The Father Timothy O’Connor page has been added. As you can see, the information which I have on this priest is rather sparse. It is the strangest thing, but when I google his name I find nothing. Absolutely nothing. I even tried to track down articles in the Bracebridge Examiner. I was sure there would have been a few lines in the local paper back around 01 August 1992 when the local Catholic priest was charged. And for sure another line or two around 21 October 1994 when the local priest entered a guilty plea. But, no, – there was nothing in the Examiner around the time of the charge or conviction.
Perhaps in the Peterborough Examiner? Does anyone have any ideas?
Does anyone remember anything at all about Father Timothy O’Conner! I have been told that he violated his probation, and, either fearing or facing jail, fled the country for Mexico. Now that would surely have made him a fugitive, would it not?
It’s all a bit strange. I will pursue this further next week. In the meantime, anyone with any information please send it along.
I was unable to get the next court date for Father Denis Vaillancourt today – will get and post it tomorrow for sure.
Is there any media coverage from the Father Gary Hoskins proceedings in Corner Brook Newfoundland today? Any news at all?
Thanks to the kind offer and then assistance of a dear friend the page of Canadian Bishops contact information was finally updated today. With the exception of the Province of Quebec, the names addresses and contact information for every bishop is current. If anyone needs information on a Quebec bishop please let me know and it will be added.
Phone and internet problems today 🙁 There was terrible noise on the phone line, and internet connection kept dropping. Two men from Ma Bell showed up at different times – lots of head scratching. The problem, I am told, will be fixed up tomorrow. I’m thinking perhaps whatever jiggling around was done may have done something good, at least with he internet. There has not been a single drop connection for the past two hours 🙂 I’m not sure what’s happening with the phone – crossing fingers it will be fully functional tomorrow.
Enough for now,
I just found news on NTV. Another delay! I will post coverage.
Keep the complainant in your prayers, Another disappointment