The following two legal documents have just been posted related to the Father Jacques Faucher sex abuse trial:
21 March 2016: Reasons for Judgment re allowing testimony of some complainants at Father Jacques Faucher to be used as similar fact evidence at trial (English via google translation with original French text attached)
22 March 2016: Reasons for Judgment re allowing detective interview of Father Jacques Faucher into evidence at trial (English via google translation with original French text attached)
Both documents have been put through googe translate. As you know, that can wind up with some pretty messy translations 🙁 I am about to go through and correct the obvious errors and will then post. When I post, I will make note that the translated versions have been posted and will comment.
That done I will get back to getting information and a page together for Father Roger Rinfret, the priest from the Ottawa Archdiocese who. as I mentioned yesterday, was murdered in 1980.
Enough for now,
PS I have just substituted links above to the English google translations with attached original French text