Any help greatly appreciated

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The next court date for Nathan Labatt, former youth volunteer with the Archdiocese of Regina Saskatchewan’s Youth Ministry is:

10 November 2016:  09:30 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #1, Regina courthouse (1815 Smith St.)

This is for his REGINA charges.  He is facing charges in Regina, Kamsack and Humboldt.

Please keep the complainants in your prayers.


This article posted earlier today:

10 October 2016:  Clergy abuse victim furious over diocesan ‘stonewalling’

A disgrace!   I had my say at the foot of the article.


I have been working on getting information  on Fathers Normand Dugas,  Arthur Gallien and Ubald Theriault.  Once the information I can lay my hands on is pulled together  each name will be added to the Accused list with  a link to a page with further information.

Any help is greatly appreciated 🙂  For those do find info online please include the url of the page.  And pictures are needed.


I hope and pray that you each had a good Thanksgiving weekend.  Good food.  Time with family and.or friends.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday.  Scrumptious turkey (it had been brined in salt, water vegetable juice and whatever else went into the mix).  Oh my goodness it was delicious:  so moist, and full of flavour!  We had a doggie bag to bring home, so another feed of turkey and trimmings for supper last night 🙂  It was every bit as good as the night before.  Next time I cook a turkey I think I will trying bringing!

And, on that note, back to work on the latest additions to the Accused list…

Enough for now,



This entry was posted in Accused or charged, Administrative, Canada, Non clerical RC sexual predators, Scandal, Trials and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Any help greatly appreciated

  1. Sylvia says:

    The “Timothy Kiomall and The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation for the Diocese of Toronto, in Canada” settled out of court 12 September 2016.

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