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Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent –  40 days in which we commemorate Christ’s 40 days of fasting in the wilderness as we prepare to recall the agony of Good Friday, Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross,  and the joy of Easter Sunday.


Previously convicted Viatorian child molester Father Ronald Leger has a court date this afternoon:

02 March 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #302,  Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)

If anyone hears or sees news of the outcoke, please pass it along.

As always, please keep the complainants in your prayers.


A sex abuse  inquiry in England is finally off the ground.  It is anticipated it will run for about five years.

27 February 2017:  How will the inquiry into historical child sexual abuse work?

Here is a link to the inquiry website:

IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales

As you see, the hearings will be  live-streamed, starting at 10:30 am GMT daily. Check online for time differential.

The inquiry is currently hearing testimony from witnesses regarding Child Migration Programs.  According to the inquiry website

The child migration programmes were large-scale schemes in which thousands of children, many of them in the care of the state, were systematically and permanently migrated to parts of the British Empire by various institutions in England and Wales, with the knowledge and approval of the British Government.  Most were sent to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and what was then Southern Rhodesia, modern-day Zimbabwe.  In 2010, the UK Government issued an apology for its role in the child migration programmes.

The Inquiry will hear from a number of former child migrants who have alleged that they suffered sexual abuse in relation to their migration in a range of institutions and contexts.  The Inquiry will also hear evidence from expert witnesses about the history and context of the child migration programmes and from the Child Migrants Trust, which supports former child migrants. A further public hearing is scheduled for July when the Inquiry will hear evidence on behalf of institutions and others involved in the child migration programmes


The public hearings are about examining institutional failures by organisations in England and Wales, not finding individuals guilty or innocent.  Further investigations may be announced as the Inquiry progresses.

Here are a few articles which cover some of the heart-breaking testimony from child migrants:

01 March 2017:  “Abuse inquiry: Australian orphanage was ‘feast of kids'” & related articles

For those who are interested in following this inquiry you can access the link by scrolling down the right side column on Sylvia’s Site to the header “Links of Interest.”  The link to the IICSA is there.


Recently convicted child molester Father Robin Gwyn has a court date in Kingston, Ontario tomorrow morning:

Friday, 03 March 2017: 09:30 am, assignment court, Ontario Superior Court of Justice, 5 Court Street, Kingston

I’m not certain what will be happening here.  I believe that this court date relates to the offences to which he entered a guilty plea.  There has not been a sentencing hearing yet, so this may be to set a date for one?   We shall see.  Please keep the victims in your prayers.


There is a pre-trial hearing scheduled for Nathan Labatt on his Humboldt charges in Saskatoon tomorrow.  This is NOT open to the public.

Please keep the complainants in your prayers.


I have been trying in vain to get an update on the next court date for ex-priest and previously convicted molester  Donald Grecco. I shall try again tomorrow 🙂

Enough for now,


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