Another name added to the list…
Father Brian Boucher, a priest with the Archdiocese f Montreal, Quebec, is facing three sexual assault charges dating to between 1994 and 2011.
According to media reports, police received the first complaint against Father Boucher in August 2015. The first charge was laid 12 January 2017. That is one long long investigation, no?
Note too that the charges date from shortly after Boucher’s ordination (1996) to 2011, only five years ago.
Anyway, I’ve quickly put together a few bits and pieces of information – will carry on later this evening or in the morning. If anyone has any info please pass it along
Please keep the complainants in your prayers,
Enough for now,
Any idea when the trial will be?
It is usually at least two years before a case goes to trial Susan. His next court date is 21 April 2017. This is NOT a trial – barring the unforeseen, this is one of many court dates which will transpire before he either enters a guilty plea or goes to trial.
What is the Catholic Church doing to prevent this from continuing to happen to children?
Um very little…
Or worse.