The next court-date for ex-priest, previously convicted and currently incarcerated child molester Donald Grecco is:
26 April 2016: 09:00 am, “to be spoken to,” courtroom #2, Robert S. K. Welch St Catharine’s courthouse, St. Catharine’s, Ontario (59 Church St.)
Please keep the complainant and all Grecco victims in your prayers.
Previously convicted child molester Father Gary Hoskins had a court date in Corner Brook, Newfoundland this morning:
06 April 2016: 10 am, application related to trial, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
As you see, this was an application related to the pending trial. The two-day trial is scheduled for:
25 – 26 April 2016: 10 am, TRIAL, Corner Brook Superior Court (81 Mt. Bernard Avenue.)
I wil check tomorrow or Friday to ensure that the trial dates still stand.
Please keep the complainant and all Hoskins victims in your prayers,
Two more articles have been posted on the Father Roger Rinfret website:
08 April 1980: Huge crowd attends slain priests funeral (Accused/Accused R-Z/Rinfret: Father Roger Rinfret)
17 July 1980: Slain priest was target of robbery
Note that Bishop Adolphe Proulx was then the Bishop of Hull. Those familiar with the Cornwall Sex abuse scandal and cover-up may recall that, prior to his assignment to Hull (1967) , Proulx was Bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria (now Alexandria-Cornwall, and that his secretary and Master of Ceremonies was Gilles Deslaurier who , like Proulx, landed in Alexandria from the Diocese of Sault Ste Marie. It is said that there was an ‘intimate’ relationship between the pair.
In 1986, Delauriers, ordained to the priesthood by Proulx in 1970, entered guilty pleas to charges related to sexual abuse of young boys. By then his ‘mentor’ and dear friend Bishop Proulx had been installed (1974) as Bishop of Hull (Gatineau-Hull) .
In point of fact, before police were notified and charges were laid, but after Bishop Larocques was made aware that Deslaurier was a molester, Proulx kindly took his good friend into the Hull Diocese . And then, after Deslaurier was caught saying Mass in Hull and angered parents went to police and charges were laid and Deslaurier entered a guilty plea, Proulx kindly told the judge that he, Proulx, would keep an eye on Deslaurier! Deslaurier received two years probation, reporting to his probation officer and Bishop Proulx. Newspapers of the day reported that the judge said Proulx ‘offer to watch over Deslaurier “indicates a confidence he has in the future of this person.”
Proulx died in July 1987 at the age of 59. According to the coroner’s report the bishop’s death was “an accidental drowning caused by asphyxiation during a hypoglycaemic attack.” According to many other sources throughout the dioceses of Alexandria and Hull and the neighbouring Archdiocese of Ottawa, Proulx was found dead in a few inches of water at his sister’s cottage, – castrated, with certain body parts in his mouth.
My gut feel is that the Father Roger Rinfret murder was another dirty rotten mess amidst, without a doubt, a host of cover-ups!
Enough for now,