I will leave it at that

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The name of Father Ernest Archibald has been added to the Accused list.

As you can see, I have very very little information on this priest.  I have been searching and searching.  Hopefully I will be able to get to the library in the not too distant future to check some of the older Catholic Church Directories.

Note too the allegations against a Sister Clara.  According to the lawsuit Sister Clara was a a member of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate of Manitoba.  The Oblates of Mary Immaculate is an order of priests and brothers.  It’s difficult to keep track of the many orders, but, as I mention on the page, I think that maybe Sister Clara was with the the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and of Mary Immaculate, more commonly known as the Missionary Oblates of St. Boniface)

If any one has any info please pass it along.

Meanwhile, I commend the Plaintiff for speaking up.  He’s now in his 80s – a long time to live with the pain.  Please keep him in your prayers.


Those int he Ottawa area, mark your calendars.

The next court date for Father Barry McGrory is:

11 January 2017:  08:30 am. he is to show in person – “to be spoken to,”  courtroom #5, Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)

Note that Father McGrory is to be there in person.

Please keep the victims and complainants in your prayers.


Several months ago I received word that a Father John Duffy, a priest with the Archdiocese of Toronto, had been suspended.  After doing a bit of research I decided , for a variety of reasons, to wait and watch as things unfolded.

I will now make a few comments about this matter and leave it at that.

 An online petition in defence of Father Duffy garnered over 700 signatures.  There were allegations from supporters that some parishioners had spread false rumours about Father Duffy after he conducted an audit of the books at Sacred Heart in Uxbridge.

There were also allegations that after Father Duffy had learned of a scandal within in the Church and brought it to the attention of the Archdiocese he, Father Duffy, was treated as being unsound and unstable.   When the truth in the matter re the alleged scandal prevailed there was allegedly no apology from the diocese.

Father Duffy launched a lawsuit, allegedly to defend his name, honour and reputation.  Father Duffy was then suspended.  Then, as I understand it, following a mediation session,  Fr. Duffy decided to retire from active ministry, effective July 13, 2015.

Google “John Duffy”  “priest” “Toronto” to get a better idea as to what  this is all about.

On 06 December I received word that on 18 October 2016 Father Duffy had been issued a “Celebret Card ” by  His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins .

To make a long story short, I wanted to verify the news.  An email was sent to Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop John Boissonneau asking the following:

  1.  Did Father Duffy receive a Celebret Card on or about 18 October 2016?
  2. Does Father Duffy have ‘faculties’ to hear confessions, say Mass and/or give homilies in the Archdiocese of Toronto?
  3. Has the July 2015 suspension ‘imposed’ on Father Duffy by the Archdiocese been revoked/lifted?
  4. Is Father Duffy still retired?
  5. Is Father Duffy serving as priest in any capacity in the Archdiocese of Toronto?

Yesterday (05 January 2017) I received the following from Neil MacCarthy,  Director, Public Relations & Communications:

Regarding the status of Fr. Duffy, I can confirm that Fr. John Duffy is a priest in good standing of the Archdiocese of Toronto, and his leaving of the parish was in no way related to any moral or financial impropriety.

Not all questions answered, but Father Duffy is now a “priest in good standing,” and, according to Mr. MacCarthy “his leaving of the parish was in no way related to any moral or financial impropriety. ”  Barring receipt of further information, I will leave it that.


The following article was published in the Ottawa Citizen back in 2002:

Aylmer parish divided over porn accusations

Ottawa Citizen

20 December 2002

Bob Harvey and Anne-Sophie Dumetz.

Strange or what?

For those who have been inquiring, Father Joy-Paul Kallikattukudy is a priest from India,  ordained 1987, probably for the Diocese of Jamshedpur in Jharkhand, India.  He came to Canada to study canon law at Ottawa’s St. Paul University.  In 2001 he replaced Father William Marravee as Pastor at St. Mark’s Roman Catholic Church in Aylmer Quebec (across the river from Ottawa, Ontario).  In 2010  Father Kallikattukudy had relocated to Stephenville, Newfoundland.  He is now incardinated in the Diocese of Corner Brook Labrador and Administrator at the Cathedral in Labrador City.

Enough for now,


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is extremely difficult to sort out whether (1) the allegations of one camp that the archdiocese dismissed  Father Duffy’s report of  a scandal of some sort  and Duffy was ‘treated’ as ‘unsound and unstable’   or, (2)  there were allegations against Father Duffy which were apparently  of such serious nature that the archdiocese opted to strip him of his faculties and suspend him.

Father Duffy makes reference to allegations, but negates to specify what they are.  Father’s many supporters claim that his “good name and reputation has been badly tainted.”  An online petition garnered slightly over 700 signatures.  According to one of those petitions, some parishioners took exception to Father Duffy auditing the books at Sacred Heart in Uxbridge, went to the archdiocese and ” spread false rumours about Fr. John.”

According to the archdiocese, a  lawsuit launched by Father Duffy against Archbishop Tom Collins went to mediation and  Fr. Duffy decided to retire from active ministry, effective July 13, 2015.


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1 Response to I will leave it at that

  1. Frank says:

    What happened to Fr. Duffy sounds very similar to what happened to Fr. Derek Pedersen and Fr. Anthony Musaala. When will the Church face and stand up for the truth? When will the Church protect whistleblowers instead of suspending and constructively dismissing them? When will religious corporations which derive the benefits and privileges of corporations in society be held to the same level of corporate responsibility regarding their “employees”? When will the Justice system, the Human Rights Commission and the Labour laws within Canada protect priests like Fr. Duffy and Fr. Derek Pedersen against Bishops who abuse their authority and power to cover up criminal or religious scandals?

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