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- bc on Rivoire: Father Joannes Rivoire omi
- bc on Rivoire: Father Joannes Rivoire omi
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- Anonymous on McRae: Father Angus McRae
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- bc on Leger: Father Camille Leger
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- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Anonymous on It’s nearly ‘over’
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- Phil Johnson on Sander: Father Placidus Sander osb
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- UIOGD on Sander: Father Placidus Sander osb
- bc on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
- bc on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Phil Johnson on It’s nearly ‘over’
- Mark ONeill on Sander: Father Placidus Sander osb
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- Phil Johnson on Judge OKs another class action lawsuit alleging sexual abuse by priests at Clercs de St-Viateur
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- “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world…”
- Prayers please
- It’s nearly ‘over’
- Court reserves decision in Father MacKenzie extradition review
- “Unravelling church secrets – The Fifth Estate” & “Prey” a TVO documentary
- Prey (the documentary)
- Extraditions
- Basilian Fathers lose appeal
- Chaldeon priest who made a “mistake” off to prison
Links of Interest
- Abuse of Minors: The Church's response
- Australian Royal Commission
- Bishop Accountability
- Cornwall and the Cornwall Public Inquiry
- IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales
- International Clergy Sexual Abuse Monitor
- Ken Hills Blogspot
- Monsignor Bernard Prince website
- N.Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry
- Special Commission of Inquiry into matters relating to the Police investigation of certain child sexual abuse allegations in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
- Vicoria Australia Parliamentray Inquiry
Monthly Archives: December 2016
The Father Lindo Molon page has been added. As you see, there are huge gaps. I have been told by one source that Father Molon was sent to Ontario shortly after he was reported in the mid 70s, and that … Continue reading
Any assistance welcome
A name to be added to the Accused lists: Father Lindo Molon, also known as Father Erlindo M. Molon. I’m working at getting what info can be found together. Father Molon, ordained in 1959, has been living in/serving in the … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Bishops, Canada, Scandal
Tagged British Columbia, Kamloops Diocese, lawsuit, sex abuse allegations, teacher
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Nearly home…
Nearly home! Weather has been with us 🙂 the stomach flu tore through the house right after Christmas – of 6 adults and nine children only two were spared. Thankfully although it hit hard and fast it was over within … Continue reading
Posted in Clerical sexual predators
It`s Christmas Day….
We had a safe trip to the Sates earlier this week – no encounters with school buses on route. A good trip : The days have been full since arrival. Cooking. Shopping. Card games. Lots of fun. Moe family arrived last … Continue reading
Preliminary hearing
Nathan Labatt has a preliminary hearing in Humboldt Saskatchewan on his Humboldt charges today: 19 December 2016: Preliminary hearing, Humboldt courthouse, Humboldt, Sask (805 8th Avenue) As always, there will be a publication ban on all testimony and evidence, … Continue reading
Administrative stuff
Father Robin Gwyn has a court date tomorrow: Friday 16 December 2016: 09:30 am, Assignment Court, Ontario Superior Court of Justice, 5 Court Street, Kingston It is highly doubtful that he will be coming back to Ontario for this. This … Continue reading
A Hamilton native
First, the court dates: (1) Father Ronald Leger csv Previously convicted Viatorian priest Father Ronald Leger csv had a court date on his new set of charges this afternoon in Winnipeg, Manitoba. 13 December 2016: 1 pm (1300 hrs), courtroom … Continue reading
Posted in Accused or charged, Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese, Bishops, Canada, Clerical sexual predators, Cornwall, Non clerical RC sexual predators, Scandal, Trials
Tagged Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese, Archdiocese of Regina, Cornwall, Ontario, Preliminary Hearing, Saskatchewan, Trial, Viatorian, Yorkton
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What is going on?
There are two court dates today: (1) Marcel Lalonde (Former teacher, Cornwall, Ontario. Previously charged and convicted three times. New charges laid February 2014. Allegations of sex abuse against Lalonde and the subsequent police investigations – or lack thereof – … Continue reading
Hope someone can attend
A reminder that Nathan Labatt has a court date in Regina, Saskatchewan this afternoon: 08 December 2016: 2 pm, courtroom #1, 163.1 (3) and 163.1 (4) “adjourned by case management,” Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St. I’m not quite sure what … Continue reading
A misunderstanding?
Thank you to those of you who sent links regarding news that the OPP will not be charging Father Bill Moloney. So very much appreciated. Here is the coverage to date: 05 December 2016: “No charges for Peterborough priest; diocese … Continue reading