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Here is an update on court dates.  There are a few more which I will pursue and hopefully be able to post tomorrow:

(1)  Father Yvon Arsenault (Archdiocese of Moncton, New Brunswick)

Yes, the charges in the Miramichi were indeed transferred to Moncton New Brunswick and became part of the Moncton ‘plea deal’/guilty plea.

The motions court date scheduled in the Miramichi for 03 January 2017 has been cancelled, as has a three-day-trial which had been tentatively scheduled in the Miramichi for 21-24 February 2017

There were three charges laid in the Miramichi.  I am unable to find out how many victims there are from the Miramichi, but according to media Father Arsenault entered guilty pleas to two charges for abuse which transpired in Colette, N.B.  Collette is within the jurisdiction of the Miriamichi court house.

The next court date for Father Arsenault is:

24 February 2017: sentencing hearing, Moncton Courthouse Moncton NB (45 Assumption Blvd)

Please keep the many Arsenault victims in your prayers.

(2) Father Robyn Quinton Gwyn (Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario)

The Father Gwyn case goes to assignment court this month  to set a date for a sentencing hearing.  I will try calling this week to see if that date (assignment court)  has been set yet.

(3)  Donald Grecco (Ex priest, formerly with the Diocese of St. Catharine’s,  Ontario)

The next date for ex-priest and previously convicted child molester Donald Grecco is:

21 December 2016:  10 am, “to be spoken to,”  courtroom #6, Robert S. K. Welch St Catharine’s courthouse, St. Catharine’s, Ontario (59 Church St.)

Please keep the many Grecco victims in your prayers.

(4)  Jessica Beraldin (Archdiocese of Ottawa, Ontario)

The next court date for former Ottawa Catholic school teacher Jessica Beraldin is:

14  November 2016: 08:30 am, “to be spoken to,”  courtroom #5, Ottawa courthouse (161 Elgin St.)

Please keep the complainant in your prayers


In case you missed, the following two articles of particular interest were posted earlier today:

(1)  01 November 2016:  “Cardinal Pell says he won’t yet respond to criticism of his evidence on paedophile priest” & related articles

(2)  29 October 2016:  “Connecticut suit accuses another Legion of Christ priest of sex abuse” & related articles

Enough for now,


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