Two courtdates this week

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A reminder  that Father Jacques Faucher has two court dates this week, one in Gateineau Quebec on his breach charge, the other in Ottawa, Ontario on his sex abuse convictions:

(1)   Monday, 13 February 2017:  09:30 am, courtroom #5, Gatineau. Quebec (17 Rue Laurier)

(2)  Thursday, 16 February  2017:   2 pm, decision, Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)

Hopefully some of you who are French-speaking can make it to the Gatineau courthouse tomorrow morning to find out what happens with the breach charge.  I realize it may well be difficult to get there:  the weather is nasty – a fair bit of snow down already, and more to come overnight,  so, don’t take any foolish risks.

Please keep the victims in your prayers.

Enough for now,


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