What is going on?

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There are two court dates today:

(1)  Marcel Lalonde   (Former teacher, Cornwall, Ontario.  Previously charged and  convicted three times.  New charges laid February 2014.  Allegations of sex abuse against Lalonde and the subsequent police investigations – or lack thereof  – of those charges was the subject of much testimony at the Cornwall Public Inquiry. The current charges date to the Fall of 1989.  The botched Cornwall Police Service investigation into other allegations against Lalonde was January 1989.  Lalonde was a Lalonde was a good friend of  Ken Seguin an ex-seminarian turned probation officer at the heart of the Cornwall sex abuse scandal who committed suicide when . )

Marcel Lalone has a court date today:

Monday, 12 December 2016:  10 am,  unsure what is happening here, but there is a court date for this date, and the previously scheduled four-day trial is no longer on the books

According to the court docket. today’s court date is marked a |”TRIAL.”    Initially this was to be a four-day trial.  Then news there was no longer a four-day trial.   As I mentioned before I had previously been told that it was for “arraignment,”  which , without further information, made no sense. Then I was told it was for trial, but that there was only one day booked.     The Cornwall Crown’s office directed me to the Brockville Crown’s office.  The Brockville Crown’s office advised that I would be provided with a  contact number for someone in Toronto who would answer my questions .  That contact number was never provided.

I had planned to attend today.  I really really did want to be there to find out first hand exactly what is happening.  Alas, bad weather has changed my plans.  It’s just too long a drive with several stretches of bad road to risk the run.  I hope and pray the local media will cover this and put out some information.

It certainly seems that an ‘outside’ Crown was called in to try to try to allay concerns regarding real or perceived conflict of interest?  Given that these charges postdate the thoroughly ‘botched’ investigation and cover-up I think that is highly possible?

Why ONE day rather than four?  A  plea deal?  What is going on?

If anyone sees or hears anything at all please pass on the news.

Please keep the complainant in your prayers.

(2) Nathan Labatt (Former youth volunteer with Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan Youth Ministry.  Also volunteered with the Ukrainian Catholic Church and assisted at camps.  Former Boy Scout leader.  Facing charges in three Saskatchewan jurisdictions)

Nathan Labatt has a court date in Yorkton, Saskatchewan today:

Monday 12 December  2016:  09:30 am,  “to be spoken to”  Yorkton, Saskatchewan, courthouse (120 Smith St. E)

Labbatt’s trial on the Kamasack charges was held 20-24 November.   There has been no verdict.   I’m not sure what this date is for.

Anyway, there is a court date in Yorkton today.  Hopefully there will be media in attendance today to keep us abreast of what is happening.

If anyone picks up any news of what is happening please post a comment and/or pass on a link.

Enough for now,


This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Canada, Child porn, Circling the wagons, Cornwall, Non clerical RC sexual predators, Scandal, Trials and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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