Convicted molester Father Jacques Faucher is out and about again. A ragged and unshaven looking Faucher was spotted trotting along a street heading for home yesterday (08 Feb, ’17) carrying two paper bags, one in each hand.
By way of background, Faucher was foot-loose-and-fancy-free from the time he was charged, and remained so after he was convicted and – for the past year! – awaiting sentencing. Father Faucher’s freedom came to a halt 16 January of this year when he , was arrested and detained for breach of his release conditions. It seems that this convicted clerical molester had been making numerous trips to the children’s swimming pool in Aylmer, Quebec, and this in direct contravention of his release conditions. At the time of his arrest he was denied bail and ordered to remain in custody.
Well, for whatever reason, he’s now out and about ….just in time for the first of two imminent court dates! Father Faucher has the following two court dates on the horizon:
(1) On the breach charges (in Gatineau Quebec)
13 February 2017: 09:30 am, courtroom #5, Gatineau. Quebec (17 Rue Laurier)
(2) For sentencing on his sex abuse convictions (In Ottawa, Ontario):
16 February 2017: 2 pm, decision (on sentencing), Ottawa Ontario courthouse (161 Elgin St.)
Why anyone determined that he should be out is beyond me. Anyway, as I said, he is out. Let’s pray that, at least as of 16 February, he will be back where he belongs.
Please keep the victims in your prayers.
The next court date for previously convicted Viatorian priest Father Ronald Leger is:
02 March 2017: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom #302, Winnipeg Provincial courthouse (Main Floor, 408 York Ave.)
Please keep the victims in your prayers.
The following two postings of interest have been added:
06 February 2017: “Italian priest faces defrocking for church orgies, bishop says” & related articles
08 February 2017: “Ex-priest at center of Boston scandal indicted on 29 counts of sex abuse in Maine” & related articles
I made comment at the foot of each.
Enough for now,