The latest news….
(1) Father Ronald Leger csv (convicted molester, former student and then teacher at Cornwall Ontario’s now defunct Classical College, Viatorian priest)
One of Father Leger’s victims has launched a lawsuit:
06 July 2016: St. Boniface archdiocese sued over alleged abuse coverup
06 July 2016: Former Winnipeg priest Ronald Léger, archdiocese sued by sex assault victim
Note that the victim is only 22- or 24-years-old. I say “only” because it is so rare to read or hear of a male victim so young coming forward. While there is nothing ever good about any child being sexually abused by a priest, it really is good to see one so young speak up and pursue justice. Well done!
Note too that Leger had had contact with the boy from the time the child was a toddler, and that the priest began to ‘mentor’ the child, and then, after all of those years of that self-serving ‘friendship,’ when that little boy was all of 12 years-of-age, the abuse began.
Grooming. All of those years, waiting, … and grooming.
Please keep that young man in your prayers as the lawsuits winds its way along.
(2) Father Denis Vaillancurt (former Chancellor, Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario)
I am awaiting a call back with Father Vaillancourt’s next court date. All being well I should get a call in the morning.
Please keep the complainant in your prayers.
(4) Father Bernard Robert (former Capuchin friar who eventually became incardinated in the Diocese of London, Ontario)
Thanks to a reader a new picture of a very young Father Bernard Robert has been added. The picture dates to 1853, three years after Robert was ordained.
I have also been told that Robert served as Vocations Director at St Francis Minor Seminary, Blenheim, Ontario from 1951-53.
Please keep the many victims of Father Robert in your prayers.
(5) White Fathers in Vanier, Ontario
I have been tracking information on the White Fathers in Ottawa. I hadn’t realized that the order had large scholasticate in the Vanier (part of Ottawa) for many years. In fact, young men from around the world who joined the White Fathers studied at the scholisticate and, after ordination to the priesthood, left to serve as missionaries in Africa.
As far as I can tell, the scholasticate closed in 197o. Eventually the huge building was levelled, but a large swath of land which was once occupied by the priests was turned into a park. The sugar shack established by the priests and brothers years ago is still operational.
This is all part of trying to sort out if indeed the Victor Phelan at Ottawa’s Blessed Sacrament Church in the late 60s is the same Father Victor Phelan who was identified as a molester in a 2013 lawsuit in the States.
I am awaiting contact from someone before adding a page, but truly have now reached a point where it all makes sense that Phelan was actually in Ottawa, and was here before his ordination to the priesthood, and was thought to have been a priest with the White Fathers. I am now quite certain this is one and the same Victor Phelan. All being well I should be able to post the information I have tomorrow.
(6) Nathan Labatt (Former youth volunteer with the Archdiocese of Regina, Saskatchewan Youth Ministry, boys scout leader and volunteer Ukrainian Catholic Church.)
A reminder that the three-day- TRIAL of Nathan Labatt starts next week in Kamasack, Saskatchewan:
12-14 July 2016: 09:30 am, TRIAL, Kamsack, Saskatchewan, courthouse, 120 Smith St. E., Kamsack, Saskatchewan (booked for three days)
Unfortunately Kamasack is a bit out of the way for many with an interest in this trial. I hope and pray that some of you will be able to get there, if not for the while trial, at least for a day.
Please mark your calendars. And, please keep the complainants in your prayers.
Enough for now,