There are several new postings of interest:
(1) Mount Cashel
Updates on the civil trial currently under way in St. John’s Newfoundland. The court battle continues to hold the Archdiocese of St. John’s accountable for the countless atrocities which was perpetrated by the Christian Brothers on numerous young Roman Catholic boys at Mount Cashel orphanage in the archdiocese:
18 April 2016: Court will hear one voice from Hughes Inquiry
19 April 2016: Expert witness at Mount Cashel civil trial up in the air
And, for the benefit of those who want to go deeper, Volume One of th4e Hughes Commission Report. I had it posted on, but that document had not as yet been re-posted (I haven’t worked on the site for quite some time now – hopefully I will be able to get back to re-building it in the not too distant future) . So here it is:
1992: Mount Cashel – Hughes Commission Report Volume One
(2) Mark Rozzi
On the one hand a sad, but on the other amazing, account of one victim’s battle to see justice done. A reminder to us all that one person truly can make a difference. What a courageous man. Such perseverance:
19 April 2016: He was raped by a priest as a teen — 30 years later, he’s getting justice
As you can see, I just had to post it 🙂
(3) Father Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul
And here comes the bad news. The news is about a month old, but this truly had to be posted.
Here we have a Vatican-approved lifting of a suspension on an Indian priest who molested in the United States , was recycled back to his native land, and now has his suspension lifted:
11 February 2016: “ Indian bishop lifts convicted priest’s suspension“ & related article
The man should be out of the priesthood. Out.
What, oh what, is it that so many of our Church officials fail to understand about the very biblical millstones?
A disgrace.
A scandal.
A betrayal.
I have been out of sorts for a bit of a spell. Slowly but surely I will get back on track 🙂
Enough for now.
RE: Father Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul
It is now clear that Pope Francis mislead the faithful when he proclaimed that there was no room for perverts within the clergy. Father Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul
plead guilty. There is no reasonable debate about him being a convicted child molester. The Church’s message is very clear: the Roman Catholic Church is a great lifestyle opportunity for child molesters even when they are convicted child molestors.
It is also evident that Pope Francis mislead the faithful when he promised more financial transparency and accountability for the Church`s finances. An external audit, the very first of it`s kind for the Church which was being conducted by Price Waterhouse Coopers, was suspended yesterday for very obscure reasons; actually no good reason whatsoever.
We`re dealing with an entity which tolerates and welcomes perverts and we`re dealing with a rogue state which has time and time again been condemned for it`s financial malfeasance and it`s money laundering ties with organised criminal groups.
Pope Francis was only a public relations stunt designed to buy the Church some time to damage control it`s scandals. He is a vain attention seeking prima donna and indeed he has merchandised humility itself for his own personal glory. And they will be studying and teaching in advertising seminars how Pope Francis pulled it off; for decades.