dismissed,”  Father Cortazar’s  rejoicing Bishop Albert Thevenot said that “as soon as matters are finalized”  Father Cortazar “will resume ministry.” And, you may recall too that Father Cortazar was back ‘saying’  Mass that weekend.

Finally, – shades of Father Stephen Amesse verdict – you may also recall that Father Cortazar had a large cheering section in the courtroom.  Cheers and applause erupted when the stay of proceedings was announced.  The gaggle then moved into the hallways where they actually erupted into song:  “For he’s a jolly good fellow.”

Let me put that glee into context. …

Father Cortazar at the very least – if we are to believe him – engaged in consensual sexual relations with a fellow priest, and at the very worst – if we are to believe the complainant’s testimony – sexually assaulted a fellow priest.

Just think about it.  For this, supporters rejoice and erupt in song at the courthouse?

And, for this, the bishop rejoices?

A world gone mad.

What in the name of all that’s good and holy is wrong with Catholic’s heads?


Yesterday my husband and I went to offer our condolences to the family of Mike Gibbons.

So much to think about.  So much suffering for doing what was right.   So much hatred directed at Mike for trying to protect children.   From Catholics!  And the loss of his beloved teaching career for daring to speak up.  (And yes, for those familiar with the Cornwall sex abuse scandal and cover-up, so very like the treatment heaped upon Constable Perry Dunlop.)

The one for absolute sure is that I will never be able to say  enough for Mike’s courage and determination.  What a good decent man he was.   I think God for the privilege of knowing him.

And, such a  pleasure meeting and talking with some of the large Gibbons clan yesterday.

Rest in peace Mike.  You will not be forgotten.


Pouring rain here for the past couple of days.  Pouring rain throughout the Maritimes for the past couples of days. Flooding all over the place.  Most people don’t have insurance to cover flood damage.

I hope and pray all are dry and safe.


It’s taking a little while to settle into new routines following my husband’s recent retirement 🙁   Bit by bit 🙂

Enough for now,


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