Error in the name?

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The following three new documents have been added to the Father Ernest Archibald page:

07 June 1951:  Father Thomas Archbold body found

10 July 1939: Father Archbold (at Dog Creek) attends ordination ceremony St Marys

28 August 1937:  Father Thomas Archbold to become Pastor at Dog Creek (6 Clergy Named to New Charges by Archbishop)

As you see, a Father Thomas Archbold served in the Dog Creek Reserve, Manitoba from 1937 to his  death in 1951.

I do believe there is an error in the name of the priest.   I m looking into that.  I have also been advised that it would have been the Grey Nuns  who staffed the public school at Vogar, Manitoba.

I am still checking into this.  More to come as it gets sorted out.

Next, will post some information regarding new charges laid against Father Omer Desjardins omi

Enough for now,


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